Astrology; Daily Astrology

Gaia Earth Star Daily Planetary Dance, March 29th 2015

Gaia Earth Star's picture


Moon in Leo

Today, is Palm Sunday…the day where Christ entered into Jerusalem, one week before his Ressurection. Why do I mention this? Because, it is relevant to what you can accomplish my Dear Ones. Jesus was a Beacon of Light side by side with his beloved Twin Soul Mary Magdalene. I will share more when time comes as I have received many transmissions during in my stay in Glastonbury last year. In any case, as we are about a week to the next Eclipse, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra, just before Easter, Ressurection time, you can feel it in your own Life, you are about to be resurrected!…if you so choose and walk the path. Indeed, there is no Miracle in that sense my Dear Ones, you have to want to ascend…which means let go of the illusion of separation which the ego-mind-prison feeds on. The Ego must dissolve into the Oneness that you are and that can feel like drowning, if unprepared. But rest assure, you will come out of the waters! This is such a potent time my Dear Ones, a tremendous amount of Light Frequencies is becoming available as the Lunar Eclipse Stargate is open for us to receive this Divine Love from the Heart of Mother Goddess, activating our Diamond Heart Stargate, which only was dormant. We have the opportunity to shed deep layers of conditioning and karmic burdens, transmuting through Divine Unconditional Love and Forgiveness. Forgive self, forgive others. Forgive to GIVE! Take that opportunity my Dear Ones. Pay attention to your Dreams. Write them down. Learn from your Dreamspace. It is your Soul speaking to you with metaphors.
To that matter, please see on my page “Gaia Earth Star” the remote event I will be hosting on Friday 3rd of April. Join this field of Unconditional Love and Unity Consciousness that your are!

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