Waking Times

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New Study Finds Antidepressants to be "Largely Ineffective and Potentially Dangerous"

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times 

The first two pharmaceutical antidepressants were clinically introduced in the 1950’s, and the conditions they were supposed to treat would have at that time been found in about 50 to 100 persons per million. Today, some 13% of Americans now take antidepressants daily, even though we don’t yet understand the long-term effects of most psychotropic drugs.

As research develops, however, it is becoming  clear that the truth about antidepressants is far different from the rosy picture painted by pharmaceutical marketers,and biased or corrupt research journals.

In a recent study conducted at Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland, researcher Michael P. Hengartner came to the conclusion that, “antidepressants are largely ineffective and potentially harmful.”

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Harvard Investigation Shows Doctors are Paid Huge Sums to Prescribe Addictive Opioids

Phillip Schneider, Staff Writer
Waking Times

In 2010, it was found that roughly 100,000 Americans die each year from prescription drugs alone. When it comes to opioids, the number of deaths is in the tens of thousands while a quarter of patients who were given a short-term prescription transitioned to long-term use.

Now, according to a recent Harvard University analysis, doctors who prescribe these pain-killers are being paid huge sums of money from their manufacturers.

The research, which was conducted by Harvard scientists and CNN, discovered that in 2014-2015 thousands of doctors were paid over $25,000 from opioid manufacturers and hundreds more were rewarded with six-figure sums. Also, the more opioids that were prescribed, the larger the reward.

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Researcher Discovers a New Non-toxic Approach to Cancer Management

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Dr. Dominic D’Agostino did not set out to find a treatment for cancer. Yet, during his research into the treatment of seizures, he found a possible non-toxic alternative approach to cancer management. D’Agostino discovered that eliminating carbohydrates from the diet could starve cancer cells.

An Unexpected Discovery

Dr. D’Agostino is an Assistant Professor at the University of South Florida College of Medicine, Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology. He was commissioned by the Navy Seals to help solve the problem of unexpected seizures that occur in a high-oxygen and high-pressure environment (ie. such as deep-sea diving).

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Researchers Use Essential Oils to Successfully Treat ADHD Symptoms

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Doctors continue to diagnose increasing number of children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). They most often turn to medication that stimulates the central nervous system (CNS) to treat ADHD symptoms. Yet, ADHD drugs can be quite detrimental to children’s health. Some even call them dangerous. As a result, we very much need alternative treatments. Researchers have shown that essential oils may be one such potential treatment.

ADHD Diagnosis and Medication

Although many people question if ADHD is an actual medical diagnosis, versus just a list of symptoms, the fact remains that many children have difficulty concentrating and controlling their behavior. In response, parents seek help from the medical establishment, which seems to favor CNS stimulants as the primary treatment.

Unfortunately, CNS drugs can have some dangerous side-effects especially in children. Lack of scientific testing to diagnose ADHD also means many doctors may use ADHD as a scapegoat for behavioral issues or environmental conflicts. Thus, some children are taking ADHD medication although they don’t really need it.

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3 Lessons from the Taoist Philosophy of Water

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

“Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.” ~Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee is well-known for his comment about water, which described the essence of his personal journey toward self-actualization. He was not alone in this realization, however, for in the 2600 year-old classic text, The Tao Te Ching, the qualities of water were elucidated in the poetry of Lao-Tzu.

In Tao Te Ching number eight, water, as it relates to our world, is described as such:

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Drug-free Therapy Shows Potential to Heal Trauma, PTSD and Chronic Pain

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Some are calling energy psychology “the most impressive intervention,” with the ability to defuse emotions built up after years of trauma. Also called Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or just tapping, this practice is quickly making its way into the mainstream.

“EFT is on its way to being recognized as the treatment of choice for PTSD – quicker and more effective than anything else, with improvements not typically seen in standard medication or cognitive-behavioral therapy.” ~ Rick Leskowitz, Harvard Medical School psychiatrist director of the Integrative Medicine Project at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, and EFT practitioner (source, including quote excerpt in above paragraph)

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Sugar Recommendations are Based on '60 Years of Industry Manipulation of Science'

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Ahhhh, the sweet sugar industry, willing to fudge any numbers to make suckers out of us. All puns aside, this is exactly what the sugar industry did back in the 1960s. Specifically, the Sugar Research Foundation (SRF) secretly funded research at Harvard to downplay sugar’s possible link to coronary heart disease (CHD). The goal was to shift attention to fats as a greater hazard. In the end, the sugar industry succeeded.

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Have You Seen the Future?

Julian Rose, Contributor
Waking Times

We have all come across claims, past and present, in which someone states that they have ‘seen the future’. Some of these claims make good reading/listening, even if they are predominantly apocalyptic in nature.

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Ancient Cultures Suggest Morning Meditation May Lead to a Deeper Experience

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

According to the beliefs of several ancient cultures, the early morning hours may be ideal for meditation and spiritual reflection. New age and spiritual circles will also claim that if you wake between the hours of 3am and 5am, you may be going through a spiritual awakening.

Although it’s difficult to prove if any of these claims are true, I would like to share some beliefs of the Secoya tribe of Ecuador. This indigenous tribe’s way of life is entwined with its traditions and ceremonies, even today, when most of the world has become Westernized.

Spiritual Hours of Shamanic Healing Ceremonies

The shaman elders of the Secoya conduct powerful healing ceremonies using plant medicines. In their culture, they plan these gatherings during late night hours and early morning. They believe that each night, at around 3am, benevolent spirits descend upon the earth. As well, the spirits of most of the earthly creatures are finally at rest.

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How the Shamanic Medicine Iboga Can Resolve and Heal Childhood Trauma

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

Imagine being able to go back in time to relive those experiences from your childhood which have had the greatest impact on your life. Imagine being able to witness yourself as a child, but from the perspective of yourself today, looking at traumatic events with the understanding and compassion of an adult.

On the cutting edge of human health and mental wellness is the exploration of the effects of childhood trauma on the long-term health of human beings. Dr. Robert Block, former President of the American Academy of pediatrics remarked, “adverse childhood experiences are the single greatest unaddressed public health threat facing our nation today.”


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