Yojman's blog

A Blessing to the Beloved Elementals

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To verbally pour forth even a moment of spoken, directed  blessings—especially Sacred Fire Purity— to the Beings of the Elements or just Nature as it is, does set you distinct from the many who do not have this rhythm. They deserve every blessing we could possibly give them.  


Being who You are:

As you walk this jeweled planet,

your Radiance becomes and is

a Healing Benediction to the distress

that has passed the way of  


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We, the ones who are of “Privileged Embodiment”

here on the hottest piece of real estate

in all the Galaxies, are truly privileged.

Recalling one of the great Laws of Life:

Consciousness Dictates Reality.



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From the sweet fragrance of our Love Breath

ever wafting into Humanity’s consciousness,

we gather.

The fragrant odor is our remembrance.

We Remember, becoming a “Member”

once again of our knowingness.

Some SOUND Advice

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Ascended Masters – Cosmic Beings –

Universal Beings that we are:

Walk in the Dignity of the Light

that is pouring through You and out into the World.!

Upon hearing certain news of trauma,

hold the Harmony and blaze the Light.

ET Direct Co-Op Srevice

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Imagine being with a few of your Earth Ally

Friends out doing Light service...

As a Visualization:


A group of us are in a forest next to a creek;

birds and dragonflies abound. Ahh, mmm.

Suddenly a Cosmic hush, and stillness

Street Wise , the Short Cut is True Love

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Street∙Wise Ascension in Action through You


So how would it feel,

to be Ascended and Free, in town?

Imagine or feel this

as a possibility for you:

You are walking down a street

of your home town;

a vibrant Peacefulness pervades.

You hear the subtle sounds of many flowers

Street Wise Ascension, The New Earth Now

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Greetings, Suns of the Sun.

Upon the Land of Boundless Splendor

and Infinite Light we can reside now.

Because the “New Earth” is here, beloved.

It is here, right now.

Just shift your consciousness a little bit

and step onto the New Reality

called “New Earth, New Life.”

It is Now, thou Being of Light.

Stepping unto the New Earth, Truth, Updated

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For any who wish more of the Creator Beings True Wisdom on Visualizing and making real—the followoing recommendations: Look at Vol 14 of the Sait Germain Press "The Seven Mighty Elohim or any of the recent 2012 journals of Ascended and Free (ascendedandfree-dot-org)  Or just study with the Big Elohim

Also text is edited 10:20 am,

True Lovers of the Light, Friends of the Galaxy's Truth.

I Am come today to remind You of not only Who You are, but

Stepping unto the New Earth, Truth

Yojman's picture

True Lovers of the Light, Friends of the Galaxy's Truth.

I Am come today to remind You of not only Who You are, but

What You are. As always I choose to be brief. I will speak in the

first person as one and the same as You. Together chatting in

the Light. (Hence I = You; We = me & You.) I Am, is what You want.

Even if You know that You are, and are living the Great I Am with

evrey breath. When you choose in the morning to live, move, breathe and have your being in the One, for the One, by the One,

and as the One ... : several things happen.  One of which is that You instantly have an open door and rooms for so many Cosmic Truth Makers to be with and assist You. So many. Everyday, all day.


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