Wholeness of Being

Israel Court Rules To Stop Water Fluoridation in 2014, Citing Health Concerns

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Prevent Disease.com August 11, 2013 by MARCO TORRES


It seems that almost the entire world is now realizing the health consequences of poisoning the water supply with fluoride. Most developed nations, including all of Japan and 97% of western Europe, do not fluoridate their water. Israel will now be added to that list in 2014. This begs the question as to when the west will wake up from their unscientific beliefs and embrace the irrefutable evidence that ingestion of fluoride is of no benefit and actually a detriment to human health.

We’ve been told a lie. The poobahs said if we added fluoride to our water it would strengthen our teeth and bones. And we believed them. Now the world is crushing that belief one nation at a time.


To read the rest of this story visit Prevent Disease.com

Uninstalling Ego Programs ~ D. Tamick

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When I was doing my meditation this morning, I had an interesting idea present itself to me. Lately I’ve had to uninstall several programs on my computer that I no longer need and that were slowing things down. I had the thought that the programs I’ve created to run my life are in that same category – no longer needed and slowing things down. Why don’t I uninstall some of them? So I started. I pictured my computer screen and clicked on the proper boxes. I was amazed at how easy it was (most of the time). As soon as I uninstalled one, another would pop up.


I realized in doing this that these programs are not in fact truth or reality but illusion and, as if I was a small child, I was simply pretending that they’re true so that I can have an adventure. When I was 8 or 10 years old I was not really a pirate or cowboy or Indian but it sure was fun pretending I was. Of course after the game was over, I became a little boy again and had my dinner.


The first one that came up was when I was bemoaning my physical limitations as I do quite a lot. My whole life I’ve hated the limitations that physicality presents. So I brought up the program of “pretending that I live in a state of extreme limitation.”


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