
Nature's Flu Shot

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By: Dave Mihalovic, 01/31/2014

There is no value in a flu vaccine because it does not work with the body to facilitate prevention or healing--it works against it. There is also no evidence of any benefit of flu shots due to the vast majority of industry-funded trials which are highly inadequate. Nature has the ultimate flu shot with pure, ultra immune boosting power that a vaccine can never match. This recipe stimulates the immune system to such an extent, that people often report results within as little as three hours.


For more on this story visit www.preventdisease.com

5 Tips for Naturally Staying Well and Flu-Free this Winter

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Natural Society, By: Elizabeth Renter, 12/16/2013

tea sick flu 263x164 5 Tips for Naturally Staying Well and Flu Free this Winter

In addition to producing no vitamin D since the cold season keep us indoors, we are more likely to spread germs among one another. It’s in these winter months—when we also seek comfort in carb-heavy foods– that a cold or the flu can easily take hold and make your daily existing very unpleasant. While there is something to be said for treating the symptoms of such illness with natural remedies, the best way to fight a cold or the flu is to prevent it from ever happening.


For more on this story visit www.naturalsociety.com

Sore Throat? Here's a Simple Natural Remedy

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By: Humansarefree.com, 12/03/2013

Winter is the season of flu and cold, so no wonder you have uncomfortably burning and itchy throat. Instead of taking antibiotics and pills, prepare this efficient homemade remedy and heal your sore throat faster that you think.




- 2 lemons thoroughly cleaned and sliced;

- 2 piece of ginger about the size of your pointer and middle finger together sliced into coin size pieces;

- Honey


Vitamin D Proven More Effective Than Both Anti-Viral Drugs and Vaccines At Preventing The Flu

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Prevent Disease, Marco Torres, 10/22/2013

The risk of children suffering from flu can be reduced by 50% if they take vitamin D, doctors in Japan have found. The finding has implications for flu epidemics since vitamin D, which is naturally produced by the human body when exposed to direct sunlight, has no significant side effects, costs little and can be several times more effective than anti-viral drugs or vaccines according to research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.


Only one in ten children, aged six to 15 years, taking the sunshine vitamin in a clinical trial came down with flu compared with one in five given a dummy tablet. Mitsuyoshi Urashima, the Japanese doctor who led the trial, told The Times that vitamin D was more effective than vaccines in preventing flu.


For more on this story visit www.wakingtimes.com

Cold and Flu Remedies That Work

Desert Gypsy's picture

Colds and flues seem to be on the rise with the changing seasons.  Many of us prefer not to use OTC or prescription medications because of their toxicity on the physical body. They  actually make the healing process take longer by suppressing proper immune system function. Fortunately, there are many highly effective natural remedies available to us.

My family and friends have benefited from the use of the following remedies for over thirty years with great success. I gift them now to you with love.

Vinegar Vapors:  For congestion of the sinus and lungs

1 cup apple cider vinegar with the mother.

2 cups water.

Heat until boiling. Inhale the steam.

Sinus: Inhale in through the nose and out through the nose 3 times – morning and night.

5 Baffling Vaccination Facts

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By: Lisa K. Jillani, 09/22/2013


Exposure to illness is an occupational hazard for the medical community. Doctors are among the highest risk population groups and most hospitals and practices make it mandatory for physicians to be vaccinated. Researcher and author Neil Z. Miller reports that approximately 66% of pediatricians and obstetricians refused the MMR shot in one study.[1] An equal percentage of doctors refused the Hepatitis B shot, mostly citing safety concerns because of rumors of animal DNA contamination in the shots.[2] The American Medical Association’s (AMA) Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine cite a 1994 study where approximately 1/3 of doctors were working without mandatory flu vaccines.[3] Yet the doctors blindly follow national recommendations to vaccinate every child they can round up (sometimes with as many as five vaccines in one visit).


For more information visit www.realfarmacy.com



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