Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

Palm Scanners To Pay For School Lunch At Moss Bluff Elementary Has Parents Up In Arms, Call It 'Mark Of The Beast'

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Huff Post
August 17, 2012

Moss Bluff Elementary School in Louisiana is looking to streamline lunch payments by implementing a palm vein scanner program, but some parents aren't pleased.

A letter to parents this week informed them of the new scanner that will allow the school's nearly 1,000 students to move through the lunch line faster and with fewer payment mistakes -- an issue that had arisen in the past, KPLC-TV reports.

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FDA caught running 'paranoid, retaliatory' institutionalized spying ring

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Natural News
Monday, August 20, 2012 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which has been explicitly tasked under the law with overseeing the safety of food, drugs, and medical devices for the purpose of protecting the American people, has officially been exposed for engaging in a massive, agency-wide criminal spying operation that does quite the opposite of this. reports that new information has recently surfaced confirming that the FDA's upper ranks are actively suppressing the truth about the dangers of many drugs and medical devices by intimidating their own employees. And these FDA officials have actually set up a comprehensive spying ring that targets whistleblowers and others who attempt to sound the alarm about the agency's extreme corruption.

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This Is What Happens When You Allow Your Country To Become Enslaved To The Bankers

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Market Daily News
August 20, 2012

Michael Snyder: Why are Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal and so many other countries experiencing depression-like conditions right now? It is because they have too much debt. Why do they have too much debt? It is because they allowed themselves to become enslaved to the bankers. Borrowing money from the bankers can allow a nation to have a higher standard of living in the short-term, but it always results in a lower standard of living in the long-term. Why is that? It is because you always have to pay back more money than you borrowed. And when you get to the point of having a debt to GDP ratio in excess of 100%, you are basically drowning in debt. Huge amounts of money that could be going to providing essential services and stimulating your economy are now going to service your horrific debt. Today, citizens in Greece, Spain, Portugal and Italy are experiencing a standard of living far below what they should be because the bankers have trapped them in endless debt spirals. Sadly, the vast majority of the people living in those countries have absolutely no idea what is at the root cause of their problems.

Man who armed Black Panthers was FBI informant, records show

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The Bay Citizen
By Seth Rosenfeld, Center for Investigative Reporting
August 20, 2012 - 12:00 a.m. PDT

Research leads to FBI records showing radical activist was also an informant

The man who gave the Black Panther Party some of its first firearms and weapons training – which preceded fatal shootouts with Oakland police in the turbulent 1960s – was an undercover FBI informer, according to a former bureau agent and an FBI report.

One of the Bay Area’s most prominent radical activists of the era, Richard Masato Aoki was known as a fierce militant who touted his street-fighting abilities. He was a member of several radical groups before joining and arming the Panthers, whose members received international notoriety for brandishing weapons during patrols of the Oakland police and a protest at the state Legislature.

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What Happened To The Debt?

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The Automatic Earth
Raul Ilargi Meijer

August 20, 2012

Alright, OK, so we have new sorts of relative highs in European and US stock markets, even as we keep a w(e)ary eye on Shanghai's new lows. The western highs seem to have a lot to do with all kinds of expectations of ECB sovereign bond purchases and/or cooling German resistance against them.

All this is accompanied by a rising Euro, and that little detail is far more puzzling than is generally acknowledged. Because there is only one reason for the ECB, with perhaps Angela Merkel and the Bundesbank chiming in, to even consider such measures as more - PIIGS - bond buying, that are tremendously unpopular among a broad swath of Europeans. That reason is that the PIIGS countries, and Greece, Spain and Italy in particular, are doing much worse than anyone wishes to admit in public.

‘White Money,’ Rank Probe, Polly Peck Ex-CEO: Compliance

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By Carla Main - Aug 21, 2012

Switzerland is delaying plans to require foreign clients of Swiss banks to declare they are tax-compliant to patch together two sets of legislative proposals, the Federal Department of Finance said.

The delayed consultation proposal for a tax-compliant and competitive financial center will be submitted to the Federal Council in January 2013 along with a draft consultation on combating money laundering, according to an e-mailed statement yesterday by Daniel Saameli, a spokesman for the Bern-based department.

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Awaiting the Crash

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Social Europe
21/08/2012 By

Nouriel Roubini famously described the long decline of the euro as a ‘slow motion train wreck’. Mind you, economists disagree on exactly when the wreck will happen. Vicente Navarro has argued on this site that the euro will survive for as long as it serves the purposes of the German (and European) elite while, in the Financial Times, Wolfgang Muenchau thinks the crisis will last another 20 years given Germany’s proclivity for muddling through. By contrast, Megan Green at RGE sees the confluence of crises in Greece, Spain, and Italy during September and October 2012 as potentially lethal. But all agree that—sooner or later—it will happen.

Agencies warn of possible anarchist activity at conventions

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GFP Note: We were discussing the RNC briefly at yesterday's Galactic Council Meeting. I mentioned that local law enforcement was planning to arrest up to 1,000 people, even though the event hadn't even started yet: Court officials increase staffing to handle RNC arrests.

So this morning I decided to follow-up and found that the FBI/Dept. of Homeland Security have issued a bulletin (which I can't find online) warning of possible violence by anarchist extremists. I have posted two articles below to show how different news outlets describe this bulletin. I suggest you also do a quick google search for "RNC Security Bulletin" to see how different sources are reporting on this. It's all over the internet now. Please contact me if you find the actual bulletin. Thank you.



By Carol Cratty

Wed August 22, 2012


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