light body experiences

My first Light Body experiences shared for the very first time here!

Blue Diamon's picture

Baby Learning to Walk Cotton Lace Shoes from

I had another light body experience early this morning! I felt myself become light-er and lifting off my bed and trying to stand upright. Someone behind me was helping me and held my arms. He said in what sounded like a Canadian accent, "it's okay, take it easy.." but then I let my fears get the better of me. Because it feels so weird being weightless and much larger than my human form, I started worrying that if I floated off, I (my human self) could fall out of my light body and get hurt. Which is impossible, I know! Really silly how fearful we can be as humans! But at that moment it’s difficult to maintain coherent thought! So, of course, I floated back down onto my bed. 

The light body feels to me as if I am wearing a space suit because your light form feels so much bigger and of course there is no gravity at that level of frequency. I guess I shouldn’t have watched the movie “Gravity”…

This is my first experience of trying to stand upright, so I guess we are progressing! I feel kind of like a baby trying to stand up and take her first steps! Imagine that!

Transition (Ascension) Update ~ Being In Light Body In The Wake of the Eclipses

Blue Diamon's picture

For the first time since my transition began in earnest 3 years ago I feel the excitement and absolute appreciation of the changes that are occurring. The energies are still very strong and I have a sense that they will get stronger each day now, which is fabulous because this means that each new day brings along with it exciting new experiences. Dealing with 3D issues is still a huge challenge and can result in a lowering of my level of consciousness if I’m not mindful and careful.

There is still a little resistance about, but it has become easier to snap out of it and to lift my thoughts and focus on the higher perspective. The introduction of music is working really well for me now. I’m extremely passionate about music and I have found it brings me almost instantly back into the 6th dimension and into alignment with my Soul source energy. So, thank you to my Beloved for introducing me to Italian composer and pianist Ludovico Einaudi who, in my opinion, is a master in his art and worthy of the accolade.

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