Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Saturday September 27, 2014

One of the old, out-moded habits human beings most like to cling to is worrying. Worrying is like quicksand. It is very much immersing yourself in the energies of what you do not want. For every time you worry, you sink yourself a little deeper into the quicksand of the unwanted. We understand that you see worrying as being prudent, as making sure you are not unpleasantly surprised, as being prepared, just in case. But sadly, by choosing to stay steeped in the energy of what you do not want, you only ensure more of that very energy in your […]

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Daily Message ~ Friday September 26, 2014

Dear Ones, you must decide. You must decide that you are the precious cargo that you truly are and treat yourself accordingly. That means not allowing anyone to dim your light or try to diminish, in any way, who you really are. It means creating a safe space for you to BE, and to be fully accepted in your BEingness. It means not accepting anything less than what you deserve as a beloved piece of Source. Many of you are your own worst offender, so that also means finally decided to stop abusing yourself with your negative self talk. You […]

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Daily Message ~ Thursday September 25, 2014

Many of you would like to meditate, but you put it off thinking it takes up too much of your time. Dear Ones, you only need a very short amount of time in meditation to reap considerable benefit. You see, when you are in a meditative state, you are in a state of pure connection, in a place that exists beyond time and space. Because of that, even a short time in meditation would equal many hours of ideal, calm, peaceful, balanced, creative, rejuvenating, human time. The power of meditation is that it is both condensed, and expanded, which makes […]

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Daily Message ~ Monday September 22, 2014

What doting, loving practice do you have for yourself? Whether it be meditation, taking a long, hot, relaxing bath, prayer, sitting by water, walking in the woods, or whatever else it is that brings you joy, we urge you to give it top priority in your life. So many humans, the moment they get busy, sacrifice their own time first. Sadly, by giving up the one thing that supports your wellness and balance, you are taking the first step to becoming completely out of balance. Do you see? It is like you are saying, “Oh, things are getting more demanding! […]

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Daily Message ~ Sunday September 21, 2014

If you are having a bad day, or feeling stuck in any area of your life, simply stop and ask yourself these two key questions. Am I surrendered? Am I in gratitude? We are willing to bet the answer is no. Discomfort comes from resistance and being out of alignment. Surrender is the antidote to resistance, and gratitude creates peace with where you are, which supports your comfort and alignment. You have the ability to adjust yourself very quickly into a much better feeling state, any time you wish, by remembering to use these simple and very effective tools. ~Archangel […]

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Daily Message ~ Friday September 19, 2014

Dear Ones, again we say to you that if you are feeling overwhelmed, unsure, anxious, troubled, worried or stressed, it is always a sign to bring things back to the simplicity of the Now moment. In this right Now moment you have everything you need. Your present moment is filled with blessings, and the vast majority of the time you are just fine. Stop for a moment, take a deep breath, and look with eyes that see the blessings that abound all around you. Give thanks for all that you notice. Align with Source through your gratitude. Feel the safety, […]

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Daily Message ~ Thursday September 18, 2014

Dear Ones, if you are feeling stuck in a situation and cannot see your way out, remember the universe has the ability to find a myriad of possible solutions, many of which you would never think of because you do not know they exist. The fastest way out of any situation that you wish to move beyond is to surrender. Ask the universe to assist. Know that the second you have asked, the universe sets into motion. That is how powerful you are. Stay in the flow and allow the solutions to come because they are on the way. You […]


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