FollowWhoYouAre's blog

"God's Gifts"

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By Tara Sidesinger

In 2012, I was working a job where I worked with all women and we had some really good times. We were all in the stockroom and the subject of squirrels came up and as you can imagine a bunch of women talking together can be rather funny. We went from talking about squirrels to talking about nuts. For example, the sizes of nuts and different kinds of nuts, haha! I just remember laughing a lot and never forgetting that day! Later that day, on my way home from work, I turned onto the street I live on and for some reason looked up into the sky and saw a perfect and detailed cloud of a squirrel in the sitting up position holding and eating an acorn nut! First of all, I was a bit shocked and then I laughed and couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

In 2014, the month of December, I discovered my Ascended Masters are Quan Yin and Moses. Quan Yin gave me a vision of Bonsai Trees in a little wooden box and she left me a peacock feather in a place where you wouldn't find one. I wanted to know if I had anymore Ascended Masters, I asked the Angels and looked up at my television, and Moses was written across the screen for a play performance.

Flying With Arch Angel Raphael

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My spiritual experiences as a Lightworker started mid summer of 2012. I was reading a Doreen Virtue book about the Angels, in the book it said to ask Arch Angel Raphael to meet your soulmate, When I asked to meet my soulmate, I didn't know he was in heaven, haha! Later that night when I was sleeping, Arch Angel Raphael astral traveled me to heaven to meet my soulmate. When we arrived in heaven, we flew in so fast, I had lost my balance in front of my soulmate and I laughed. My soulmate had a shocked look on his face and laughed, too. Arch Angel Raphael is tall because my soulmate bent his head back far to see him. 

I instantly knew my soulmate, I went to him in my spirit body and started hugging and kissing him, haha! My soulmate was sitting in a beautiful white chair and it looked like he was living in a townhouse. My soulmate left for a few seconds to gather up people I knew from this lifetime and previous lifetimes. While I was waiting, I started to nest and I believe Arch Angel Raphael decided it was time for me to say goodbye to my soulmate and come back to Earth. Arch Angel Raphael took me literally thru a door that was closed in the room, it was pain free :) and the we went thru one more door of the townhouse. 

In front of me was my soulmate and a big group of people who all looked about the same age, they all looked young about 30 years old. I could only focus on my soulmate, but I believe I seen my grandma, I was only 5 years old when she passed and she looked young again, too. I knew it was time to leave, it's telepathic communication in heaven. My soulmate and I went to each other and hugged and that fast I woke up in my bed on earth. I was in a bit of shock at first and then realized exactly what happened, I was so very grateful and thankful for the wonderful spiritual experience. 

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