Mario's blog

The Augmentation

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The Augmentation


Now we have come about to new measures, Mario will be writing for the entire Night as for he has agreed with us to work into these messages for an augmentation to another transcriptional point in time.

These message should supplice us with data which can be carried on from formations which exist exactly as they are known for the hindrance factor.


Initial stages are set now we can continue onto the messages main point of interest.

By bypassing the effects of our known commands he will bring forth the necessities needed for actualizations on temporal grids which are achievable by a system which works in adjustments to co-active fields.

This process should take no more than 25mins.

By having this known we can count on the messages main transcription points which allows you to better conceive these as work which comes from Galactic beings, as Mario is initially one of us in command working with forces which are alleviating the disruptions which are carried on from codes within the formation of our typing.

By having chosen to assess the data by re-reading it he will be taken on an adventure to gradually accept his new part on This Planet.


We are now accessing primordial statuses which accords the intellects of this individual for messages which belongs to Mario Arseneault and have access to give these out to individuals on the internet by posting them out.

We have now found his position in space and time and initially we will chose some words which comes from new pronunciations to help alleviate the fabrics of sustainability for coherency in these messages.


The effects gathered here are potentially linked with outside forces which are working beyond the universal grids after we assess demands of grid type ratios for conduction point analysis.

New Messages

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If some of you wants to get messages which I will not post on the Internet, I will send them out to individuals whom can do a donation by sending me and email here ---> Thank you

Basics of supernatural order

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Basics of supernatural order

Consistency, paramount’s sustainability.

Looking for an uplink, not from co-active fields, but the internal conscious energy, which connects to other beings, traveling around or outside the Earth’s Orbit.

Decisions are one of the main formations which takes part in what is going to be transcribed by energetic downloads, sustainability will be governed by consistency.


Governing flow is changing we are now embarking on consistent flows which should allow us to type on this phone a message where individuals will read from websites/blogs.


Transporting energy Matter in distribution to individuals as packets of energetic downloads which should allow us to bring in a concept or channeling from outside sources by (telepathic) communications.


Substantially... Initially we will partake in a message which is given to Mario from core extensions... Venues which splice the generic formations of our words by sending in energy formulated, transfigured for the human anatomy (Brain/Heart/Body) Soul and Light Body.

Initially my codes have been sent and now we partake in some form of channeling which should allow me to go into a trance where I will connect in deeper ways to substantiate differentials of where these words are going to shift from my writing to transcribing in parts a telepathic communication with beings/ships orbiting Earths Atmosphere.


Terminological Demands

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Terminological Demands

Attuning into the higher fields has the potential to give about rises of information which is susceptible to change by a gradual breaking point which brings us beyond the void/veil. Information which shifts unattended can be carried on susceptible points throughout the grids networking force and initially cause a downfall within our memory.

Around the word more people are working up to the awakening individuals by having access to their level of initiative force which works by temporal grids. Initially I am one of the workers which have been in training in the past year and had brought us on a simple route which had very strong energies which supplied us with more routes within the nexus… This portrayed the exact moment where initials to other dimensional beings or simply contact with other dimensional beings can carry on big change in our own system and grid networks while allowing something as anti-matter to be gathered at places like CERN.

Accessing Demands

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Accessing Demands

The control factor we get from accessing demands.

Exponential growth factors have abolished in subliminal counts, portending fabrics have shifted profoundly, and simple measures/adjustments are being made by proactivity’s.

Complacency between stars initial causes in fractals access codes are given from the subliminal counts portending fabrics shifted adequately substantial results are being made in depth processes have been readjusted from fractal access codes.

Subliminal impartations are quantifiable by extents of the suprema/universal constants. Downfall is adjusted by a primary model of associations, custom designs are brought up from imperative functions, substantial things are left for us to commemorate, in depth, through analysis. Frequencies are adjusted from fractal access codes, probability factors are conjoined by synapsing modules, in excess to liability consoles which are simple levels graded through an augmentation of our current nodes which coalesce in deeper trance/waves adjusting synaptic modulations by temporal velocity, globes in suspects to bring about a leveling (Initiating Force).

Paramobilia has access codes in probability factors which conjoins at greater reuptakes for individuals bypassing subliminal actions towards divinations which are contemporarily given on wave feedback grids.

Paramountability has suspects in causation of lighter bodies from fractals accessing internal demands of our super consciousness. In depth analysis portended in fabrics which are adjusted daily by interactions with other humans.

Susceptibility, modules are extroverted by synapsing currents which shifts in temporal velocities.

The Tree's

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Prosperity Funds

Additionally this concept was attainable through big impacts of our worlds viewers, since the effects of prosperity funds, would bring us into a type of trance where the energy build up, was attainable by another source of consciousness, which was awareness at another level (expanse) towards the general flow, given onto the next level of initiative forces which becomes abrupt after leveling out the playing field, by going into other areas on earth, where your friends are in a singularity, by effects of the original "map out" given from birth.

