
The Divine Masculine and Feminine Archetypes ~ Myth or Real?

Blue Diamon's picture

As currently understood by many, the Divine Feminine and the Divine masculine, are both archetypes, as are God/Goddess. Not so much ‘God’, as the word ‘God’ is still associated by many as as religious deity, but definitely the Goddess is understood to be an archetype. This is how the dictionary explains the word:

An original model after which other similar things are patterned. In the psychology of Carl Jung, archetypes are the images, patterns, and symbols that rise out of the collective unconscious and appear in dreams, mythology, and fairy tales.

This, of course, is because it is still a belief in most of the world today that the Feminine archetype has no real power.

This could not be further from the truth. In fact it is through the strength and power of the Feminine that the Masculine energy experiences and manifests his power. The two energies are interdependent on each other for complete fulfillment. One cannot be complete without the other.

Yes! We ARE Sexual Beings!

Blue Diamon's picture

Having just watched Kaypatcha’s latest astrology report, I want to say that he’s hit the nail on the head once more. If you have any confusion/doubt as to what is going on now with the energy, with yourself, with others, then do yourself a favor and watch the report:

Yes, we ARE Sexual Beings, and not just in the 3rd dimension either! We ARE and always will be, in one form or another, an embodiment of the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies that make up WHO WE ARE as Spiritual Beings.

What’s happening now is A GREAT COMING TOGETHER of these two DYNAMIC and EXTREMELY POWERFUL energies for the FIRST TIME here on Planet Earth and this SACRED RE-UNION is going to catapult this Planet into the NEW AGE!

The POWER of these two Sacred energies working synergistically together cannot be adequately expressed in words. It literally blows the human mind. The manifestation ability that these two energies hold together is BE-yond anything the human mind can comprehend at this time.

Archangel Michael said the other day in a channel with Celia Fenn on

Beloved Family of Light, as you embody this Divine Feminine energy, you help to sustain, love and rebirth the Earth.  This is the ultimate secret of the Grail Codes Mystery, the renewal of life and love in a New Age through the Alchemical process of inner Sacred Union.  

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