cindyloucbp's blog


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All I can say about LOVE is that I really like it! I like to BE in LOVE, and I like to give LOVE to others. I also like to see others in LOVE and then… give their LOVE to others as well.

Love is fulfilling. It FEELS nice too…to my heart, my head, and my body. Who doesn’t like LOVE? We all like our OWN love, but what about the things, or people, that other people LOVE?

That’s where the problem comes in as we make decisions about the LOVE of others! Should they LOVE this or that? Is their LOVE good or bad? When LOVE is questioned, we get into the state we are in today with force being used to “define” what it is we all should LOVE. Better not LOVE that, or there will be trouble!

At the hospital where I work, there was a meeting today to reinforce HIPPA rules of conduct for employees and I couldn’t help but think how silly they whole HIPPA issue really is. Really. If money were not the driver of life today for us all (consciously and unconsciously), HIPPA wouldn’t be around…who would even want to violate health care knowledge if a price tag didn’t exist? I also see HIPPA as another excuse for our government to dabble just a bit more in our control.

But LOVE will undo all of this! Slowly, but surely, LOVE will change minds, erase fears and soften hearts allowing humans to treat humans with kindness and compassion instead of acting and reacting from fear!

Join me is living a life of LOVE! And if you can’t do that right now…that’s all right, I LOVE you anyway!


cindyloucbp (

LOVE All Over the's a comin'!!

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By now, if you’ve read any of my previous blogs, you know that I AM way into LOVE, ET’s and spirituality…but how do all of these fit together in some sort of coherent way?

LOVE is the basis for EVERYTHING! LOVE is all that is possible in this Universe and streams to us on a constant basis from the Almighty, Source, Creator, God…pick your choice! When our FEELINGS of joy and peace outweigh our more dour feelings, then we are actually “allowing” love to make our choices in life and we find our way easy and effortless…because it is!

Let’s bring ET’s into the picture. As beings of the Universe, ET “aliens” are prime examples of LOVE. Why…that’s all they know from constantly being enfolded in waves of LOVE! That’s all they have ever seen or experienced so their mission must be to bring LOVE here to Earth (Gaia). Let’s look at this another way… if ET’s wanted to harm us, or “use” us for some nefarious purpose with their technological capabilities, they could have done that..many ways and many times over.

What has kept Gaia going? LOVE, of course. LOVE from God (Source, Infinite Creator, Almighty, etc….your choice), LOVE from ET races (coming soon to your life!) and LOVE from…us! As mankind turns inward (despite all the constant distractions, we find ourselves discovering who we are…spiritual creatures of LOVE!

So…that tie’s together LOVE, ET’s and spirituality, but let’s go deeper. If everything is LOVE, how come all these BAD things are happening NOW across the world? The following article is very long and very important! Get ready for a life-altering experience and…ENJOY!   cindyloucbp (

Reiki Doc

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I really like Reiki Doc as her words resound inside of me. Read on...

Happiness Awaits!

3488124 xl A Pep Talk From The Ohana

Many Lightworkers right now are experiencing hardship, difficulty, health problems, and delay.

There are strange dreams. The loved ones who ‘communicate’ with us on the other side might seem ‘distant’ or ‘hard to perceive’.

All is not lost!

There are two pieces of advice for us from Blessed Mother*:

LOVE is the only answer!

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Wow, this has been one of those trying days when nothing seems to go right. The cat got out and is “lost”, my husband suffers from a cold combined with shingles, a favorite website of mine is being re-organized and the skies here in Arizona are grey and cloudy instead of the standard cloudless blue sky.

For a time, these episodes left me with what used to be the usual questions, why are we here, what’s the point of my existence, when will more abundance come, when will things go right for me and why isn’t LOVE working on my behalf right now?

But then…I have been so blind! LOVE IS working on my behalf! The cat will be back,she always comes home, my husband has found silver nitrate that helps calm shingles, my favorite website is still devoted to LOVE despite the current shake-up, and the clothes are drying on the line despite the gloomy weather.

So, you see, my perception of current events in my life actually MAKES what IS my reality! Vibrations rule our world, our lives, our reality. LOVE is the strongest vibration out there and changes everything in my world! I have now decided to dwell on LOVE.

