Mega-Banks Plan to Steal Your Money -- Iran Will be Blamed

Rain's picture

Source:, 10/2/12

After the US banks allegedly received a warning to prepare for total collapse, and all legal bank deposit protections have been pulled off, I've stumbled across more bad news.

According to Susanne Posel (Chief Editor of Occupy Corporatism), the mega-banks are planning to steal our money, collapse the US dollar, and blame everything on Iran.

The Golden Age Daily ~ Merging The Joy Of Activity With The Peace Of Stillness

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October 3, 2012



The Golden Age Daily
As the days of this incredible and transformative year pass, we are discovering more and more of that which brings us joy in our daily activities. Talents, skills, ideas long hidden or boxed up are arriving to be implemented as useful, manifesting tools. In addition to this invigorating flux of Divine Creativity, we are finding increasing peace within. Even just a short meditation expands into an infinite moment of stillness in the Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent Being of Source.  We have done immense and commendable work on cleansing and releasing all that which has been hampering our connection to Spirit, and support from all levels and layers of the Spiritual Realms are flowing in at an all-time high! Can you feel the excitement?! It’s familiar to the feeling of graduating high school and stepping into the next level of experience, be it acquiring more advanced knowledge in a specific field of interest or going out into the world and being of service in ways that fulfill ourselves and those with whom we share this beautiful sphere.

Archangel Indriel. ~ Remain Centered In Your Heart. ~ By, Bella Capozzi

Lia's picture

 October 3, 2012.

Dearest Children of the Light, I am Indriel, beloved compatriot and guiding presence.  You are so loved,  and it is of this I choose to remind you.  I seek this fine day to commend you on the work you have done thus far.  I know you have not had an easy go of it, not by any stretch of the imagination.  Yet here you are still.  You continue, onward and upwards.  There have been innumerable stumbling-blocks along the way, yet never have you once allowed yourself to be dissuaded.  You sometimes falter and there are times you question both yourself and your mission.  Of course you do!  It is quite natural, and it is just as natural for you to quickly recover yourselves and soldier on.  No matter how rough the journey has been and regardless of the depth of challenge that awaits you in the days to come-know that it is not in you to quit.  You are the forerunners of a brand new society, a brand new race in a sparkling new land.   You are leading the way for the occupants of that new society to evolve and find their way home.  Most amazingly, you operate without open access to your true abilities and tools, and are blazing that trail without the benefit of maps or clearcut directions.  Do you understand now how perfectly magnificent you are?

Interesting Night

Cherie's picture

I had an interesting night last night. I have been going to sleep with a meditation on you tube. I had problems sleeping due to the energy but sometime in the night the youtube started talking with the same voice saying they were spirit and I would regain my abilities and was part of God, etc. Everything that I have learned. I woke up enough to know it wasn't my imagination or a dream. I went to the ladies room and came back and it was music. The video continued to play but I didn't stay awake long enough to hear the whole video (hour long) last night but it kept replaying then. It sure felt like an angel speaking to me. Has anyone had a Youtube replay automatically?

The transmutation and “cleansing” phase of the lower and mid astral plane / 4th density is under way

Phil Rowen's picture

                     RED GALACTIC EARTH  

 3 October 2012

By Red Galactic Earth

Over the last few weeks and days, it has come to my understanding through direct experience that the beings on the astral plane are resolving any karma and any old psychological wounds, just as we have been and are still doing.

The astral plane is the place we go to after our physical body dies and the holographic image or “ghost*” of our being goes to, in order to solve any unresolved issues collected in that life time and sometimes previous life times too.

There are various levels or ‘bandwidths’ of the astral density and I believe that just as the higher vibrational light is entering the physical world , so too does it enter through the astral.

Brenda Hoffman – Accelerate Your New Joy Cells – 3 October 2012

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Brenda Hoffman – Accelerate Your New Joy Cells – 3 October 2012

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s September 30, 2012 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  You Wayshowers/Lightworkers have moved beyond the halfway point on the pain/joy spectrum. Your new role is to expect and accept joy so others will know it is possible.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for ”The Universes are Showering You With Joy”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show presents different channeled material than “Brenda’s Blog” even though both might be about a similar topic.

Dear Ones,

Many of you believe your life is little different from what was true a few weeks ago. Others of you continue to wait for any sign of joy or light.

Please remember that even though joy energy is now readily available, your inner-being is accepting joy at a pace correct for your physical being. Those of you who wish to live your dream life now think that such a statement is a ‘bait and switch’ – we promised joy and you are not necessarily sensing what we promised.

Even though you are experiencing more joy than was true a few weeks ago, you are not yet accustomed to noticing that joy.

