reneesnider's blog

Natural State of Ascension Acceleration Now

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LOTS of changes in the physical and in the non-physical of our very personal Selves.  Heads are foggy and floating.  Out of alignment things Gaia continually is rearranging and aligning (with Great JOY) with her new platform and octave.  The Sun sending always sending in massive amounts of energies with loving spectacular seeming random displays of brilliant bursts of Light, each with a special sacred Fire Code of Enlightenment for all.  Balance...difficult at best at this time as we are being taken apart, rewired, upgrade and there is no putting back...this is continual!  We are like learning how to tap dance, chew gum, sing opera, listen to mathematical problem solving, while keeping an eye on an illusionary solid object!  We are quite amazing!


Much comes in short order for all of humanity

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Greetings Beloveds.  I am sharing this lovely message that came through last week when there was just two of us in an infared room alone for a brief bit at the spa...and the ceiling there is full of beautiful colored lights and infared rays......


These loving galactic beings, these Peacekeepers, came forth in love to share this message of insight and ecouragement of what is happening and what is to come in short order.  SOON in our time!  Love to all!




Calling forth……Breathing in the energies


We say you call forth that which is already here, that which is already is a part of you that is already of knowing. That part of you that already has a voice and it is a discernment of whose voice and it is our voice, it is your voice, it is All voices.  We are All.  We are One.  Each of you are finding this out more and more.  There is no separation, it is labels, it’s names, it’s… “oh I have to create space for this”.  Space is already created, Dear Ones.  Where ever you are it IS!  Where ever you aren’t it IS!  There is no space where It is not.


One for Change

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We are All One.  It means just that.  We come from One creator and we are "individualized" only by the appearance of illusion.  We are nonetheless One Being expressed as the many.  WE are of One tribe, One family, One Heart, One Mind.  There is no you or me or friend or foe as that is still the reflection of illusion. Yet, we are here in this realm of reality to bring in our God Self into a physical expression so that the variable aspects of God can be seen readily and further explored.  We each support another on this path as we are all interrelated and reflections of the journey.


UpShift is on its way!

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Dear Ones


Massive cleansings of our bodies, minds and energetic fields continue.....and only deepen.  Pockets of breathing room barely in between.  Experiences can range depending on perspective, to life being hard and lots of illness,  to physical exhaustion, to nose bleeds, to short tempers, to avoidance, to mood swings, inability to sleep, not wanting food or eating too much.....foggy head, short term memory issues, anger, extreme lack of patience or job, relationship changes...... when that which is no longer supported by the increase in Light on our planet, will need to balance and upshift.   We are approaching several threshold of which Our Family of Light is speaking of....very "lightly"  :).  289034_265168973504259_237626232925200_966813_952778937_o

Hold on to your Light.  Take care of your mind and body.  Rest as much as you can, be in the sun, be in nature.  Be in peace.  Much time for solitude, contemplation...and balance with community; loved ones.   Do not get lost in the downs, just observe.  Find the matter how hard!  Find the blessing. Give gratitude of knowing that what is shifting or changing is for the better and good of ALL.


The Action of Love: Love your Self out of conflict

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Dear Ones, Dear Beings of Earth, Dear Children of Light, Dear Precious Holy Ones,



You must know that in your heart is the key to peace, to holy resolution to all that is outside of you.  Do not get caught up in news, media, gossip or fear in general.  All those activities do not serve, and they are only based in lower energies of opinion, not fact.  They are based in fear, not love and are not the truth of thy Creator.


What is playing out in the Holy lands is the completion of Holy in differences found before your awareness of even what is written in your Bible and sacred texts.  These lands are tainted with old horrors of days gone by and now as Christed consciousness, the very essence of each of your cells, of all life, now flows at ever increasing intensities on to and into your planet your atmosphere, those old energies, thoughts, feelings and patterns are coming up for healing, for review, for cleansing.   There is a healing to occur of these old conflicts and energies of opposition. It represents the very essence of 3rd dimension, of polarity, of perceived separation.


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