Wake Up World

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Awe and Mystery as Food for the Soul

By Lissa Rankin, MD

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

I never thought much about the difference between awe and mystery until I started hanging out at the proverbial kitchen table of Kitchen Table Wisdom author Rachel Naomi Remen, MD. Soon after I bellied up to that table, awe and mystery, along with a side dish of wonder, started showing up on the menu.

I don’t know why I never thought much about awe and mystery before meeting Rachel. After all, just like her, I was trained as a doctor. Doctors are blessed with a front row seat on awe and mystery. Over 10,000 times, I was the first human a new baby saw after slipping out of Mama. At least 100 times, I was the last person someone saw before transitioning to the other side of the veil. Countless times, mystery showed up in ways I couldn’t explain — like how I would know something about a patient that I couldn’t possibly know with my five senses or the results of any laboratory tests, and yet very often, what I knew would save a life.

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The Unexpected Effect of Decriminalizing Drugs in Portugal, Fifteen Years Later

By Carolanne Wright
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Whenever the idea of decriminalizing illicit drugs in the U.S. is raised, there are always those who rant that such a measure would be the downfall of society, drug use would sky rocket and our moral fabric as a country would be irreparably torn. But these claims paint a very different picture from what actually happens in countries where the possession and use of small quantities of drugs — like weed, cocaine and heroin — isn’t a felony or even considered a criminal offense. Instead, drug use is considered a public health issue, not a criminal one.

Portugal is an excellent example of what transpires when drugs are decriminalized. In the face of dire predictions made by drug-policy makers, Portugal took the path less travelled — with surprising results.

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Vibration and Synchronicity – Releasing The True You

By Peter Paul Parker
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

“Synchronicity is an ever present reality for those who have eyes to see.” – Carl Jung

The term ‘synchronicity’ was coined by Carl Jung. Throughout his life, Carl Jung came up with slightly different explanations of this complex subject, but the basic meaning is there for us to understand. He said if ‘meaningful coincidences’ occur with no ‘causal relationship’, but seem to be meaningfully related, this is synchronicity.

In other words, if unrelated incidents happen to you and you find yourself seeing things in a different way and feel more connected to who you are because of these experiences, then you have just experienced the wonderful world of synchrony. Carl Jung came to the conclusion that synchrony is a governing dynamic which underlies the whole of human experience. Quantum mechanics now verifies this statement and we will look into that later in this article.

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Greed Trumps Justice: Indigenous Tribe Stripped of Their Native Lands – Over Gold

By Carolanne Wright
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

The Dann sisters, Carrie and Mary, are two Western Shoshone elders who live on ancestral and environmentally sensitive lands of Crescent Valley, Nevada. From time immemorial, the Shoshone peoples have lived in a balance of stewardship and reciprocity within this environment. As part of their core values, the Shoshone believe life is a prayer and offer small ceremonies for everything taken of mother earth. The sisters were told by their grandmother that there are nature spirits everywhere. And each time you eat a grain of rice, a grain of wheat, you are eating this thing we call life — don’t waste it.

Unfortunately, Shoshone reverence for the natural world lies in sharp contrast to the desires of the United States Government and its corporate masters. In 1863, the U.S. government, along with the Shoshone nation, signed the “Treaty of Peace and Friendship” in Ruby Valley, Nevada. At the time, the Shoshone laid claim to 26 million acres of land in Nevada. The treaty between the government and the Western Shoshone nation allowed for settlers and ranchers to have access to the land, but did not include land title. Nonetheless, all of this changed a century later due to a coveted and ecologically devastating resource: gold.

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Vaccine Failures Continue: The One-Size-Fits-All Vaccination Schedule is Not Safe for Every Child

By Dr. Joseph Mecola
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

We all wish for our children to be healthy and free of disease. We wish the same for ourselves as adults, too. But it’s time to critically examine and have an open conversation about whether multiple vaccines in early childhood should be our nation’s No. 1 disease-prevention strategy.

In fact, such a conversation is long overdue. Many red flags have appeared that suggest vaccines not only have the potential for failure, but also for harm. There can be little doubt that we need to review the safety and effectiveness of the current vaccination program in the U.S.

