Shambahalla - New Earth

Transformation vs. Transmutation

Essence Ka tha'ras's picture

It may seem a small difference between Transforming self and Transmuting self, but the truth is there is a vast difference between these two acts.

Transformation is to alter or change yourself in a manner that in comparison toTransmuting your self is only surface deep. In transforming yourself there is a change in appearance, a revolution and alteration of thoughts, emotions, deeds and actions, and often these changes are large and dramatic as seen by self and others.

Transforming can be likened to having a makeover done. You are different, what you project to the world is different and because of this you feel different about yourself and you begin acting accordingly.

Don’t get me wrong, transformation is essential to Transmutation. It is the first steps into a complete Transmutation of Self into what you desire your Self, life and reality to be.

Transmutation is a Metamorphosis. It is to change yourself into a completely different form and substance. Transmutation changes the state of being of your very nature.

Fibonacci Happiness

Essence Ka tha'ras's picture

Fibonacci Happiness


If daily you incrementally increase your “Happiness & Joy Quota” using the mathematics of the Fibonacci Golden Spiral…


Just think where you will be a year from NOW!


Let’s just take a quick look at what the first few Frequencies of the Fibonacci Sequence are telling us.


The Golden Spiral of Creation

0- Out of the Vortex Energy of Infinite Potentiality, the Individual (1) comes together with another Individual (1). Combining their Selves/Consciousness they give birth to the Group Collective Conscious Mind (2), which in turn gives rise to the Creation of Joy (3). This Joy then affects and propels the Constructive Change (5) necessary to Manifesting a World existing within a Secure Physical Reality (8)…

The Frequency of Happiness & Joy will, (and are), Create a Planet of Peace and Equality. This is where we begin in manifesting a Secure Physical Reality for our Planet and Everyone on it.

Begin today increasing your “Happiness & Joy Quota”.

Be a part of the Great Constructive Change!



Blessings of Happiness & Joy from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras



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