Wholeness of Being and Natural Remedies

Coconut Oil and its Wonderful Health Benefits by coconut-connections

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Coconut oil has been used for centuries as a vital source of food for health and general well being in traditional communities of tropical regions. Recent research verifies traditional beliefs that the coconut palm is “The Tree of Life” and that, just like any other pure, whole food, coconuts and virgin coconut oil have a significant role to play in a well balanced, nutritious diet. Abandoning unhealthy lifestyles and reverting to natural foods can help to reverse many of the diseases that have manifested in our bodies through the highly refined diet of our modern society.  This website provides information on the researched health benefits that can be derived from using coconuts and virgin coconut oil in conjunction with a well balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.  Coconut oil as a "functional food".

Medical research is in agreement that at least 30% of our daily nutritional intake should be made up of fats or oil. However, the structures of different oils are as diverse as nature itself and even a basic knowledge of what defines the different classification of fats will help us understand why this classification is so important when choosing oil to augment and support a healthy lifestyle for our children, families and ourselves. Complete article >>>

Doctor Finds Coconut Oil Effective Against Helico Pylori Bacteria by Dr. Sanford Pinna

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image of HeliobacterThe Helico Pylori Bacteria is one of the most common bacteria that infect the Human race. It is found in families, who pass the bacteria to each other. H. Pylori inhabits the stomach and the esophagus. It stimulates cells in the stomach to produce excessive amounts of gastric or hydrochloric acid.

This acid reflects back and up into the stomach causing “Heart burn” or, technically, Gastro-Esophogeal Reflux /Disease, commonly referred to as GERD.

Read more here http://coconutoil.com/doctor-finds-coconut-oil-effective-against-helico-pylori-bacteria/

5 Fermented Foods Everyone Should Eat By Meghan Telpner

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It seems like every day, another scientific discovery is made showing the link between the bacteria in our gut and the health of the rest of our bodies. The best way to boost your gut bacteria is to consume nutrient- and probiotic-rich fermented foods. Here are just a few reasons why you should add them to your diet:

Fermented foods improve digestion. Fermenting our foods is sort of like pre-digesting them (sorry about the mental image!). That makes them easier to digest, and easier for our bodies to absorb their nutrients.

Read more here http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-11664/5-fermented-foods-everyone-should-eat.html

Coconut Oil for Treating Bacterial Vaginosis - Home Remedies For BV by Sarah Anderson Tina

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Well, believe it or not, I have "accidentally" found 2 cures using Coconut Oil. The first instance of a cure was for my minor hemorrhoids, which are an occasional reminder of being in labor for 12 hours. Usually a little Preparation H will take care of it, but the most recent incident, the Preparation H was working only slightly, and this went on for almost 2 weeks. Usually this medicine works in a few days and it's gone but not this time. So I thought "what the heck" and tried some coconut oil on the hemorrhoid, and it was gone by the next morning."

Sacred Language of the Human Body by Mona Delfino

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Male figure in anatomical positionIf we understand the concepts that our minds are capable of, we’ll accelerate and amplify the process by which energy heals. For in this knowledge of a technique called energy medicine, we are fully capable of healing ourselves. When we listen to another person speak to us, we hear them through an understanding of an insight, an interpretation, or an image. This is how we hear Spirit… through interpretations of visions.

Spirit talks to us through our emotions and our feelings. In energy work, we feel the image we see when reading the body’s muscle memory. It’s a form of transference. When we say things like, “I can feel your pain.” We actually can. Mentally, emotionally and physically, we are in a time of feeling others energies greater than we ever have before.

Read more here http://www.wakingtimes.com/2014/01/14/sacred-language-human-body/

Top seven natural cures for cancer that got buried by the FDA, AMA, CDC by S. D. Wells

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health(NaturalNews) How do you keep the spread of cancer "growing"? Bury the cure. How do you keep 1.5 million Americans "infested" yearly with mutated cells that multiply uncontrollably? You breed cancer in food and medicine. How many years ago did America start this evil strategy to make people sick and deny them the cure? Nearly 100 years. Where did it all really start? The American Medical Association (AMA) and a man named Morris Fishbein, who single-handedly removed nutrition from medical schools in the U.S. and installed a fake seal of approval for harmful lab-made drugs that made cancer worse. What else did Fishbein do? (http://www.v1.thehealingjournal.com)

Just in case you "doubters" and skeptics want some concrete proof, some evidence to take with you on your journey NOT to get cancer, here are some historical, proven facts to help you understand WHY you need to go 100% organic and research and use natural remedies, to build your immunity to disease with superfoods, herbs, tinctures and organic supplements. (http://www.naturalnews.com)

Top 13 Nutrition Lies That Made The World Sick and Fat by Kris Gunnars

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Nutrition is full of all kinds of nonsense.

The worst examples are listed here, but unfortunately this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Here are the top 13 nutrition lies that have made the world both sick and fat.

. Eggs Are Bad For Your Health

1. Eggs are so incredibly nutritious that they're often called "nature's multivitamin."


New Science of Stress Reveals How You Think About Stress Matters By Vanessa Romero

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Got Stress? How You Think About Stress Matters! | healthylivinghowto.com
The harmful effects of stress on your health on are not inevitable. How you think and how you act can transform your experience of stress. When you choose to view your stress response as helpful you create the biology of courage. And when you choose to connect with others under stress you can create resilience.” Kelly McGonigal, PhD, and Health Psychologist

We’ve all heard that stress is bad for our health. The statistics comparing stress and related health complications is staggering. But what if, just what if each and everyone of us could make stress work for us and not against us. The new science of stress reveals how you think about stress matters when it comes to your health. Kelly McGonigal, PhD and Health Psychologist reveals in her popular TEDx video below, how to make stress your friend. Take the time to watch, it might just change your life and your health!

Read more here http://healthylivinghowto.com/1/post/2014/01/new-science-of-stress-reveals-how-you-think-about-stress-matters.html

Apple Cider Vinegar for Health & Wellness

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By: Beth Quist, 01/12/2013

According to Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine College in Berkeley, CA, apple cider vinegar has lots of healing benefits. It has been used for hundreds of years by traditional healers.  It’s alkaline property assists your body in restoring proper pH levels and brings health and balance back to your digestive system.


Rich in potassium apple cider vinegar helps to prevent brittle teeth, hair loss and runny noses. The pectin (from the apples) helps to regulate blood pressure and Malic Acid gives apple cider vinegar the healing properties of being anti-viral, anti-bacterial & anti-fungal.


For more on this story visit www.wakingtimes.com

Magic Mushrooms: A Catalyst for Human Evolution by Juan Pablo Hernández

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Amanita Muscaria mushroomWe collected the mushrooms filled with a mix of veneration and enthusiasm and then proceeded to a nearby forest where we ingested them. I had taken a couple of psychedelics before, but nothing had such a strong effect as these mushrooms. Gradually, geometrical patterns of previous unseen hues and of complicated shapes twirled and tinkled. My body felt a bit like rubber and I was yawning a lot. Everything seemed to breathe and was alive and conscious. When I went into a deeper stage, there was no longer an “I” but a “we” – me, my friends and the forest became a single unity, rejoicing in the mystery of existence.

Even though the effect of mushrooms has now long faded away, the insight that I gained from the experience is still with me: I carry it around as precious wisdom. It was a life-changing experience. It really was!

Read more here http://fractalenlightenment.com/18458/culture/magic-mushrooms-a-catalyst-for-human-evolution


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