We have told you that the amount of joy you experience has much to do with your perceptions. And so it is. But in addition to learning new perceptional techniques, the Universes and your inner-being have collaborated to create joy cells within your being.

Visionkeeper: Swirling energies…Short thoughts

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Swirling energies…Short thoughts

Posted on October 3, 2012

The incoming energies are intense these days and swirling about us like the dry autumn leaves in a puff of wind. We must not get caught up in the drama of them. We can view them from afar, feel them in our own bodies, but stay away from the drama of others playing out wildly right now. A great many folks are feeling the instability as their realities begin to move and slip away from beneath them and they are acting out the insecurities they are feeling. The energies are powerful at the moment and are assisting us in the changes we are creating within ourselves and for the new world that is soon to come. It is best to make the effort to go with the flow of these energies and not try to resist them. They can be exhausting to the physical body as well as emotionally, but they are greatly needed. Learn to swirl about with them, dance in the wind with them like the autumn leaves and be uplifted by them for they are bringing in the light we need to continue on with our journey. Marvel at their abilities to bring about change, do not fear them, be thankful for their presence and embrace them. They are speeding up the process we are going through and should be welcomed by us all for what they bring to us. Thank them and know we are well on our way to our long awaited freedom and release to finally be who we have always wanted to be. Rejoice! Blessings to all….VK

The Dolphin Collective ~~Our dimensional Self in Sirius B ~

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The Dolphin Collective ~~Our dimensional Self in Sirius B ~~

by Love Reporter Méline Lafont 03/10/2012





Greetings, lovely ones. We are most grateful for this opportunity to once again step forward to share our loving energies with all of you. We would like to talk about our numerous incarnations here on Earth and in other Dimensions. We are only known by you as the dolphin species, the ever smiling, giggling  creatures having a heart full of warmth and Love. We nod and confirm this heartily for we truly are indeed always smiling, we are happy and are joyously going through life. Nothing is too insignificant for us and nothing escapes our Love, as we genuinely love everything and everyone from the bottom of our hearts. Of course we experience some grief, in certain degrees, but that doesn’t stop us to consider the reality that we are all One and, as a consequence, are supposed to love and to forgive each other because we are in essence pieces and aspects of each other. To not love, to not forgive equals to not loving, not forgiving yourself. Don’t let these feelings take the better of you and do just as we do : remain loving in all circumstances, no matter what.


To Love and to forgive are very important, and we apply this on a daily basis with regards to humanity, our brethren, whose hearts originate from Love, despite the many deeds to the contrary. We are fully aware that many deeds are in fact done in despair and are misdirected. Those deeds are linked to you through the many illusions still rampant on this planet. Just like you we are thrilled by the upcoming actual transition into the new and Loving world. And we are in the process of arriving there, my lovely ones, we are almost there, just hold on a little while longer and always remain in Love!

SaLuSa, October 3, 2012

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SaLuSa, October 3, 2012

As you are undoubtedly noting, the unrest amongst the worlds population is spreading. The people are not prepared to suffer any longer for the indiscretions of the Bankers, who have caused such severe austerity measures to be brought into the countries involved. The governments are fearful of the power of the people, and know that if they persist they will be forced to find another solution to the problems. In the long run, debt forgiveness is the complete answer, but you will have to wait and see if that realization is accepted. You the people have been deliberately kept in need due to the intention to the Illuminati to make you dependent on them. This way they have been able to dictate exactly how your lives have progressed.

The Acceleration Point and YOUR Music Notes!

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There is a part of the fullness of yesterday that is just lingering here in front of my vision.  So I will start by sharing that.  It was a continuation from the meditation I had a couple days ago where I was about 13-14 years old, looking exactly like a school picture I had seen of myself at my fathers, standing on a sundial.  Yesterday’s meditation started out in the same place, young me on a sun dial, wearing the exact same clothes I had on in that school picture, only instead of standing I was now kneeling to the right side of a sundial that was slowly moving left or clockwise.  I am going to share this 70′s photo of me with you (yikes.)


The manuscript of survival – part 204

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The manuscript of survival – part 204


 •October 3, 2012 • 

As the time passes and the gears shift, you will all feel the increase in activity now that the end of the cycle is coming to an end. A usual, this is not meant as a portent of doom and gloom, only as a reminder that you are passing out from the shadows of the old and entering the bright light of tomorrow. Let us explain.

As we have stated on so many earlier occasions, mankind have been thoroughly programmmed to see any change for the better as the opposite, namely a shift into dire straits without any hope for salvation. Hence, the multitude of doomsday sayers that so loudly declare that mankind is heading for destruction. And as this year by many has been labelled ”the year of armageddon”, everything is certainly heating up. Especially in these channels, that is, the electronic web that connects the world.


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