Achara's blog

I woke up from a dream

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I just had a dream


What started as few beautiful images during a conversation with my friend Ingrid yesterday became a movie in my dream I just woke up from. It is 06.00 hrs 21.12.12

I watched earth floating and radiating in a huge pregnant transparent womb.  It had a body around it too with chakras which were lined up uniquely for the occasion of the today's date.  The chakras from the body were like the planets in my dream and Gaya was floating in the womb. Gaya had felt the contractions since December 12th and today 21st she is going to give birth to her first peaceful ones. As I saw it Gaya will have contractions for a looooong time to make sure everybody can have a try or more in letting go of fear and birthing into love and peace.  The people birth in a bigger body only inside that next body all the colors were different. All next bodies had a bigger body around them. Till heaven sized and beyond. It made me realize that we are at the beginning of a voyage of birthing from one dimension into another. Never again a dull moment for eternity.

The only condition to birth was the choice to leave fear. Choosing to let go of whatever you had put in place in your life to hold onto out of fear in order to avoid seeing love. Dropping all fear unveiled love to its total expression and it became the moment of yet another birth. The body people birthed into needed the higher energy that was not consumed by fear to elevate the love into compassion and that process radiated peace. It looked like love and fear made place for a new playground of compassion and peace.

december 22

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I am born December 22nd. Most of the days around my birthdays (51 soon) were feverish and about purging the physical body from what should not be there. I would be ill. After my twenties, I would be ill and  loose jobs or my special friend before or close to the 22nd that where not appropriate  and I would be hired a few days later somewhere else or an other convenient solution or new friendship presented itself (Merry Christmas after all). I could count on it if I would have been aware and trusty of it. Adjustments were made it seemed. Today I am not ill or suffering nor is it likely  to loose a job or change family or my home.  Today I am pregnant of a love energy growing in my chest. It feels as a law and as if it needs to birth soon.  At the same time a ball of fear energy is growing in my plexus and I search how to channel that. The interesting thing is that I feel these two energies as two sides of the same coin. And the coin is something I have been waiting for so long spiritually and I feel I should call it peace. I may let you know once I lived it totally.

Love, Achara.

No why's today

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My day has been frequently going up and down and I was able to watch that the why things are happening did not came into being. Looking back I saw that the reason for being happy or .....ehm ''just'' O.K.  did come into being! Also that the lower feelings; dead tired, sad or feelings `were not subject for analysis or needed to hold onto. Writing this I remember and feel in bliss beyond the positive and negative. Beyond the mind that controls these duality limiting things as good bad and love and hate.


From bliss I write what comes,


I see pure godly energies wooshing 'n washing over earth. Utterly content, potent, love energies that by it's nature able to make all matter resonate with it. All resonates with love and love resonates with all. There is no hiding from love and only shelter for a while. It is that quality of energy that I see. Stormy though even tornados where love is needed to manifest the most.


beyond the dates for loves sakes....

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Hmmmm, happy Valantine!!!. The energie of love, soaked, drenched, emerged and is quit transformative Hm? breath!!!

I adorte this state of flashing arrows and I adore this state of beiing able to recieve!!! The combination bringing togewtherness.....pssssst!! ONE   NESSS


Once you are in this reality, by choice ofcource....your choice, hm?!, ...


we are fullfilled. Not needing anything anymore,just fulfilled. Ahhhhhhhhh just fulfilled. My god. hmmmmmmm.


Love , Achara



disclosure will happen

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Dear Firends,


Disclosure WILL happen as a result of your INDIVIDUAL journey to your innermost core, your heart.


Gaya will hummmmmmm with you

and you will clap your hands

and dance of  joy being one with Gaya.


Many INDIVIDUALS doing this journey inwards,

alining so to say their frequence with Gaya,

brings a frequence that will be viral to the rest of the people.




