The Healers Journal

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15 Powerful Tips to Help You Dream Big and Achieve What You Set Your Heart and Mind To

HJ: Dream big.  Live big.  Play big. Ask big.  Because even if you don’t get what you want, you’ll still get more than you would have playing small.  And thinking and living big, stretches your imagination and your inspiration to new heights…

And here is the BIG secret:  When you think and play big, you’d be surprised how often you end up getting what you want…  That’s right, to the universe, size doesn’t matter.  It supports you just the same and the time will pass anyways, so you might as well play big.

- Truth

15 Inspirational, Motivational Tips to Help You Dream Big

What would you do if you took fear out of the equation?

By Lissa Rankin | Lissa Rankin

1. Articulate your dream. How can you achieve it if you don’t know what it is? Be very specific. If you hate your job and you want to change jobs, do some serious soul searching and figure out what your dream job would look like. Where would you be? What would your office look like? Who w...

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How to Lovingly Silence Your Inner Critic Once and For All

HJ: You know that little voice in your head that says ‘you’re not good enough to do ____’?  It’s time to shut it off.  And it’s time to turn on the voice that says you are fully and completely capable of whatever you set your heart and mind to.  This is a big shift — it’s like taking the training wheels of your bike.  It’s like taking the parking brake off and hitting the accelerator.

The problem is that over the years, you learn to believe the voice of the inner critic and forget just how powerful and capable you really are.  It’s a trick.  An illusion.  A false belief in your mind.  But you can change your mind like a flick of a light switch and move from fear to full potential in an instant.

This maybe just the article that will help you make that jump…

- Truth

How to Smack Down Your Inner Critic Once and For All

By Ash Roy | The Change Blog

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent” – Elean...

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The 6 Keys to Rapid Self Healing

HJ: Self-healing is actually the only form of healing that exists.  Even when another ‘heals you’ they are only catalyzing innate healing responses within your own body and mind.  Your self-healing is truly your only work in this life.  To remove that which is not you — pain, suffering, fear, insecurity, doubt — and reveal the love and peace within your heart and mind.  This article will help you get there sooner rather than later depending on the tenacity with which you adopt these practices in your life.

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6 Steps To Healing Yourself

By Lissa Rankin | Zen Habits | Lissa Rankin

Take a moment and check in with yourself. How is your body feeling right in this moment? If you’re generally healthy, check in for subtle symptoms. Is your neck feeling tense? Does your lower back ache? Do you have a headache? Are you exhausted — again? Or perhaps you’re battling a more serious health diagnosis and you’re experiencing symptoms from your health condition.


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How to Quickly Calm a Restless, Racing Mind

HJ: Sometimes it feels like our mind has a life and mind of its own and has no interest in calming down and playing by our rules despite out best intentions and efforts to get it to do so.  In these moments, it’s helpful to have a set of practices and techniques to help you ‘get things under control’.

The irony is that sometimes it’s that very attempt to control things that is the problem.  Fighting what is happening only perpetuates the frustration.  It is by detaching and practicing mindfulness that we can let go and watch the situation resolve itself…  In this way we paradoxically get things under control once and for all…

- Truth

How to Slow a Racing Mind

By Charles A. Francis | Mindfulness Meditation Institute

Do you ever find it difficult to slow down your mind? For some of us, a racing mind is a serious problem. When we’re agitated, we have no control over our mind, and it becomes extremely difficult to meditate.


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3 Powerful Methods for Healing Your Past Emotional Wounds and Traumas

HJ: Your past does not equal your future unless you choose to let it have that power over you.  That’s a big statement — so what exactly do I mean by that?  Well, if you believe that past experiences define who you are now and what you can do now, then they absolutely do because your belief in it gives it power over you.  However, if you truly believe that you have unlimited possibility in the now moment despite your past experiences, then this becomes true for you.

But for most people it goes even one layer deeper… Because if you still have unhealed emotional charges and patterns left over from your past, then even if you believe your past does not equal your future, you may still struggle a bit.  In this case, which is extremely common, you must first heal the past emotional wounds and traumas and then your new, empowered beliefs can take full effect.  Your emotional patterns anchor your beliefs in place and no ship can sail with its anchor in the water.

