Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Friday June 10, 2016

Many of you worry about picking up energy from different people and environments. While many of you are very energetically sensitive, if you are practicing some form of energetic clarity, you will be just fine.

Energetic clarity occurs from consistently supporting your highest vibrational alignment, and from accepting that you are an individuated aspect of Source. If you are a piece of God, how could anything be stronger than that?

When you step into your authentic power and allow your truth and divinity to shine, you become a bringer of energy, rather than a receiver of energy. Again we remind you that the candle never worries about catching the darkness, it simply shines its light. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday June 9, 2016

So many people ask our partner in transmission, “Can you ask Gabriel this?” “Can you tell Gabriel this for me?”

There used to be a common practice (that some humans use to this day), that while at a restaurant the woman would tell the man at the table what she wanted to order to eat even though the waiter was standing right there and could hear her perfectly.

Dear Ones, we are the waiter! We are more than willing to receive your request or your comment directly. Let us start to develop our own relationship – a beautiful and direct relationship – that can bloom and grow and flow between us. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday June 8, 2016

There is a great purpose to quickly changing energies, whether they be experienced internally as the conditions of your life continue to evolve, or externally, as you experience weather that is outside of what would be considered normal. The gift of all of it is to keep you aware in each Now moment, to move beyond the complacency of “how it always is”, and to make decisions based on the present. This is a wonderful way of teaching you how to move with the flow, to release expectations, and to greet each day as a fresh new start. Do you see? Everything is assisting you in one way or another, as you continue on with this grand shift you are such a vital part of. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday June 7, 2016

Dear Ones, you are part of a shift that is unfolding as is divinely perfect for you. Just as your body knows exactly what it needs to do in order for all of its systems to work in sync, so it is with your enlightenment process. Please do not worry if you are releasing enough, or integrating enough, or if your pineal gland is ok, or if your lightbody is activated. Let the intelligence and innate capability of your own soul take care of that. If you are staying in a state of surrender and flow, if there is something you need to support your process, it will seamlessly come into your awareness. Trust in the system, it is designed to give you every last thing you need. Your job is to allow the unfoldment, and to accept you are supported at all times to evolve with grace, ease and joy. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday June 6, 2016

Stepping fully into your authentic power is such a monumental step for enlightening human beings. The reason why it is such a big deal to you is because you have had many, many experiences with the misuse of power in your previous life expressions. You have had power misused against you, and you have misused it yourself because at that time you didn’t know better. You have been intensely studying both what power is, and what it is not, for centuries, all in preparation for this right now moment in time.

The fact that you are approaching it so carefully lets you know you are ready for it. As a human being of service on an ascending planet, you are mindful and committed to supporting the vibrational shift you are part of, so your decisions will be in line with that. The people who truly misuse power are not introspective in the least, do not consider, even for a second, that they might be doing something wrong, and make decisions that serve the one. You are well beyond that stage, and through your tender hearts and gentle natures, will make decisions that serve the whole.

So breathe, Dear Ones. Align with your truth and allow yourselves to step forward as the sovereign beings you truly are. You are ready. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday June 4, 2016

Dear Ones, the beauty of the flow is that it takes the guess work out of things. If there is something that needs your attention, it will be brought into your awareness. That means that you can start to relax and enjoy the unfoldment, secure in the fact that you can’t miss anything important. It allows you to shift your focus to the full potential of each Now moment, and choosing what would bring you joy. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday June 3, 2016

Human beings consider those who can feel or connect with spirit to have extra sensory powers. But did you know from the vantage point of spirit those who are in the body are the ones with the extra sensory powers?

Your bodies are incredible tools to allow you to grow and evolve. They give you so much more feedback than you could ever experience if you were in spirit form. The act of eating, of crying, having a belly laugh, of petting an animal, of loving another, of getting goosebumps, of smelling something that gives you pleasure – all are experiences that are considered part of the wonder of being in the body.

The earth plane is the playland of your soul. It is how you get to experience separateness and then connection. It is how you get to experience what is not desired, followed then by what is, in a completely tangible way. It allows you to try many things, and to feel the preciousness of yourself and others. It allows you to experience your innocence, your courage, and your innate goodness, as you continue to know and define yourself.

So thank your bodies for all the opportunities they give you and take them out to play, for experience is their great gift to you. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday June 2, 2016

Some human beings get distraught when certain patterns recur in their lives. They think they are missing something fundamental or are being tested by the universe.

When you come into the body you have very specific goals on themes you wish to experience and master. You will set up the conditions to ensure those themes loop around so you will have plenty of opportunity to experience and master them. This is because you know that you may not get everything you needed from the experience the first time around. Hear us when we say these are merely opportunities for experience!

Let us put it this way. Let us suppose you wished to learn how to drive a car. You might take a class that would teach you the fundamentals of how to drive safely. Once you received your driver’s license, you would not feel the need to take the course again. If you saw a poster advertising driver’s education again, you would not immediately take that as a sign that you were not a good enough driver. You would simply disregard, knowing you had already completed that course. But you also know if you wish to brush up on your skills you can also go back to it whenever you like because it is available to you.

We urge you to resist the tendency to always make yourselves wrong! If something comes around again, it is not because you are bad, being punished, or slow to learn. It is simply evidence of how much you, and the universe, made sure you had every last thing you needed in this lifetime to succeed. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday June 1, 2016

As an add on to last night’s call on Beyond the Ordinary, Gabriel wished to share this, which is one of my very favourite all time daily messages.

Dear Ones, the enlightenment process is more about BEing than doing. More about flowing than forcing. More about joy than struggle. More about embracing the light than fighting the darkness. It is about discovering the truth of who you are and who you have always been. It is about seeing love as the great expander, magnifier, healer, unifier, and connector. It is about being a willing dance partner with a universe that has always been there to support and assist you in this magnificent process of coming home to yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel


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