Heart Love

Mother Mary: You Have Lifted the Limits of Perpetuity – Channeled by Fran Zepeda – March 17, 2014

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Mother-Mary-213x300Mother Mary:


Hello sweet ones. I come today to give you encouragement and enlightenment as you stand right now in your journey. You are by no doubt encapsulating and experiencing the tremendous influx of light of a new quality that you have not experienced before. This is because, my dear ones, you are encompassing the Christ Light Consciousness more and more within your energy fields and you are coming more and more online with your divine essence and purpose.

It is difficult to quantify it; it is difficult to qualify it. It is difficult to explain it. Your experience is your experience and it is unique to you and it is perfect for you. However there is a common theme running through-out. There is a lightening and a floating of your energy as never before. It necessitates you to trust and go with it and thus it necessitates and allows you to move forward with it, not really knowing where it leads, because for all intents and purposes, you are there…you are just building within your own energy framework more of the divine template of which you originate.

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