Ra-Raela's blog

Urgent!! Send Your Love And Prayers To Positively AffectBrother Wolf

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Please, send your love, prayer and positive energy to a very important meeting taking place right now, as I type this. It is 4:44pm. The fate of the remaining wolf populations is being decided on right now, as a public hearing is gathering with Fish and Game, in Sacramento, Ca. These magnificent animals are already being threatened by over hunting in the worst ways imaginable. They should not be taken of the endangered species list at this time. That is what the meeting is about. Whether to keep them on the list or not. PLEASE! Send your energy so the outcome is as positive for the wolves as possible. Thank you!

From "Hard Truths"... This Should Heard And Understood By Every American!!

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This is the truth in a nutshell. This is why things have been so screwed up. I felt compelled to listen to this document. Everything that is happening now and has happened in the past makes complete sense. The economic machinery has been exposed as the secret weapon of choice by the elite. They think we are too stupid to figure it out. Maybe they are right, and maybe not. Only time will tell. If enough people hear this and wake up, the house of cards so carefully build, can be dismantled. So share this with as many people as you can! Everyone deserves to know the truth!



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