
Beyond Liver Health: Dandelion has Serious Anti-Cancer Properties

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Naturalsociety.com, By: Paul Fassa, 11/08/2013

dandelion cancer 263x164 Beyond Liver Health: Dandelion has Serious Anti Cancer Properties

Canadian oncologist Dr. Caroline Hamm of Windsor Regional Hospital noticed a few cancer patients who had been drinking dandelion root tea seemed to be getting better. She was curious whether it was coincidental or if there was something to it. So she urged University of Windsor biochemist colleague Siyaram Pandey to look into it further in case there is something about dandelion root extract that is useful against cancer. He and Dr. Hamm were amazed to find the leukemia cells were forced into apoptosis, or cell suicide without damaging healthy cells. Further testing showed similar results with other types of cancer cells, and mice showed no signs of side effects from the dandelion root extract.


For more on this story visit www.naturalsociety.com

Dandelion Tincture: How to Make, Health Benefits and Nutritional Values

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By: Orgoknight.com, 06/18/2013


There are a number of benefits within a Dandelion tincture such as; hypertension, detoxifies liver and the gallbladder, treats acne, eczema, psoriasis, arthritis, gout, purifies blood, treats cancer, natural diuretic, improves digestion, reduces oxidative stress, great tonic, detoxifies the system, spleen and gallbladder, stimulates poor appetite, soothes upset stomach and much more.


For more on this story visit www.orgoknight.com/for-your-health

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