Evolutionary Astrology of the Winter Solstice


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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey


The Winter Solstice is one of the most important and powerful portals of the year.   This portal is considered a “power point’.  It is signified by the Sun moving into Capricorn, only degrees away from the Galactic Center, which is also a Portal….that is why the Winter Solstice is considered a Power point….…2 portals opening together!   Gateway….

When portals are formed they give us an opening to the Universe…..therefore giving us the gift of being able to connect with the Universe and receive….messages, higher knowledge, wisdoms, and activations of “what we already know, but have not yet come up into our conscience.”   We also receive many down loads during this time that can accelerate our evolution.   The most active and powerful time to receive these gifts is at the exact opening of the portal…..making it even more powerful when you are gathered with your tribe…..and or your community to receive. 

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