THAT ONLY  will bring us disclosure. It is not comming from the media outside. And not because ''enoughh is enough'' or it is time, or so many people are hiding things and should reveal them. YOU and ONLY YOU are responsible....when you do your loving and intentional and very simple homework......Intent for Love and Love only. It may show you your duality but I tell you...... it is not so hard as you deniing your true beautifull self.



Disclosure  will come because many many many INDIVIDUALS are taking responsibility to go inwards, to their heart....beyond the drama.


Gaya, the Galactic federation, Father and Mothergod, in short:  all that are resonating at a  frequence alike are encouraging, applauding and welcomming you.




Namaste, Achara

Wandering Soul

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This is the last song John Denver wrote before his untimely death. Though he did sing it at one event, he never had the chance to record The Wandering Soul. I believe it is one of the most beautiful, and important songs John ever wrote, and I'm honored to share it through this video. Thanks to Ed Keller and Jason Engel who shot and edited it.
~James Twyman



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Things happened in my life that inspires me to share with you. I feel that I slipped into BEING more fully. Since December 22nd I was able to meditate often and what crystalized this morning, it is January 1st, was far out.


The meditation theme, these days, was BEING and DOING AND ALLOWING. They were connected for the sake of seeing my new doorway. I saw that allowing DOING was more natural, habitual, easier BUT feeding what I AM NOT. Even when I am doing beautiful things it still does not represent what I am, only maybe a fragment.

Another quiet moment I looked from another angle and saw how many beautiful actions came from a conscious choice of being. They were not wasting me, frustrating to do or making me sick…they were effortless actions, like a dance. Yes celebration.




One of the things that crystallized for me today was that I have been repeatedly and auspiciously informed about these dynamics of being and doing. 25 Years ago when I took Sannyas and being instead of doing and ''allowing the grass grow by itself'' was one of Osho’s main topics. Since the first angelic messages the same topic has been hammered on the channeled rocks.


Another thing that crystallized today was the insight that I needed to have done all the doings and readings and all else you can do to finally just be. And that was perfectly OK.


Reading between de lines

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Dear Sisses&Bros,



Have you been reading many channeled messages lately?? Is the mix of different messages confusing you? You stopped feeling your feet or suffering from a constant frown on your face? do not see the love through the words you hear or read?? Follow my advice

I have been gazing this picture for a few hours now and I can really focus again. !!





Love, Light and Laughter, Achara


Achara's picture

What if, Achara D., you're already doing everything right, even though you're not sure?

And the surprises along the way have only sped things up, even though it felt like they slowed you down?

And all that you want is now barreling towards you, even though you can't see it?

And when it arrives it'll exceed your every expectation, even though your dreams were huge?

Wouldn't you be making some really weird noises about now?

Whoohoo.....I'm just glad you can't hear me right now, Achara


Sarkozie needs light to be able to disclosure

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Can you please make the following  known by your means as well..
I consider France as one of the most arrogant conservative vibrating nation when it comes to political and economic change let alone ascension or evolution of the being.

''Descartes'' a known philosopher once said "Je pense, donc je suis''. Meaning: ''I think, thus, I am. And the French followed this arrogant and  creativity  killing statement. It is a limited statement as to all you can be.

 France, too, needs to blow the divided mind to dive in the heart.

The following is a consciousness building opportunity to send love and light to  Sarkozie.

Please read on. As I am writing this they are at 65% petition signing to make Sarkozie take time to share the truth. Please help him.

Dear friends across France,

It is a outrageous! Right now, President Sarkozy is blocking a judicial investigation into Karachigate -- the massive corruption scandal involving two of his closest friends charged for alleged kickbacks on dirty arms deals to Pakistan. Only a huge public outcry now could force him to unveil the truth.

The national military secrecy committee has just recommended declassification of several documents and judicial pressure is closing in on his inner circle, but Sarkozy is turning a deaf ear, hoping this dirty saga will go away. As the presidential election draws near Sarkozy cannot afford to ignore the electorate -- if enough of us call for full transparency now, we could force him to reveal the Karachi secrets and expose this corruption.


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