Wait a minute, you mean I can change my thoughts? I don’t have to stay in a “blue funk”? YES! I can change my mind, my thoughts, my life by choosing to think differently and I CHOOSE LOVE! I AM keeping my vibrations high which will attract more high vibration circumstances into my life. It’s so simple that it’s stupid not to dwell in LOVE. Loving is natural and simple and yet difficult “to find”.

The solution? Know who you are and be at peace inside of yourself as that’s when LOVE appears, grows inside of yourself and then spills over into all other aspects of life!


cindyloucbp (

My FIRST channeling!

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I keep hearing voices in my head and thought I 'd stop and listen to the message in question and answer form. My questions and "their" questions:

1. What star system are you from? We are from the Pleades.

2. Can you send me a telepathic image of yourself to me?  I received a vague image of a tall woman who is slim and has long, blonde hair, her name is Anja. Her partner was with her and his name is Aska.

3. I'd like to meet you in my reality. Is this possible? Yes, after "the Event".

4. Why are you communicating with me? We LOVE you and with to help you evolve into a Galactic Society.

5. Am I a 'starseed"? Yes, you are now remembering your mission of love!

6. Why is the number "10" important to me? In 10 days, something important will happen for you. Ten is the perfect number since it consists of a "1" and a "0", Alpha and Omega.

7. Can I communicate with you again? Yes, we have been trying to reach you for a while!

8. What can I do to help  promote human evolution? Continue to blog about LOVE. We will help!

9. Am I of Pleadian origin? No, you are of Syrian, thus your affinity for dogs.

10. Is my husband a starseed? Yes, he has not been on earth as long as you have. He is Lyrian, thus his affinity for cats. You are here as a support for your husband, as he has important work to do once disclosure in made.

11. Thank you for sending you LOVE to me! When you are ready, we will speak with you again on Saturday mornings at 10AM. Sit down and hold will be ok! We can't wait to show you many beautiful places and things. We want you to enjoy living without the strain of survival. You will be thrilled by a cacophony of beautiful sounds. You are claudaurient.

Does Unconditional LOVE Lead to Co-Dependency?

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Isn’t acting in a way that pleases someone the same thing as unconditional love? Aren’t making concessions part of “turning the other cheek”? These are some common questions people have about unconditional love because, more than likely, they have never experienced unconditional love.

Co-dependancy has no place in unconditional love since having a person become dependant on you enables them to be in some form of “dysfunction”. Do you really like living with an alcoholic, drug-abuser and/or spouse beater? Your non-descriminatory behavior where you “look the other way” while hurtful circumstances occur may seem “loving” to your partner, but what about you?

Where does unconditional LOVE fit into a co-dependant relationship? Unconditional LOVE can only exist when LOVE is given freely without conditions (i.e. getting LOVE for yourself in return). Partnerships always rely on a certain amount of “give and take”, but when one partner consistently gives in to the desires of another while ignoring their own needs and wants…there is a problem.

The problem here is one of judgement. Not one of us is able to say whether alcoholism, or drug-abuse, or even spousal abuse is either a good or bad thing. We certainly don’t like to see what look like “negative effects” from these issues. But how do we know these “negative effects” are truly negative?

Case in point. Marriage to an alcoholic is not pretty, but perhaps the “negative” circumstances of that marriage prompt one partner, and/or the other partner to truly seek their emotional freedom instead of developing a co-dependant relationship. In this case, the alcoholic marriage is actually a tool used for soul nourishment.

Every Part of Your Body is Linked to an Emotion

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Hi All,

Well, many of you know that I work in the medical field…the hospital laboratory to be exact and I have a pretty good knowledge of disease (dis-ease) states. You also know that my favorite topic in the world is LOVE. So…let’s put these two interests of mine together for this blog.

I’m all about helping people to feel better and have used my knowledge of “western” medicine as a basis for trying and using alternative methods since “western” medicine is a business designed to impoverish us (and that is working!). How does LOVE get into healing? Because LOVE is how we naturally feel when there are no negative emotions in our mind.

Our reactions to life today DO NOT produce LOVE. But, when all the fear, anger, disappointment, moodiness, sadness, disgust and all the other negative reactions from living the “circus” life today are removed, all that remains is LOVE and LOVE does not cause disease (dis-ease). Do you have medical issues? Look at this article that shows which negative emotion is responsible for which ailment: Can LOVE solve each one of these medical issues? You bet! I just had the flu (or was it really mycoplasma from chemtrails) and it was a very effective way of teaching me to slow down and do what I really like to do!

