archangel Raziel

Energy Reading for this week from Archangel Michael and Raziel

Blue Diamon's picture

Energy Reading for this week from Archangel Michael and Raziel : Let go of fear and stand in your Power Now!

This morning Archangel Michael is stepping forward with his message to “Let go of fear Now!” And then Archangel Raziel also steps forward with his message, “Stand in your Power Now!”

What does this all mean and why now are we receiving these messages?

The mind is always reeling with thoughts, most of which are useless and serve only to take us out of our spiritual center, our heart. This morning I joked with the angels to please give me a lobotomy so I could have a clear mind. They answered back and said, “Use your mind constructively.”

But how do I do that when my mind never stops?

“Make it stop. Your mind awaits your command. Your mind is your most powerful creative tool and it gets bored easily if not used! Therefore use it. The more you use your mind, the less it will be inclined to listen to the ego.”

“The ego feeds off useless information that perpetuates a fear-based reality. The heart, which is where your innate power lies, feeds off love. Therefore choose to live in your heart for this is where your power lies.”

I know this, and I am choosing to live in my heart!

“The ego is persistent, and ironically it is through its relentlessness and persistence that you’re given the opportunity in learning to take back your power! Remain steadfast and do not give up!”

Don’t give up on the magic of Life, the magic of Creation! Don’t give up on your Self either and your innate power to create your reality!

Oracle Card for today ~ Archangel Raziel “Take back your power!”

Blue Diamon's picture

There are still those of you that believe you do not have the power within you to change your circumstances, your life, your current reality. YOU are the creator of your current life experience. Until you can accept responsibility for what you have created, you cannot change it. And you cannot change it if you do not believe that you have the power to do so. Belief / Trust / Faith it the key. Belief, trust, faith in what? In your Self. Remember you are not alone. Part of you is here in the human realm, and the other part of your Self exists in the higher realms. You are not alone and never have been. This part of your Self is ready and waiting to assist you to return to a vibration of Divine Love. Withing this vibration exists all possibility. Nothing is impossible! Nothingno Thing! Except what you believe is NOT possible! The illusions belong to the old paradigm. You can choose now if you wish  the old paradigm to be your living experience, and you can continue living in ‘victim mode’ OR you can decide now to move into the new paradigm. The choice is always yours. You were given free and this will never be taken away from you. Why shall it? You would not be Creators if you had your living experience created for you! Where would the fun be in that? Life is not meant to be a struggle, it is meant to be joyful. Examine what it is you believe. Become conscious and aware of your thoughts, feelings and the words you express. These are powerful! Listen to your inner voice and guidance and act upon it. There is never a time when you are not being guided. The question is this: Are you listening?

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