Anti Christ Endowments

IanChris948's picture

In 2009 a Los Angeles film producer was murdered.    Local state and federal authorities refuse to investigate, meanwhile million of dollars worth of real estate fraud are being committed against the estate.    The victim's name was Michael Goss.   This is Alejandro's testimony as the sole surviving relative and beneficiary to the Goss Estate.  

FBI sued over secretive facial recognition program

Silver's picture

By: rt.com, 06/28/2013

Reuters / Michael Caronna

Soon the FBI will be done building a database containing the photographs, fingerprints and other biometric data for millions of Americans, but the agency has been far from forthcoming with the details. A new lawsuit filed this week aims to change that. The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a non-profit digital rights group based out of California, sued the United States Department of Justice this week for failing to comply with multiple Freedom of Information Act requests filed last year by the EFF.


The Federal Bureau of Investigation received no fewer than three FOIA requests from the EFF last year for details about its state-of-the-art Next Generation Identification program, or NGI, a system that will store personally-identifiable data for millions of Americans and foreign nationals to act as what the FBI has called a "bigger, faster and better" version of what law enforcement already uses. But while the bureau has indeed already been using fingerprint information to track down potential terrorists and troublemakers for years, the EFF’s main concern revolves around what sort of space-age face recognition abilities NGI will be able to employ.


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