~You are all~knowing, you are all-seeing, you are total divine awareness~

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~You are all~knowing, you are all-seeing, you are total divine awareness~



October 23, 2011

Humanity’s awakening process is gaining momentum as increasing numbers of you focus on adopting attitudes that are in alignment with the divine energy field enveloping you all. By doing this you allow your hearts to open and receive the abundance of divine Love that surrounds you at all times, like the air you breathe. Like the air you breathe, when you open your hearts to receive It, It flows through you, receives the imprint of your individual energy signatures, and moves on to continue melding and mingling with Itself and with all others who are open to receive It. It is always with you; you just have to open your hearts to allow It in.

~Move into new dimensions of Love~

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Monday, 17 October, 2011  

The Gabriel Messages

#33 – Be willing to face the fears of the past and move into new dimensions of Love.




Dear One,

You have come to a time when you know that the way you have always perceived your world may seem like it is no longer working.  It may even feel as though your childhood traumas or other things from your past you are not proud of, are crowding into your present awareness.  This is a very good sign, because all memories come into your mind to be released, so that you can live in the present.  We encourage this release of past memories and fear so you will be able to move on with your life.  Whether you do this through prayer, personal journaling, talking to a friend or going through counseling, the important thing is to be willing to face the fears of the past, hold them in the light of loving awareness, and then let them go.

~The most effective way you can prepare for your awakening~

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~The most effective way you can prepare for your awakening~




As humanity’s time for being lost in the illusion of its collective, imaginary physical reality rolls towards its conclusion, continue to focus on your intent to change your unloving attitudes for the divine one of indiscriminate, unconditional love, and practice that at all times, allowing it to direct all your thoughts, words, and actions. This is the most profound and effective way that you can prepare for your grand awakening. Until you release attitudes of judgment and blame, and until you stop nurturing desires to see those whom you feel have offended, hurt, taken advantage of you or betrayed you, taken to task and punished for their misdeeds you will not awaken.


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First Contact is an operation that began in 1990 as a simple directive from the Sirian Regional Council; its scope was expanded when the Main Federation Council approved this action in 1991....


~First Contact & the Integration Protocol~

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~First Contact & the Integration Protocol~


Greetings Brothers and Sisters.


I received the following message from my source, Alpha Ship 102.

First contact is a multidimensional event operating beyond levels of human comprehension. The Ashtar Command acts as 'guardian body' of this operation to ensure and uphold the Principle of Free Will for all individual Souls involved in the Harvest.

Initially there will be direct contact with certain groups and individuals by their Star Families. These Terran Eagles will act as wayshowers, teachers and mentors to their earthly Brothers and Sisters enabling open Federation interaction with society without causing 'shock and awe', or in any way provoking a negative reaction.

This is the objective of the Integration Protocol.

~Discussion of NESARA Ascension Energy Tools Teleconference~

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~Discussion of NESARA
Ascension Energy Tools Teleconference~

Jody: "I've tried to read the petition. I've read it numerous times, and I don't quite fully grasp what it is. So I was wondering if you could say a few words about it. What are we signing?"


Elise: "OK, NESARA actually stands for National Economic Security and Reformation Act, and it's literally a law that has been signed in [the year] 2000, and it's under a gag order, so it cannot be revealed until it is publicly announced - it's in hiding. You can say it's cloaked from the mass public. And it actually forgives all credit cards, and bank debts, and mortgages. In fact, at the moment that it's announced, literally, the computers will zero out your credit card debt. It's because we've been abused. I don't know how else to say it, that we've been used and abused by bankers for fifty years, a hundred years."


Bliss is to be Our Reward for All Our Trials ~ Part 1~2

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Bliss is to be Our Reward for All Our Trials ~ Part 1~2


~Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow~ Some readers have expressed concern recently that they’ll leave the pleasures and pastimes of the Third Dimension behind without knowing what will take their place on the Fifth. Playing football, making love, listening to music – what will they do without them, if indeed they must leave them behind?

Let me offer an example to illustrate what the situation may be on the Fifth Dimension.

Supposing we were to have this conversation:

You: “I hear we won’t be working on the Fifth Dimension.”

~Everything The Media Told You About Occupy Wall Street Is Wrong~

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Everything The Media Told You About Occupy Wall Street Is Wrong

KeitKeith Boykinh Boykin, CNBC contributor, MSNBC commentator and former White House aide


After 10 days out of town, I finally made it to Occupy Wall Street on Tuesday and had a chance to see for myself what’s going on. My conclusion: almost everything the media told me about the protest is wrong.



Based on my observations, here’s what I consider the Top Ten Myths About Occupy Wall Street.

Myth #1. The Movement Is Violent.




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November 2011: Global TIMING Posted by Joyfulseer333; Carmelle Migliore :10~22~2011





There is no turning back, or, away from the awareness of the perspectives of the mass reorganization. ALL aspects of physical reality, and the beliefs that hold physical realities in place (for those Being participating in the collective holographic play yard), as TIME, and our Illusions within it, are steadily shifting out of the picture.

~The End of Time and the Cycles of the Mayan Calendar ~ Part 1

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~The End of Time and the Cycles of the Mayan Calendar ~ Part 1

~By Love Reporter  Peter Farley~



Everything science and the conscious person are dealing with right now has to do with the events surrounding the end of the Mayan Calendar, what the uninformed term the `end of the world' and what the informed know to just be the end of a very important cycle of time and the beginning of a new one.


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