tv sucks

TV Sucks!

drmoe's picture

The following Rant started out as a comment on a recent article related to TV Viewing and Mind Control. I got so carried away I decided it might make a good Blog Post.  You tell me.


Except for good quality Documentaries on topics that matter and the odd older movie, most TV sucks - period. How many stupid reality shows do we need? How many Big Brother programs or The Bachelor or Wipe Out or any of that crap do we actually need? Zero! Zip! Nadda!

I've noticed lately my television watching has decreased dramatically. Not only that but I now reach a point where I'm ready to vomit after a couple of hours of mindless viewing.

I spend more time online researching subjects I care about, reviewing my favorite Newsletters and checking out videos that have way more interest for me than any of the mindless crap TV producers are dishing out these days.

I don't think many Lightworkers spend a lot of time watching mainstream TV, especially mainstream news. Take the recent "Terror Alerts" for example. What a piece of mindless Bullshit that was. Oh my, aren't we all relieved now that those overseas Consulates can reopen. I know I feel better. Don't You? Ha!!!

It's like watching another world out there, this 3D world filled with little ants scurrying around doing what the big ants want them to do. "Buy this product" "Buy that product" "This car is better than all the other cars because it has 4 wheels and steering wheel so you can go around corners - and the girls will love you" Yeah, that's a special car!!! Zombieland - Welcome to the World of the Undead. The Undead - numb from the neck down but still walking around.

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