grailheart magi's blog


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And who are you....?

Circle of Influence

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Utilizing a psych term.... what do you see as your actual circle of influence?


the limits of your aura,


20 feet

55 feet

100 feet




A Thousand Words!

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Watch it.... Eddie Murphy..


Inspired movie to "SEE" the fine borderlands of love's expression. After this movie was made it was CODED so that whoever watches it will experience a newer level of self...  which will make it easier to connect with one another.


Actually, it is good for any personal expansion of awareness!


As lightworkers, it is a seminar in itself... then as you have suggested workshops to others, promote the movie to everyone.... this movie is out there to spark souls into more understanding of what love is.

In coming into the awareness of the importance of service, you can suggest it during ANY human interaction and no one will think you are crazy!


Promote this... as a way of service.



Balance - Healing on the Press - 5 Supporter

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As I have been writing this this morning, I was directed to Greg's message today.... so after reading this post, please read or reread his message abour nurturing each other and our beautiful planet.  There is no time to waste.  Being in support is truly all that there really is.... when we are "in love" EVERYTHING WE DO, SAY, THINK, BE IS OF SERVICE!





Supporter is the last of the 4 directions of interpersonal Balance, the most most left behind  one, and the one that weaves the circle into a spiral. For a moment, let's look at the previous 3 in relation to supporter.  


A Promoter can suggest, prompt, cajole, scream, clown, or tempt and if the supporter doesn't support those hoyoka ideas, nothing moves. 


A Controller can attempt to control people and if no one "follows" that attempt goes by the wayside. If the controller attempts to control things, who is it (s)he is controlling it for?


The analyzer can spend 24/7 reviewing statistics, collecting, combining and digesting data but very wasted energy unless another (supporter) appreciates and responds to the effort of the analyzer to use it in some way to get something done.


Love One Another as You Love Yourself.... this again, goes beyond the emotion of "I love you", "all my love", etc. When one discovers the supporter inside the self, creative words of deeper feelings are expressed so that the "vibration" of that feeling is intensely felt by the receiver, even from the printed word. 


Many have "found" the love within the self. On the other hand there is the perfect mirror reflection of "love of self" to "supporter of another". 


Balance - Healing on the Press - 4 Promoter

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Balance - Healing on the Press - 4 Promoter
In our presentation of Balance we previously covered the first two directions: Controller and Analyzer.
Here we present the 3rd direction of Balance... Promoter. The individual who is strongest in the 3rd direction is the maker of suggestions. Sometimes  (s)he is viewed as the life of the party. With unlimited imagination is usually not hesitant to express sometimes 50 ideas in a day.  These people are usually not attached to others following their lead unless they also have a strong Controller in their “chart”.  They are excited about life and would find it difficult to contain themselves unless their has been much pain or loss. “Lets’s do this......... how about that....... why don’t you..... you can hear their plea. They take their ideas lightly.... but if too loud or too often, others may find them annoying. A Promoter out of balance may seldom acknowledge the logic of the analyzer. Between the Controller and Promoter is where there may be friction. After all, why is the Promoter acting so clownish when the Controller knows (s)he will have her way!  Promoters also can just be too much “out there” not being “in tune” with others. They make good salespeople because they are lively and know how to create interest from their own enthusiasm. 
In review, a goal would be to find oneself living in the middle of the 4 directions of Balance and simply moving in and out of each as appropriate. It takes being fully conscious to be able to manuveur, yet staying in balance.

That "female" thing!

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What I see holding us back ladies is JEALOUSY! Come on, girls you ALL KNOW WHAT I MEAN!  It has been bad enough when women were unawakened.   But now, it is really a disgrace!  You know what I mean, that sorority thing.... that side of the female which men don't understand and has been a hidden force even now... in our own circles!  I am so tired of that energy swirling around where the light is trying to come in.... it does and then there is this female fear thing... that ever so cunningly snakes through what light is trying to do.


It doesn't surprise me that more action has not been taken toward the arrests and with the landings.  It is a reflection of exactly where we are!!  As someone here joins in in a loving way... a new piece of news is delivered.   When we become stagnant, so does the outside world.  We are it's reflection!!


Some of us had to learn jealousy.  I had to learn it even when it was my own mother... I am healed of it... but ye women are destroying one another in the name of ascension.  I am sick of that energy. I can hear it and I can feel it and so if I am I am sure others are too. 


The only way it affects me is that it is the UNSPOKEN KILLER of life that has existed for so long. And maybe our helpers of love can't imagine just how destructive it is. 


Men now want us to lead.   I have listened to my men friends who actually often give me very basic 3D challenges... which I love.   But then one day they take me aside and from the bottom of their hearts, say PLEASE HELP THE WOMEN HELP US!!! Ladies can you believe that?? 

Auspicious "13" of Divine Mother

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13 May 2012 is our earthly celebration honoring our mothers. 13 also being the number of the Great Goddess and the chosen number of our ascension. When Mother Mary appeared to the 3 children in Portugal, she first appeared on May13th and told them she would reappear on the 13th of the following months with the last being on the 13th of October of that year. (October 13th was also the anniversary of my parents wedding) 


March 13th was the date in 1997 of the Phoenix Lights.


It was on Friday, Oct. 13, 1307, that France's King Philip IV had the Knights Templar rounded up for torture and execution. The Knights Templar were an order of warriors within the Roman Catholic Church who banded together to protect Christian travellers visiting Jerusalem in the centuries after the Crusades. 


Jesus had 12 disciples... including him was the number 13.  Drunvalo Melchizedek taught in his original video tapes that one way of ascending is to have 12 assistants.


We are familiar with the 12 zodiacal signs and recently there has been much controversy over the 13th, Ophiuchius, the snake holder.




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