Its effects can be transfigured by a simple donation to individuals who work with the grids while allowing higher implementations to become about from reading into the fields.

Additionally the concepts which can be foreign to us, commemorates aspects which we chose to delve into, for proponents of discomfort, which allows us to subliminally change what has been ongoing for a long amount of time.

Bypassing its effects can be temporarily a given from the excess in utilizations which we work as/to/with from the eventual saturation, governed from the informational fields (morphogenetic fields) which we gather/read from while adjusting the singularity, which exists by cycles which works year round.


Transporting matter energy in its current form to others initially by forces which came about from the Quantum Thought.

Initially this was attainable far back in time when we were getting onto supernatural manifestations which had us wondering many impossibilities which became possible after learning (setting up) a group mind which was able to decipher the physical knowledge which we would work with.

Subnormal Fields

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Subnormal Fields

Portended fabrics shifted.

Assembly Modules reassessed, inertia is a given from frequency ramp ups.

You’re having a beautiful day, in remembrance of the quantum thought, initially this was partial work to what we are attaining while achieving ascension, prospects in physical manifestation of the ascension codes for reformat… Additionally the contents are beginning to relapse in submergence, inertia is compelled throughout your inhibitors. Fractal access code is initially given from proponents of discomfort.

We chose to let go and initially start a new from the Quantum Thought.

Decisions to go by with the inertia while compelling behaviors it seems impossible to maintain, the effects are portended from fabrics which have shifted ten thousand times already, initially this has caused a lot of performance intakes for probability factors which would conjoin the quantum thought.

It recreates what seems (impossible to maintain29)18

Mario's picture

It recreates what seems (impossible to maintain29)18

Now what we want to show you (17)27, is that the proportionate links we get from content which we receive(30), has co-extensional32 (quantum loop's)16 within themselves26, which acts out as the consciousness(31), grid portal activations, (which is comprised of)15 individuals intelligence levels33, which is composed of the numeric standby's(14) we have momentarily... (As we have attained13) (singular momentum28), graded through(11) processes of internal grids(10), working in tantrum to universal life measures25, which corresponds to(9) the subliminal impartations(12) we get, from gathering momentum within the fields34.

What seems to never have an ending8, which comprises intellectual properties of an advance being24, (as indecisive factors7) abolish.

Now co-extensional realms, are partitions (of what we utilize6) within (for advances2) on other realms23 disposed as frequencies (attuning core dispersions5)19 of the dire-intellect.

Substantial results have been (made without4)20 the need to coagulate as much as was needed in the past.

Past proportion intakes have abolished perceptual anomalies21... (Now we quantify1) consciousness in reasons (beyond (our) own implications3).

Sustaining supportive venues in quantum loops22 pertains to hollow deck individuals.


Substantial Results Are Being Made

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Substantial Results Are Being Made

We are achieving primordial statuses.

Advancements are being made daily, interactions within core groups has us wondering where the perceptual anomalies may be hidden.

Advancing in co-dispersion processes are enabled, higher grid activity has us pondering substantial results which are achieved through internal coding. Advances on prepositions have us wondering where the substantial remarks are being achieved. Actualizations on temporal grid commands have dominated access codes to individual’s conscious resonance levels. Perceptibility of our demands are inquisitive and hyper dissolutions of core matter is attained in binaural synapses. Inner potentiality can subside if we allow matter (consciousness) to dissolve from temporal alignments in higher reputable tasks, as we ask what pertains to hyper assimilations: Conquest to liability modules predisposing fabrics of the cosmic alliances for subset frequent advancements pertaining to telemetric rises.

Higher Transparencies

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Higher Transparencies

Higher transparencies are aspects in which we devolve the known facts about what it is we are doing while implementing higher teachings. What we mean by this is simple enough, as it supresses the known informational fields we have while attributing a higher more transparent design to the concept which is being given (Written) in effects.

Higher transparent designs are given for us to understand the greater fabrics which can be achievable by simple knowledge which derives off interstellar (capabilities). What I mean by this is that interstellar travel has consorts in its properties, achievable by a simple adjustment of the space time continuum.

In order to affect the space time continuum, we would supply routes to digest the matter (energy in Motion) from suspects identifiable through teleportation. In its retreat (Singularity). The prospect condoned by its effects would supply greater conventions for individuals having higher attributable conscious energy, in motion of its effects (Causation) by splicing the continuum in generalized Ideas.

Maybe this is hard to comprehend so let me start off by stating that this document is for informational purposes only and can be shared in its entirety… The effects postponed throughout teleportation would be known as aggravation of the neurotic pathways by a simple synapsing current. If we look at the universe as a conscious anomaly, in this case it would supply external proponents of discomfort from our bodies. To say the least its effects would be stupendous by minor selective counts.

Traversing the space time continuum embarks us on additional data in commands of a surplus (resonance) by *chance given this is set free by the anomaly… Intakes portended in fabrics shifting on their own have been attended (Achieved) now we splice in our genomes inherited abilities for fractal access codes to be given after we are in higher transparencies.


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