If you’re not sure this is necessary, just consider some of the recent vaccine failures that have made headlines. The one-size-fits-all vaccination schedule in the U.S. is not safe for every child, and there comes a point when we may well be sacrificing too many children’s lives in the name of “the greater good.”

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The Big “If” – What If Marijuana and Hemp Had Never Been Prohibited?

By Ethan Indigo Smith
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

The Big “If”

The history of marijuana and hemp prohibition is a dark and shady story with all the makings of a diabolical thriller. In a dystopian world, shady oligarchs institute prohibition in order to benefit their institutions in the short term, leading to the inception of a police state in which sustainable agriculture is ridiculed, shamanic medicine is scorned, and generations are forced into punitive situations as a result of the plant’s contraband status.

Now, I don’t normally dwell in the “what-if’s” and rarely speculate about the “what-might-be’s” either; I think it’s more important to consider the “what-is”. But in fact, if we concentrate on the “what-is”, we can more easily ponder the “what-if” (our potential) and, importantly, more decisively define “what-will-be” (our future).

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The Oil-igarchy: How Big Oil Conquered The World

By James Corbett
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

This is the story of how the oil-igarchy is on the verge of monopolizing life itself.

Oil. From farm to pharmaceutical, diesel truck to dinner plate, pipeline to plastic product, it is impossible to think of an area of our modern-day lives that is not affected by the petrochemical industry. The story of oil is the story of the modern world.

Parts of that story are well-known: Rockefeller and Standard Oil; the internal combustion engine and the transformation of global transport; the House of Saud and the oil wars in the Middle East. Other parts are more obscure: the quest for oil and the outbreak of World War I; the petrochemical interests behind modern medicine; the Big Oil money behind the “Green Revolution” and the “Gene Revolution.”

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Conscious Connection – Bridging Species Through Love

By Michael J. Roads
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Some months ago I had a book recommended to me, The Elephant Whisperer, by Lawrence Anthony. And as the author quickly states, the whisperer is the elephant! It is a very well written and truly inspiring book. Why I am mentioning this is that the book is actually about consciousness … although the (now sadly deceased) author might not have realised this at the time of writing.

Obviously enough, it is the true story of the relationship between a dominant female African elephant and the author. Just briefly, a small, displaced herd of elephants had become very aggressive and dangerous to the local native villagers, and the herd was to be shot. Lawrence, who was blessed to own 5000 acres of game reserve called Thula Thula, set in pristine bush in Zululand, South Africa, is told about this and asked if he can take the whole herd to save their lives. Although this represents a multitude of staggering problems for him, Lawrence instantly agrees.

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The Bliss Instinct – The Primary Rule

By Indra
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

We seek bliss continually, constantly craving and desiring, because we – with our coming into existence on this gorgeous blue planet – inherit a programming of our minds that leads us to believe that we have to leave our natural, universal connection, and plug into the man-made systems in order to achieve bliss. I’ll give you a few examples: Ever heard of somebody chasing higher levels of success, the one true love, more money, a perfect body, or a bigger house in the pursuit of happiness, only to discover that the sense of relief and joy they were seeking did not set in?

Our falling hook, line, and sinker for that programming is really the biggest scam on earth! It has made us dependent upon things that are, to put it frankly, completely and utterly undependable, at least for sustainable happiness. However, more than anything, and in my opinion, far worse, it has crippled our spiritual evolution. It can be phrased like this:

Trade in the happiness you already are for the chase of the watered-down, short-lived, dubious version made up by someone else.

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Pilgrimage: Stepping Into the Blessed Unknown

By Jack Adam Weber
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

“Pilgrims are persons in motion passing through territories not their own, seeking something called completion, or perhaps the word clarity will do as well, a goal to which only the spirit’s compass point’s the way.” ~ H. Richard Niebuhr

Life is a pilgrimage, whose heart is experience. Yet, some sojourns are especially poignant and change our lives forever. That’s why the most meaningful experiences and rites of passage require our courage, patience, and our passion. They also require our intuition, to determine where our spirit’s compass is pointing, so we know what direction to take, even moment-to-moment.

In the moment to moment experience of feeling into and following our gut sense — approved by our right yet daring mind — is our innocence, our newness, our ability to encounter the world as freshly as we humans might be ever be able, given the cargo of our pasts we bring to the present.


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