The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 1/5/2021

will's picture

The ego is preventing everything. Ego is making you a beggar, while you are an emperor of a great empire. Of course, that empire does not belong to the outside world; it is in your own being, but its vastness is as big as the universe itself.

Your ego is keeping you encaged, imprisoned. Don't nourish it... and I am saying it because I know it is everybody's possibility not to nourish the ego and to get out into the open sky.


GFP Newsletter - 1/4/2021

will's picture

If you don't have any ego, it doesn't matter whether somebody says you are an idiot or somebody says you are a genius. It does not matter... they are their opinions. You know who you are -- you don't depend on other people's opinions. Your ego depends. Your ego keeps you a slave of the society in which you live. Ordinarily people think that their ego is something very precious. It is nothing but their slavery.

A man becomes independent and free and individual only when he has dropped his ego, when he is just a silent being, without any idea of "I" -- just a pure silence... THIS silence. And if in this silence you look inward, you will not find any "I," any ego, any self, but just a pure space.

This pure space is your spirituality.

This pure space is your enlightenment.

This pure space is your ultimate ecstasy.


GFP Newsletter - 1/3/2021

will's picture

I have told you a story that I love.... A Japanese king went to see Master Lin Chi. He touched the feet of the master and before he could say anything, Lin Chi said, "You idiot! You don't know even manners."

The king completely forgot for what he had come. He pulled out his sword, and Lin Chi laughed. He said, "You have forgotten your question. Now I remind you" -- because the king had sent his prime minister before him to inform Lin Chi that he is coming and his question is, "What is hell and what is heaven?" Now, when the sword was just about to fall on his neck, Lin Chi said, "Wait a minute! This is the door of hell."

The king was shocked. His hand stopped. He put back the sword in the sheath, and Lin Chi said, "That is the door of heaven. You had forgotten your question, but your prime minister told me. It was good that he told me before, otherwise you would have killed a poor man unnecessarily, and you would have suffered hell -- because hell is not anywhere else but in your ego. When I said, 'You idiot!' what was the trouble? Why did you become so angry? Who was hurt? It is your ego that was hurt."


GFP Newsletter - 1/2/2021

will's picture

Ego is the only trouble in the world.

If everybody in the world just for one hour decides to put the ego aside -- just for one hour -- there will be no trouble, no problem; there will be such great peace and silence and love that we have not known before. This whole planet has not known that.

But the ego is nourished on troubles. If it cannot create trouble, it will starve to death. It needs continuous nourishment, and that nourishment comes from trouble. So if you understand that the trouble is a pain in the neck, and you are tired of it... If you are not tired of it, then I am not saying you have to drop it; first get really tired, then there is no need for me to tell you to drop it. You will just drop it.


GFP Newsletter - 1/1/2021

will's picture

There are also questions which arise not out of your mind, but our of your very being. They are not questions of curiosity, but questions of deep longing, searching, seeking.

They are not accidental -- you have not asked them just "by the way." Their meaning is as precious as life itself. Those questions can be answered only by silence.


GFP Newsletter - 12/31/2020

will's picture

You are all a joke unto yourself.

Gautam Buddha said as his last statement: "Be a light unto yourself." The day I leave the body please remind me, so that I can make my last statement: "Be a joke unto yourself."

That is far more joyful than being a light unto yourself. What are you going to do with a light? Light your cigars, or burn people's houses? But being a joke unto yourself, you will be a bliss for everyone.


GFP Newsletter - 12/29/2020

will's picture

Mistakes happen because our clarity about existence is not meditative. Our mind is continuously creating unnecessary problems, unnecessary dilemmas.


GFP Newsletter - 12/28/2020

will's picture

Mind has to stop first, then time stops. And when both time and mind are stopped you have tremendous ecstasy, ecstasy so great... There is not only a difference of degree between sexual orgasm and spiritual orgasm; the difference is qualitative: it has a beauty of its own, a blissfulness of its own, a contentment of its own.


GFP Newsletter - 12/27/2020

will's picture

If people like Gautam Buddha or Mahavira became celibate... it was not that through being celibate they became Gautam Buddha and Mahavira. The situation is just the reverse: they became Gautam Buddha and Mahavira by meditation and they found a far bigger freedom and orgasmic joy. Sex disappeared from their life.

But people have looked at it wrongly. From the outside you cannot see their orgasmic joy; you can only see that this man has become celibate. Perhaps by becoming celibate you will also attain the orgasmic joy. It does not work that way.



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