heal yourself

Remember who you are and bless yourself!

Blue Diamon's picture

Last night I didn’t feel too well and I wished I had fresh ginger root to make tea to quell the nausea. So this morning I decided I would walk the 30-40 minute walk to the nearest store to buy some fresh ginger root. Luckily the weather was wonderfully cool and breezy as I set out for the store. Rain threatened but Michael kept assuring me I would be fine. I enjoyed the fresh air and the sounds of Egret’s nesting in tall pine trees along the way. It wasn’t long and I became tired, but I was determined to get there. I felt a few splatters of rain and I thought, “Oh Lord, please not now…”

Michael kept on assuring me I would be fine.

I reached the store, purchased the ginger and a few other items and started out for the journey back. I really felt tired but tried not to think about it. I told myself to cancel and delete that thought. It was then that I remembered I could change my energy. I remembered who I am! I’m a powerful spiritual being having a human experience! So I started blessing myself. These words just flowed into my consciousness:

“I bless myself with the Energy of the Divine. I bless myself with perfect health and vitality.”

I repeated them to myself over and over. About 2 minutes later I noticed a change in my energy field. I felt stronger. I started walking faster! I had more physical energy and vitality. And best of all, the journey home felt shorter! I know… as impossible as that may seem, it’s true. Since working with Michael I have come to believe that ALL is possible! And the magic of miracles are EVERYWHERE!

So you may be wondering why I chose to bless myself…

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