Energy and Creation

The Perfection of All-That-Is through Universal Superconductivity of the Infinite Consciousness - Message 5

Astraea et Amora's picture

Channeled by Astraea and Amora:  The Feminine aspects of the Fourth and Third Rays of Divine Creation


Within the realms of All-That-Is great swaths of light-energy move in infinite waves of infinite frequency, each wave to its own destination, each knowing where it’s to go, each knowing its purpose. Balance is its purpose and Equality is its goal.

Balance is created through the natural attraction to and the integration of opposites, opposites that hold the energy of the other but cannot exist alone, without the other. And in holding each other all is known of the other, and the perfection of integration to create a unified whole arises from the perfect alchemical reaction.

It is the balance in energies that creates the condition of a fully integrated presence into the One, the Wholeness of All-That-Is. It begins with balancing the immediate photon requirements between each constituent part at the level of the primal fields of the First Cause within the god particles at the pre-atomic level.

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