Collective Evolution

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How The CIA-Operated A “Drug Smuggling Airline” For Heroin & The 9/11 Connection

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

If you’re familiar with the American war on drugs, then it may not surprise you to learn that the CIA represents one of the largest drug dealing organizations in history. The CIA originally designed LSD with the help of a Swiss manufacturer as a “mind control drug” as part of their MK Ultra program, hoping that it would allow patients under the influence to commit unspeakable acts commanded by the government and then forget they ever happened. Of course, this plan backfired, and then the CIA introduced LSD to the American population.

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Standing Rock Wins First Legal Victory Against The Dakota Access Pipeline

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

In 2016, we witnessed an incredible environmental movement as people from all over the world flew to Standing Rock to stand in solidarity, fighting against the Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL). Though President Obama halted construction of the pipeline in response to the overwhelming number of protestors, President Trump shifted the waters by ordering the pipeline to move forward.

On April 6, the pipeline suffered its first major spill, dumping 84 gallons of crude oil at a South Dakota pump station. The spill occurred during the final stages of preparation, meaning the pipeline wasn’t even fully up and running before it had its first spill. This careless spill could easily have been prevented if the courts and the government had simply listened to the concerns of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and other environmental activists.

Well, perhaps their voices will finally be heard now that a federal judge ruled in favour of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe on Wednesday, representing the tribe’s first legal victory against the DAPL.

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UFOs In Antiquity: Renowned Scientist Publishes A Series Of Historical Artwork Depicting Possible Extraterrestrial Visitation

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Sightings of strange objects in the sky have been recorded for a very long time. For example, in 217 BC “at Arpi round shields (parmas) were seen in the sky” (Liv. 22.1.9; Orosius 4.15). A parma was a small round shield made of iron, bronze, and other metals. According to NASA, “we do not know whether the luster of these devices (and not just their shape) was intended to be an element of the description. Mock suns are an unlikely explanation, since in the Roman prodigy lists these were routinely described as ‘double suns’ or ‘triple suns’ (i.e. two mock suns on either side of the real one).” (source)

Another example would be the picture above, known as the “Golden orb” phenomenon seen at Spoletium, Umbria, Italy in 91 BC (from Jaques Vallee, Chris Aubeck: Wonders in the Sky.)

The one below is from August 7, 1566. At dawn, many citizens of Basel (Switzerland) reported seeing many spheres for several hours.

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The Role Of Yoga In Healing Trauma

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Bad back? Do yoga. Feeling stressed? Do yoga. Want to sweat? Do yoga? Need to stretch? Do yoga.

It seems like the ancient Indian practice of yoga has infiltrated the world with its wisdom and healing benefits. As an avid yogi, I can surely attest to its ability to bring stability into my life, but also, to help me get through deep bouts of anxiety — something I have suffered from my entire life.

Upon meeting my partner, he told me he once suffered from severe lower back pain that left him depressed, angry, and immobile for months. Then he did yoga. Everything changed.

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5 Facts About Climate Change Shared By An Actual Climate Scientist

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

We at Collective Evolution are by no means “climate change deniers.” The climate has always changed, and will continue to change over time due to multiple factors and natural processes. But there is something fishy going on, and the undeniable fact still remains that most mainstream science is plagued with economic and political agendas, and is used to push policy and global elitist agendas.

We must stop destroying our environment, polluting and not taking care of it. The problem is people have made exposing globalist agendas synonymous with denying climate change, and this can’t be further from the truth.

It’s similar to the current vaccine controversy, in the sense that scientists who question the science put out by computer models, which is used to justify various policy decisions, are ridiculed by the mainstream. It’s claimed that “97 percent of scientists” agree on the current climate change narrative, but there seems to be no hard evidence to back up that statement, and with so many of the world’s top scientists in the field speaking up against “climate alarmism,” sometimes it seems to be the other way around.

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Corporations Are Capitalizing On Spirituality & We’re Buying Into It

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

The role consumerism is now playing in the spiritual community has put a whole new meaning behind “selling our souls.” Corporations are capitalizing on New Age spirituality as it becomes more mainstream, and they’re making a killing off it. Yoga mats, crystals, mala beads, singing bowls, tarot cards — you name it, and they’ve got an inflated price for it.