So, I do work at the hospital, but now I paint on the weekends. This is very relaxing and a creative stimulus for me to experience more LOVE in my life. Yes!


cindyloucbp (

Why YOU should LOVE Yourself!

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LOVE is such an important and vital state of being. Not only is LOVE the driving power in our Universe, LOVE is the constant force behind ALL of the decisions made on our Earth. Bad decisions, good decisions…it doesn’t matter, they were made due for someone’s LOVE of something or someone. LOVE is all that exists!

The statement above is pretty intense and may need to be clarified so I can avoid the men with white coats! We all have been taught and influenced to make judgements…what is good, what is bad, who is fair, who is scum. But Jesus himself tells us NOT to judge, that is…not to make decisions regarding the character of people and/or their actions. Whoa! How the heck do we refrain from judgement?

Basically, we have to re-teach ourselves how to think and LOVE is the weapon of choice. For when I remain in a constant place of LOVE, my heart is open and free and positive. In a way…I’m so full of myself, I have no time to consider any negative thought (judgement) against this, that, or the other!

This does NOT mean I AM an egomaniac when I LOVE me. There is little value in generosity or compassion for others when this happens at my emotional expense. If I LOVE someone and want to pay their bill…great, go for it! But if I don’t have enough funds for me and still pay for their bill because I have been taught such by society, then it becomes a burden around my emotional neck and I will doubt myself (not good) AND my action (not good either). That doubt will become insecurity which leads on to anger and fear which are not good societal traits to display. They don’t make you feel very good either! thoughts

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Happy Valentine’s Day! How in the world did a day devoted to LOVE ever come about? Here’s what I have been able to find out about the history of Valentine’s Day…or, St. Valentine day.

In Rome, when the Emperor, Claudius II, was involved in many bloody and unpopular campaigns. “Claudius the Cruel” as he was called, was having a difficult time getting soldiers to join his military leagues. He believed that the reason was that Roman men did not want to leave their loves or families. So, he cancelled all marriages and engagements in Rome!

The good Saint Valentine, who was a priest in Rome, in the year 269 A.D., together with his friend Saint Marius, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine’s actions were discovered, he was sentenced to be beaten to death with clubs and to have his head cut off. But while in prison, it is believed that Valentine fell in love with a young girl, who may have been his jailor’s daughter, who visited him during his confinement. Before his death on the 14th day of February, it is alleged that he wrote her a letter, which he signed ” From your Valentine”. In 496 A.D., Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honor St. Valentine.

So that’s the “official” history of Valentine Day. My own thoughts about the origin of this day are a little bit different.

Humans LOVE to LOVE, in fact, LOVE is what makes our world go ’round. Some feel our society is fragmented right now by the actions of those who do not LOVE the general population and I feel that is quite correct! The “PTB” (Powers That Be) have worked hard to control our minds, bodies and souls for the end benefit of their gain. Why have they taken these actions? Because they LOVE power, control and financial gain! The LOVES of the PTB have created vast issues for the human race to solve.


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Wow, I just finished looking at the alternative media on the Internet and it’s crazy out there folks! Let’s see, erupting volcano in Indonesia, continued bankruptcy in Greece, debt ceiling now set at 17.2 trillion dollars, weird weather across US, CEO tells the 99% to”quit whining” about the financial success of 1% because “poverty in America is much better than anywhere else”?

It seems to me that the faster time passes, the more unsettled all things appear. It seems like EVERYTHING is becoming unsettled NOW…except me, I AM at peace! Even though all things appear to be crashing down around me, I AM standing calm and quiet amidst the storm of life.

Why? How is peace possible at this point in time? Easy…peace really does begin with me! I have developed a real sense of LOVE and respect for myself, and this brings about the feeling of peace. How can I feel anything but peace as I realize how much I LOVE myself? ALL is right within MY world because I AM alright!

Think back to that special time when you were consumed with LOVE. At that moment, all was right in your world too, and you felt nothing but joy. Case closed. This is an easy concept to feel. As you are watching, or reading, or listening to the news…remember that feeling of joy emanating from your feeling love. Don’t worry, don’t fret,be free, be easy, be in LOVE!


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