Hal's blog

News Flash!!

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How to do Your Part to Spread the News of the Imminent Arrests of the Criminal Cabal! Easy Copy & Paste Method! Fun for the Whole Family!


The Galactic Federation of Light has assured us that once a suitable number of our human family understands that the imminent arrests of many members of the criminal Cabal means that humanity will finally be free from the tyrannical rule of our oppressors and from the shackles of poverty and debt, we will bear witness to these events. The Galactic Commands have asked us to do our part and share this information far and wide, and the following announcement has been created to assist us in this task. Please feel free to copy and paste these following words on Facebook and throughout every online social network and in no time we will together accomplish our goal. (*Helpful hint* If you include a photo with this announcement on Facebook, it will not be sent to the ‘Facebook Notes’ page due to it containing too many words. This is advised as your post will receive more views on Facebook’s main page.)   

                                 We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Lives

Spirit Food Menu Ch 5-6

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Children Menu

Selection 5

Escalloped Potatoes and



Served with:

A glass of Chocolate Milk

Mixed veggies in warm Milk

A touch of Salt & Pepper for seasoning

The previous selection dealt with out of body experiences of Robert A. Monroe. In that selection we touched upon, but did not elaborate on a subject best left for the stronger appetites among us. I mentioned Monroe having identified different “Focus” areas outside the earth’s environment. And I mentioned, in passing, the discarnates that populate those areas. You might well ask, “What is a discarnate?” According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary a discarnate is one who exists having no physical body.”

Monroe, in his many travels in and through the lower Focus areas like Focus 23, encountered many discarnate entities. In fact, during the last years of his work out of the body he was unexplainably drawn to discarnates, and helped many find their way to the higher realms. He would feel an urge immediately after “rolling out,” and would find himself in the presence of one of these souls who seemed disoriented and lost. He would then talk with the entity and offer to take them to a place of beauty and peace where they could meet with their loved ones who had passed on before. Usually he would then lead them to the area described in the previous selection as being Focus 27.

Focus 27 is the reception area. Sometimes it is called Nirvana or Heaven. It is a place of serenity and beauty. Souls rest in this area, and do indeed meet loved ones who have arrived previously. But not all Souls end up in Focus 27.

Spirit Food A La Carte Forward and Ch 3-4

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In thinking about this book my mind kept coming back to my children and grandchildren. How do I reach them with the knowledge I have gleaned over the years? They think of me as a renegade who stopped going to church regularly years ago. Have they bothered to ask me why? This small e-book tells the story of my journey. No, it’s not an autobiography; I merely want all of them, and you, to know what I now have come to believe are the FACTS OF LIFE, and how I came to those conclusions.

The idea for the theme of the book came as I was reading one of Dolores Cannon’s books in the series entitled The Convoluted Universe. Therein she made mention of the fact that we don’t start babies out on solid food, but milk and baby food. The menu idea was born. Spirit Food—how better to reach and to teach?

It is common knowledge that no baby, as they grow, can stay on a perpetual diet of milk and baby food, but must at some time begin to be introduced to solid food. This is what I have attempted to do with this writing. What happens to a baby that never gets solid food? I’ll give you an illustration.

A friend and neighbor once decided he could make a lot of money raising calves (baby cows, for you city folks). He had discovered a market with a huge demand for these animals. He built a special barn, well heated, lighted and ventilated. Then he had numerous special small pens built that covered the floor, with only aisles separating row upon row. There must have been a couple hundred pens, as I recall. Then he filled the pens with calves. Most were of the dairy variety from large factory farms that produced milk. The factory farm had no need or provision for the calves that were born to the lactating mothers, so they were sold to people like my friend for food, or to others who raised them up to become milk-cows.

Spirit Food A La Carte Intro, Chapters 1 & 2

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Something has brought us together. Call it coincidence or serendipity. Nevertheless, you have a curiosity about this subject of food for the Spirit, or we would not be communicating like this. I happen to believe there is some higher part of you that is saying, “It’s time for you to grow, to take on nourishment, so start here.”

I hope you will forgive us if we shock your sensibilities, whether they are religious or agnostic. Or, even if you tend toward atheism, let’s be clear about one thing; the message is the same for all, and that is--you have a choice. And you will be offered to choose your path in the months ahead.

You may not even realize you are on a path in this life. But you most certainly are, and where it leads is yours to determine. You have free-will, and no-one can choose for you. Soon you will find a fork in your path—there you must make a choice. You cannot avoid it, you must keep moving, either to the left, or to the right.

As you stand at the fork in the path you will notice that as the main path separates into two paths one of them leads to higher ground. The other path stays level ahead of you. There are no obstacles in sight for either path as far as the eye can see. At the juncture of these paths there is a signpost and on it a warning. It reads;

“Take either path, they both lead to God. The one on your left is very long and arduous, and takes a long, long time to arrive at the journey’s end. The one on the right is a shortcut. It is the most difficult path to trod, but it leads to joy, peace, unrivaled happiness and love of the highest order at journey’s end.”

If you choose the fork that leads to higher ground, because of the difficult terrain and the climb upward, you will become famished unless you take special nourishment. It will be provided along the way. The menu is a la carte, but priced very reasonably—it is all free.

A "New Revelation"

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A new “revelation”

November 13, 2011

I have a very good friend with whom I work in a large retail store. Of all the couple hundred folks that work there she and I were drawn together as spiritual colaborators some years ago. Over that time period we have shared and discussed all the spiritual news we could find to encourage one another and help living in these “end times.” We both find ourselves in the situation of being loners in our own families and unable to discuss these things with anyone else. We look forward to the day when events will unfold that will bring questions from our loved ones that we will be able to answer and thusly guide them to the choices they must make. Here is a note I sent to her this morning:

Good Morning Rebecca,

Just wanted to share something with you;

I picked up the first “God” book by Celest and David (Awakenedhearts.com) to read a little this morning when I came upon a message meant for me.

You see, for some time I have been bothered by this ascension thing. My thinking has gone as follows; What if our Soul Contract does not allow for such an end to our tenure on Earth? Perhaps some of us need to play out the karma game and therefore we do not even qualify for ascension, we have to work out some lessons yet on another world. This has been a thread of doubt through all I have read and anticipated for as long as the subject of ascension has been discussed. Then I read the comment by God this morning and it clears it all up for me:

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