This article is about just that — helping you pull your anchor out of the water and offering 3 powerful techniques for d...

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How to Motivate Yourself to Do Anything (Even When You Don’t Want to)

HJ: Sometimes there are things that you have to get done, even when you don’t feel like it.  In those moments, it helps to be able to reframe your situation to find the motivation to do what you need to do.  And many times what you realize is that you can actually change how you feel about what you need to do.  You can make yourself suddenly want to get it done even when you were dreading do it just a few moments ago.  This ability to master your internal state of mind is priceless and a skill worth cultivating for the times you need it.

However, the more you can get and live in the flow by following your intuition and highest excitement, the less you will be faced with things you don’t want to do.  In time, you will find that everything that happens in your life is in alignment with what you want to be doing.  You may still have to face challenges, however, they won’t seem like dreaded obstacles — more like stairs to climb on your ascension upwards towards ever increasing levels of happiness and passion.

- Truth

How to Make Yourself Do It When Y...

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29 Compassionate Ways To Deal With Toxic People

HJ: Toxic people drag us down to their level and keep us from living up to our full potential for happiness and joy.  As you may have heard, you are the product of the five people you spend the most time with.  So, if there is someone in your life that is not at your level and that you feel is dragging you down, it is in your best interest to really examine the relationship and see if it is truly serving your highest good.  If not, it may be time to let them go.

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29 Ways To Deal With Toxic People

By Simona Rich | Simona Rich

Toxic people’s energy feels heavy and depressing. Negative people can quickly leave you feeling drained and low.

Here are some tips to deal with toxic people that worked for me when I was in a toxic relationship. Some tips worked for the people I coached, and some were given by my facebook readers.

1. Physically distance yourself.

That’s the most obvious and best way to deal with toxic people because no matter how ...

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The 5 Keys to Living a Deeply Fulfilling, Authentically Happy Life Discovered by Carl Jung

HJ: A deeply fulfilling, authentically happy life is within reach for anyone as long as they are willing to adopt the habits that lead to it without fail.  Happiness and fulfillment are no secret — great minds have been studying the key factors for thousands of years and the path has been clearly mapped.  Carl Jung was one of those pioneers in our modern age and developed his own set of 5 keys that lead to happiness and fulfillment without fail,  and they are revealed in the article below.

They should come as no surprise and yet are still extremely profound.  This is a great article and one would be wise to refer back to it from time to time as a reminder of what is truly important in life.

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Carl Jung on living an authentic life

By Jason E. Smith | Beyond Meds | Jungian Therapist

Individuation and Authenticity

It could be argued that at the heart of Jungian therapy is the aim of experiencing and living an authentic life.


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25 Spiritual Truths to Remember When Life Gets Tough

HJ: When life gets tough, you must remember your spiritual foundation because this is what will keep you centered and balanced in the midst of change and challenge.  Simply reminding yourself of a handful of these deeper pieces of wisdom on a consistent basis does two extremely powerful things:

1) Instills new patterns and beliefs into your mind which produce profound perspective and perception changes that have massively positive effects on your life

2) Get you out of a pinch in the moment if you find yourself being sucked into the drama of a given experience

This is a fantastic tool and it is recommended that you bookmark it or print it and keep it handy for quick reference.

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25 Things to Remember When Life Gets Rough

By Marc Chernoff | Marc and Angel

“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated.  Because it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, ho...

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How to Tell if Your Chakras Are Out of Balance

HJ: Our mental, emotional and physical state all affect the health and balance of chakras (and vice versa).  And fixing one aspect will see a reflection in the other.  One of the greatest values of knowing which chakras are out of balance is that they are kind of like a ‘key code’ or ‘map legend’, in that when a specific chakra is out of balance, it typically narrows the range of possible causes, helping you to decode what is actually going on with your body/mind/emotions.  It also points you in the direction of what you must heal to bring the chakra back into balance.  Highly useful information to be sure.

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Warning Signs Your Chakras Are Out of Balance

By Reshma Patel | Mind Body Green

There are 7 main energy centers in the body, known as chakras. Each chakra is located throughout our body so that it correlates to specific body ailment and physical dysfunctions; each energy center also houses our mental and emotional strengths. When we have a physical issue, it create...


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