adjusting interplanetary shifts

Responsive flows (Factors)

Mario's picture

Responsive flows (Factors)

We deem it important within these moments to recrystallize the extra sensory ("programs") to let some know what it is we may be "in" while having exempts... Eventual exempts in the fabrications (flows)... Which contemporizes the residual flux once we are in setbacks.

What contemplates our awareness's within moments of greater residual flux or factors, are perpetuated fabrics at constants within impeded flows… Conventional, to abrupt means at deviations... Formal interdependences are crystalizing new flows (energy) for perpetual events... Chained events... Which from our meanings... Contemporary... Fabricating (assimilation waves) from the *residual... The "draw backs" which have/has as effects a "surplus" of energy within momentum for a gradual (reselection process) which should enable ‘new world views’ while having as effects, a greater wave (assimilation) for "after shock" of events... Chained events* which contemporizes... Brings about... {New contact Space} as our awareness shifts ever so slightly to greater avenues... Which is composed at timelines forming advents to new world structures... AS A GALACTIC MOVEMENT, (Family) in occurrence to laws, which causes the natural currents, to evolve* said “currents”, being MOMENTUM in ENERGY VORTEX... SPACE as eventual means of having ENERGY ‘fabricated’ (conformal) to said SPACE WITHIN VORTEX, creating a portal* new abilities, intelligences and ways of being (understanding, and functioning)... By experiencing something of greater fabrics (Nature OF laws) where correspondence of those laws, should be denounced to higher aptitudes... Ways of being altogether.

Which is simply having... BEING in our greater NATURE ALTOGETHER with eventual means of having said EVENTS which contemporizes the "general flux" of said vortex to hold space for those anchoring... ENABLING something which may become true to hollow deck individuals.

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