taragrace's blog

Realms Of Innocence

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The Resurrection of the Realms of Innocence

Native American tribes such as the Hopi have long foretold the restoration of the Kachinas, the tribes of purity. Not only have they been brought back from their seclusion in different star systems, but released from their hiding places in the sacred libraries of the Earth. These libraries have served to preserve their species even at times when all of life was erased between the massive cycles of existence.

Excerp from Arubafarina, The Book of Fairy Magic

Tara Grace

The Unfoldment Of The Soul (Hazrat Inayat Khan)

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IT IS IN the unfoldment of the soul that the purpose of life is fulfilled. And it is not only with human beings, but also with the lower creation, even with objects of every kind, that the fulfillment of their existence lies in their unfoldment. The clouds gather, and the purpose of this is shown when it starts raining. It is the unfoldment of that gathering of clouds which shows itself in rain; that purpose was not accomplished in the gathering of the clouds, which was only a preparation. One sees the same thing in nature, which works the whole year round, and in the appropriate season it brings forth its fruits. Not only human beings but even the birds and animals watch and delight in seeing the purpose of nature's continual activity being fulfilled in the spring. We learn from this that every being and every object is working towards that unfoldment which is the fulfillment of its purpose. As Sadi has said, 'Every being is intended to be on earth for a certain purpose, and the light of that purpose has been kindled in his heart.'

The Heart Quality(Hazrat Inayat Khan)

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THERE ARE people who look at life with their brain, or their head as they call it, and there are others who look at life with their heart. And between these two points of view there is a vast difference; so much difference that something that one sees on the earth the other sees in heaven, something that one sees as small the other sees as great, something that one sees as limited the other sees as unlimited. These two types of people become opposite poles. No one will admit that he looks at things with his head; everyone will say that he looks at life with his heart. But if one only knew what it is to look at life from the heart! The most evolved person in the world will only go as far as to say, 'I have not yet learned to look at life from the heart; I would like to know how to do it, I would like to learn it.'

One might say that emotional and devotional people are flying in the clouds, and that the others who act with reason and logic are standing on the earth. This is true; but in the first place angels ride on clouds, and if the soul has an angelic quality the clouds are its sphere, not the earth. One may ask where then is the place for practicality in life; but what is practicality, as one calls it, and all that one is so careful about? And how long does it last, what is it worth? No doubt it is true that man is born on earth to bear the weight of his physical body and its needs, a roof over his head, and a piece of bread to sustain him. But if man believes that this is all there is to think about, he is making a great mistake, devoting all his life to what he calls practicality, practical life, and never thinking of the heavenly treasure that is hidden in the heart of man.

Love (Hazrat Inayat Khan)

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IN REALITY wisdom is love and love is wisdom, although in one person wisdom may be predominant and in another love. The cold-hearted man is never wise, nor is the really warm-hearted person foolish; yet both these qualities, love and wisdom, are distinct and separate, and it is possible that a person may be loving but lacking in wisdom. It may also happen that a person who is wise is lacking in love to some extent; but no one can be wise if love is absent from his heart, and no one will be truly loving if wisdom had not illuminated his heart, for love comes from wisdom and wisdom comes from love.

It is very difficult to say what love is, and how one should love. Is it embracing people and running after them and saying pleasant things to them? Not everyone finds it easy to show his love. One person perhaps has a love hidden in his heart, and another person's love comes out in his words. The love of one person changes the whole atmosphere, and that of another is like a spark hidden in a stone. To judge who has love and who has not is very difficult. There is love for instance which seems as if it comes from a cracker, calling out, ' I am love', but it burns out and is gone. There is also love like a spark in a pebble; it may never manifest, and if you hold the pebble it feels cold, but at the same time it is there, it is dependable and it lasts; therefore one can never judge.

The Privilege Of Being Human(Hazrat Inayat Khan)

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Why is it so great a privilege to be man? There is a legend which explains this very clearly.

The angels once rebelled against God, saying, “Why should man be made higher than all the other creatures? Man has the animal attributes. Man needs to eat; we do not. Man needs to drink; we do not. Man needs to sleep; we do not.”

God said, “We will decide this question after a trial.” And God said to one of the angles, “Go upon earth and see what man’s life is.”

The angel flew down to earth. He saw a tree. He was so delighted with the tree that he climbed down upon it and began to eat its fruit. He was so enchanted that he thought, “This is the best place to live. I was a miserable creature when I did not have this.”

The he saw a young girl passing beneath the tree, selling fruit. He was charmed by her beauty and asked her to sell him the fruit. They became friends; they became lovers; they married and had children.

At first the angel was very, very happy; but when the freshness, the newness went, the charm and the happiness wore away. He began to find that those who had been his friends yesterday were not his friends today, that those who had been kind once were kind no longer. Life became very difficult. All the burdens and cares of life fell upon him. He felt oppressed, suffocated, and he grew very unhappy and complained of his life on earth.

Then God said to another angel, “Go and see what your brother is doing.” The angel went down to earth. He too was delighted with the earth, its trees and fruits. But when the other angel told him of his life and all its difficulties and troubles, he flew back, and so was saved from these experiences.

When the angels appeared again before God, God said, “When even the angels are tempted by the earth and forget Me, should I not be proud of man when he, having all the troubles and difficulties and burdens of life on earth, sometimes remembers Me, thinks of Me?”

Harmony, Wisdom And Love(Hazrat Inayat Khan)

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Life is a place where it is necessary to move gently. Whether it be in thought, speech, or action, the rhythm must be controlled; the law of harmony must be observed in all that one does.

If there is anything that will bring satisfaction it is diving deep into Love, and then we shall realize that there is nothing which is not just; we shall never again say that anything is unjust. This is the point the wise reach, and they call it the culmination of wisdom.
Hazrat Inayat khan
Tara Grace

Soul ,God And Greatest Goal(Hazrat Inayat Khan)

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To be resigned means to find satisfaction in self-denial (Self-denial is the denial of one’s lower self.).

Resignation is a quality of the saintly souls.

The highest and greatest goal that every soul has to reach is God. As everything needs renunciation, that highest goal needs the highest renunciation.

… The wise in all ages… have tried to learn one thing only, and that was resignation to the Will of God. By doing this, they have reached a stage at which they could see from God’s point of view.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
Tara Grace


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