
Dandelion Tincture: How to Make, Health Benefits and Nutritional Values

Silver's picture

By: Orgoknight.com, 06/18/2013


There are a number of benefits within a Dandelion tincture such as; hypertension, detoxifies liver and the gallbladder, treats acne, eczema, psoriasis, arthritis, gout, purifies blood, treats cancer, natural diuretic, improves digestion, reduces oxidative stress, great tonic, detoxifies the system, spleen and gallbladder, stimulates poor appetite, soothes upset stomach and much more.


For more on this story visit www.orgoknight.com/for-your-health

Yerba Mate Tea - Natural Alternative Energy Drink

Silver's picture

By: Orgoknight.com, 06/18/2013

Yerba Mate tea or tincture is an alternative energy drink that is all natural.  Additional benefits include; "Quickens" the mind, increases mental alertness, delays the onset of lactic acid build up in the muscles, has rejuvenating effect, strong antioxidant, mind body stimulant, energy support, boosts metabolism, burns fat, balances most bodily functions, stimulates focus and clarity, promotes weight loss and more.


For more information visit www.orgoknight.com

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