To be clear, I’m not saying that any of these thing are bad to purchase! In fact, I’ve purchased every aforementioned consumer item, and I love each and every one of them. However, companies have started to sell spirituality, meaning they’ve convinced many consumers that they need to purchase their products in order to become “more spiritual.”

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Everything At This Store Can Be Composted Or Recycled

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

There once was a time, back in the day where everything that was purchased was either in bulk, or came in a reusable container or sack, and there was virtually no trash produced whatsoever. Everything was reused in some form, and there was hardly any waste. And then came the introduction of plastic, and around that same time, mass consumerism. Everything then became all about convenience and everything that you bought was likely wrapped in plastic packaging of some kind.

We were producing and consuming insane amounts of garbage with little to no regard for how that might in fact impact the environment, and although in the grand scheme of things this only went on for a short period of time, we have seen the massive devastation it has caused to our oceans and forests, and to the ecosystem in general. Luckily, people are beginning to wake up to the fact that this isn’t sustainable and we need to change how we are doing things, and fast.

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Study Finds Mushrooms Are The Safest Recreational Drug

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

The term “recreational drug” gets a bad rap, and it’s understandable why. For instance, in modern history, few things have caused such a sharp uptick in U.S. deaths as drug overdoses. They kill more people than cars and guns. Crack cocaine, crystal meth, heroin, and fentanyl, for instance, are known for being deadly. Then there are drugs like weed, alcohol, and mushrooms, which certainly have less of a stigma — though only alcohol is legal nationwide.

Despite the fact that alcohol leads t0 more than 80,000 deaths annually in the U.S., it has been legal for decades and its consumption generally encouraged, particularly in the media. Weed, on the other hand, was outlawed nationwide for far too long despite mounting evidence that, used correctly, it presents significant medicinal value. The same can be said for hallucinogenic mushrooms.

According to the DEA, “Deaths exclusively from acute overdose of LSD, magic mushrooms, and mescaline are extremely rare. Deaths generally occur due to suicide, accidents, and dangerous behavior, or due to the person inadvertently eating poisonous plant material.”

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How People From All Over The World Define Beauty. (Video)

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

You know the saying “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”?

While fundamentally profound and positive in meaning, when you pick it apart, it can suddenly dampen the mood.

Beauty may, indeed, be in the eye of the beholder, but the majority of today’s beholders are influenced by societal standards, taught to think beauty takes only one form. For decades, new waves of media have changed what we perceive as beautiful. One minute it’s very thin, the next very strong. Dark skin or light skin, curly hair or straight hair, lots of makeup or no makeup, this fashion over that fashion… it’s difficult to keep up, and that’s why you shouldn’t.

Beauty may be a preference, but there are so many layers holding us back from seeing REAL beauty.

And then there is the idea of how culture plays a part. Culture is its own beast, for better or for worse, and it often defines how we see beauty. From country to country, different standards determine what we find beautiful. With this in mind, Blaine, a producer from Cut, traveled around the world asking people to define beauty.

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New Research Shows That Plants Detect Vibrations & Use Sound To Find Water & Survive

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Do you have a green thumb? Many people who do believe that it’s all about intuition Much like parenting, you are responsible for nourishing the plants you grow with the utmost care, or else they’ll die. Proper food, proper environment, and so on make for a healthy living thing. But some people feel they’re just not cut out for the job, claiming every plant they bring home just dies on them — that plants simply don’t like them.

I never considered myself to have a green thumb, but I also never thought otherwise, either. Naturally drawn to plants, I wanted them to fill up my home, my front yard, my back yard. I didn’t buy books and I didn’t make them flourish with Miracle Grow. I test their soil regularly, water them when needed, prune them when the time comes, and, above all else, I pay attention to them by loving them. I talk about my plants, talk to my plants, and feel their leaves like they have a magical dust I can inherit. Sound weird? Maybe to some.


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