Aligned Holistics

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Achieving Balance: How to Get Busy & Stay Sane

As every entrepreneur, mother, or human being knows- sometimes shit hits the fan.

Sometimes you get so busy that by the time you stop to check in with yourself, you realize the time for preemptive self-care has already passed and you’re in the danger zone. That point where you need an electronic power-down, a beach, and/or a beverage served in a coconut.

At that point, the concept of balance seems like an unattainable dream.

For years, I vacillated between the two extremes: periods of intense busyness followed by a sudden crash. It felt like a hangover and was about as enjoyable as one. When I started my business and decided to pursue another degree, I knew I had no choice but to master the concept of balance.

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LOL. We’ve all heard it stands for “Laugh Out Loud,” but on a deeper level it means “Live Our Light.” 

What does that mean? 
It means quit taking things so seriously! 

We stress about things that don’t matter and don’t serve us, and ignore the things we could be grateful for. Even some of my yoga friends get so serious about their practice and meditation that I often wonder if they are missing the point! Sometimes the deeply spiritual thing to do is to Laugh Out Loud and Live our Light. 

For example, yesterday I went for a run and dropped my uncased iPhone on the street. I smiled. In the past, a litany of swear words would have come out of my mouth.

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How to Deal When Things Don't Go According to Plan

“Comparison is the thief of joy.” It’s a fact we all know too well. But not all comparisons look like envy of others. The most subtle, yet equally challenging rivalry is the one we have with ourselves.

We’re in one place and we’d like to be in another. Or, we'd like to skip ahead to the point in time when we imagine everything to be amazing.

  • Maybe you've started a business and you’re frustrated that it isn’t successful yet.
  • Maybe you’re in a relationship and it’s not moving on your timeline.
  • Or maybe you’re exercising and you’re not seeing the results you’d like.

I get it. I’ve been there. When I first started Aligned Holistics, I was pretty naïve. I thought it would be an instantaneous “I’m living my life’s purpose so the cash will flow in.” And it did, but certainly not on my timeline and definitely not in the way I originally envisioned.

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How to Give Yourself The Perfect Valentine's Day Gift

V-day can feel like D-Day.

The day is, in my opinion, slightly ridiculous. But probably not for the reasons you think. I have no problem with the cheesy commercialized crap. I like cinnamon hearts and I even miss making those old-school valentines out of construction papers and doilies.

The ridiculousness is my expectations. When I’m single, I beat myself up for not being with someone. And when I’m with someone, I hold him to impossibly high standards. Is it too much to ask that my boyfriend give me a puppy with an engagement ring around his collar all while singing a song that he’s written especially for me?!

Yup, my boyfriend is screwed.

It’s not like I actually want another dog. I’m certainly not ready to get engaged. And I’m betting that he’s tone-deaf (based on the fact that I’ve never heard him sing).

So if I’m not actually interested in any of those things, why do I want them so much? Where are these crazy expectations coming from?

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How to Stop Overthinking Everything

Like many self-help junkies, I like to read up on all the latest theories of growth, behavior, and happiness. Unlike most people though, I like to test them haphazardly on myself, my loved ones, and on innocent bystanders. I do this for 3 reasons:

  1. I like tangible, real world applications
  2. I don’t like to use my clients as guinea pigs
  3. I still hold onto the belief that somewhere out there is a magical, concrete theory that would explain my past mistakes, adorably neurotic behavior (yes, that’s how I describe it) and would generally make sense of the world around me.

While #1 and #2 have been helpful, #3 has gotten me into a bit of trouble. See, the problem with trying to “find yourself” is that you do a lot of unnecessary pathologizing, diagnosing, and, to put it bluntly, a lot of thinking.

The truth is that thinking isn’t always a good thing.

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Why We Get Stuck While Others Don't

At one time or another, we all of feel stuck. We’re in one place and we’d like to be in another. Whether that place is a different career, a different partner, or simply in a warmer climate, we all fantasize about the possibilities of what life could like if only things were different.

For the majority, that dream is where it ends.

For a smaller group, that dream makes them more unhappy about their current state.

For an even smaller group, that dream is what fuels them to create change.

So what makes some of us wallow while others take action?

It isn’t about time management, fears, or an IV drip of coffee. It’s about reframing how you look at it.  Here’s the simple, key difference:

When we are pissed that things don’t look the way we want, we tend to focus on “why.”

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How I Healed From Trauma & Abuse

For many, New Year’s is a time of parties, resolutions, and tacky sequined dresses. For me, it’s quite the opposite. This New Year’s day marks the 5 year anniversary of my sexual assault. While it has been the most devastating event of my life, it has also been the greatest catalyst for my growth. It would cheapen the pain to say I am grateful for it, but on some level I know that I wouldn’t have become my true self without it.  

More difficult than the event itself is the aftermath.  The reactions of those I loved, the unsolicited advice on how to deal with it, the repression, the depression, and the nights of too many drinks. And while ignoring my feelings was not a coping strategy I intended to choose, it was certainly the one my body and mind chose for me.

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How To Avoid Emotional Constipation

Have you ever met someone who was emotionally constipated? They run from feelings faster than the time it takes me to down my morning coffee (that’s fast, trust me!) These people unconsciously use self-protection to limit themselves, their growth, and their happiness.

I get it.

Sometimes feelings feel shitty.

And I, like most of us, tend to avoid the less pleasant ones.

There are times when I’d rather not feel bored so I incessantly scroll through my Facebook Newsfeed. But that desire to avoid the full range of human emotion is like buying a thermometer that doesn't read cold temperatures because I can't stand the cold. And that's a problem because whether or not I’m in temperature denial, I’ll still need a coat when I go outside.

Here’s the thing we often forget:

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How to Believe in Yourself

The holiday season is officially here and I’m here to deliver some shocking news: Santa isn’t real.

When I was a kid (and slightly nerdier than I am today) I remember trying to prove he existed. Whether that be by staying up late on Christmas Eve or trying to calculate just how fast his sled would have to travel to hit every kid’s home in one night, I was determined to believe in him.

The trouble was that for most of my life, I wanted to believe in everything but myself. No matter how outlandish it might seem, it was easier to believe in unicorns (which I do) than the idea that I’m perfect exactly as I am.

Not believing in myself sabotaged every area of my life:

  • I didn’t apply to jobs out of fear they’d reject me
  • I dated assholes
  • I didn’t set or maintain any boundaries
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How to Stop Spiraling & Start Solving Your Problems

Hello, my name is Amita and I am a worrier. A compound worrier to be exact. The kind of worrier who spirals and over thinks myself into a fat, messy, what-the-fuck-am-I-doing-with-my-life type haze. I worry about small things, I worry about big things, but mostly I worry about things that are beyond my control. This catastrophic thinking is my brain’s way of ensuring that nothing takes me by surprise. While this may have been an advantage back in the day when we were running from saber-tooth tigers, nowadays worrying creates more problems than it actually solves.

When people say “don’t worry,” I want to smack them across their smug little faces. How about being a bit more helpful? Instead of telling me what not to do, why not give me a solution, or, at the very least, an alternative coping mechanism that doesn’t involve eating Trader Joe’s brand chocolate and watching Netflix.

There are plenty of techniques to minimize worrying, but the heart of the problem is that we have problems we need to solve. And while I meditate and wait to receive guidance, I also get out my notebook and tackle things head on. So let’s get to problem solving, shall we?


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