beginnow's blog

Things That Are Happening

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Hello All,


I would like to give my impressions about Drake and the things surrounding him. 


There are some who believe he is an agent for the cabal and some who don't.  I believe he is an honest person with a love for our country.  There will always be those don't see things in the same way as others but to not have an opinion about all that is occuring is say you are content with things as they are.  I am not.  I understand there are those who feel compeled to be against others, just for the sake of doing so.   


My gut feeling is, he is trying to do somethng positive with the life he has.  Our free will allows each of us, to choose what we believe but to downplay his attempt are, in my opinion, giving in to the cabal and excepting things as they are. 


We as a soceity must stand up for what is the correct way of living and doing things.  Now I know some will not see this as the way.  To those I ask this, "What is the way?"


“Creating a new theory is not like destroying an old barn and erecting a skyscraper in its place. It is rather like climbing a mountain, gaining new and wider views, discovering unexpected connections between our starting points and its rich environment." - AlbertEinstein


Thanks for hearing me out.  You opinions are welcomed. :-)


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