mizrah's blog

A message from White Eagle

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My guide White Eagle (who has been with me since I was a child) has asked if I would share his message.  From my heart to your heart I share his words:


"Many of our earth brothers and sisters are feeling saddened and disappointed and even feeling ‘cheated’ at this moment.  There are those who were expecting to be instantly enlightened, to be taken aboard starships, to awaken on 22nd December and find that there were no more wars, that their bank accounts had instantly accumulated wealth…….and many more things.......  There were so many who had been ‘wedded’ to the words being ‘channelled’ by those who they greatly respect and now feel disappointed and let down by those who had channelled these messages regarding instant ‘ascension’ on 12th & 21st December. 


I ask of you to not allow your disappointment to turn to anger and distrust as it doesn’t matter how clear or well known a channeller is, they are still only able to gaze through a very small portion of the overall window at any given time.  They are only able to filter the guidance they receive through interpretation and have done so with the highest of intent.  The overall message has been one to humanity to think about how each individual can raise their vibrations and consciousness to focus on receiving/giving love and compassion, about how best they can assist the Sacred Mother Earth – and this purpose has been achieved.  This, dear ones, is an ongoing process – cosmic time is not defined by dates, hours and minutes of your linear time, however the process has begun and is continuing and the ultimate purpose will be achieved.


From Terra to her wondrous children of light

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I am your Mother, I am Terra and I would like to speak with my wondrous children of light.  Some can hear me, some can feel me but there others who have closed their minds -  believing that I am but inanimate soil, rocks, gases, minerals beneath their feet.


This is a time of great momentum my beloved children of light, we have been working together towards this upcoming Golden Age for some time although many have forgotten….but many many millions of souls have awoken or are awakening to the true nature of their being and the sacred connection we have together, with each other and our star families. 


We have a symbiotic connection beloved ones and combined we can bring the divine plan into being – where only the highest vibratory frequencies are maintained – where only peace and love dominate – no fears, no 3D struggles but only Truth and Light and Joy – with you deciding how best you want to be of service to the All that Is.


We honour you

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We would say to you that we are in awe of the efforts and success of our human relations in their steps forward into ascension.  The current timeline presents many challenges to humanity, it is a time of quickening and your time lines are changing so quickly but so many of you are stepping ‘up to the plate’ and keeping pace with the many changes that are happening.  We honour you all for your contribution to planetary and personal healing and going above and beyond. 


We see so much compassion that you are holding for your earth brothers and sisters who are somewhat behind, those who have yet to come to their understanding of what this time truly evokes and involves.  We see so many of you not coming from a point of ‘ego’ or ‘judgment’ for those who are still so firmly anchored in their 3D reality and this warms our heart.  It shows the depth that humanity is achieving, knowing that all must ascend not just a select few.  We see your attempts to share your understandings with family, friends, work colleagues and we see how this is opening the hearts and minds of many who were closed but through each and every unique effort it is making a difference. 


Our curent home - Planet Earth

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We are all interested in our 'galactic homes' but our current lifetime home is 'planet earth'.  This is the home that we are connected with, this is the home that we need to focus our energies upon. 


This is where we chose to create our influence upon, this where we chose to make a difference.  We have all lived our lives with the many dramas that have we have created, understanding what we need to heal, what we need to know to move forward....but it takes great courage to face these situations.


It takes great courage to look at our current lifetime, taking into account who we are and who we have been.  We have not always been perfect, we have not always lived 'in the Light' but in this time we are shown that we have been given the choice of how we live our lives in the NOW..to choose that this can be a time we can choose a different path.


In each an every moment we can choose to make  a difference, we can choose to stand for our truth, to share that truth with one another, to play our planetary path with others, to be a part of the ascension process,  This can only be achieved through  absolutely POSITIVITY, through self belief that you are are following your own journey sharing that positivity with everyone you know, through empowering others to be their true selves.


It is not a time for EGO, we are all a grain of sand upon the beach - but together we create the beach - let us all understand the part we play, 


I have the greatest hope in humanity, I have the greatest hope that we can all play our part in the ascension that is imminent and I have the greatest hope that more and more people will realise that they can truly make a difference.  I invite you all to make a difference each and every day



With love





Message from the Pleiadians

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We would like to speak with you today about something that we see occurring within many of the LightWorker/Starseed community, something that is distracting and drawing many away from their higher purpose and mission.


On so many of your internet sites there appears to be an almost 'tunnel vision' focus on what has become known in your world as the 'criminal cabal' element, the imminent arrests of bankers, cabal/illuminati members, when or if these arrests will or will not happen, whether your star/galactic brothers and sisters are or are not going to intervene on humanity's behalf. 


We see much dissemination of lower vibrational energies being broadcast worldwide intentionally designed to create diversion and division.  We see members of the Lightworker/Starseed community becoming involved in negative commentary, with fear and despair creeping into the energy fields of many, with a dimming of the light energy field within many.  


With the greatest of loving respect we would ask LightWorkers and Starseeds to once again re-focus their light and thoughts to their higher purpose;  to each, in their own unique way, honour their commitment to assist Sacred Mother Earth and humanity raise their vibrational level in preparation for the transition to the 5th Dimension, for ascension. 


One small task to create a Light Miracle

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We are The Pleiadians and see so many of you questioning:  “what is my mission/purpose”, “how can I, as an individual, do anything to make a change”, “in what way can my love and light assist Sacred Mother and all of life”.  We see so many of you agonizing within self over this quandry because you are filled with a sense of urgency and know that this is a critical time and that all Light is needed in your world.


All of humanity share one mission/purpose and that is for each and every one of you to each day try to become a “higher expression of self”.   This is all that is required of you – sounds simple doesn’t it and it truly is.  Each one of you is the only one who can do this for yourself moment by moment with intention. 


Your sacred intent and thought manifest action…..this is a continuous energy cycle, a continuing ever expanding circle.  Even though Starseeds and Lightworkers are a minority in numbers in your world, the combined quotient of Light and Love that you can bring forth when joined together in sacred intent and thought empowers, effects and uplifts all sentient Life, not only on Sacred Mother but also throughout the multiverse. 


Sacred Heart Connection

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We The Pleiadians step forward right now because we are a closer vibrational frequency to humanity than others.  We are in the 5th Dimension and as humanity and your Sacred planet Mother Earth is stepping into the 5th Dimension we are able and willing and wishing to assist those of humanity who are listening.


We come to you at this time to ask you to remember your heart connection, to one another, to all life and as the antenna of your spiritual galactic connection.  It is a very blase statement, we know to many, that all of the answers lay within your heart connection but it is so.  The energies that are coming foward in your world at this time are subtle, it is only by feeling this subtle connection within the heart and learning to know and trust this energy that you can discern truly from where this energy derives.  Just because someone thinks they are channelling, this does not mean that it is necessarily coming from a higher loving energy force from higher dimensions. 

This is where practicing discernment comes into play.....by feeling the subtle loving energy within your heart and being, by not just accepting but by discerning from whence these energies come and building trust.


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