Ra-Raela's blog

EPA Reverses Itself On Flouride Levels

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Some good news for a change. EPA has taken notice of the deleterious effects of flouride on children and older adults. So they finally admitted that the dosage put in the drinking water is too high, and needs to be changed. Please read all about it here:


Now if they could just get rid of the bio-tech crap out there!

Bio-engineered Trees And Plants And The Threat They Pose

Ra-Raela's picture

I hope this video makes it into the "Latest News" section, because it shows the danger of complacency and giving up our right to clean water and pure food!

This video shows the clear threat, that rushed bio-engineering presents to the environment and life on the planet. If you watch this video, you can clearly see what the agenda of Monsanto and its ilk is. We must clearly let this company know, that we are not going to put up with this anymore! Please make this video viral!


Petition To Save Orangutans and other animals

Ra-Raela's picture

Well, I seems neverending doesn't it! This time Avaaz is asking our help in saving Orangutans and other animals living in a piece of forrest, that is supposed to be bulldozed for god knows what. Time is crucial. Please take action and let your voice be heard, for these beautiful creatures!

Here is the link:


Marches Against Monsanto

Ra-Raela's picture

Hi there! I wanted to share this with everybody, in case you were interested.


As the article stated, Europe has already woken up to this issue, and banned this company from selling their products. People in the United States have yet to wake up fully to the side effects of these manipulated foods. Here's your chance to voice your displeasure.


Lots of love, Ra-Raela


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