Waking Times

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Gardening More Meaningful than Voting in a Rigged Political System

Alex Pietrowski, Staff
Waking Times

The most effective change-makers in our society aren’t waiting around for a new president to make their lives better, they’re planting seeds, quite literally, and through the revolutionary act of gardening, they’re rebuilding their communities while growing their own independence.

Every four years when the big election comes around, millions of people put their passion for creating a better world into an increasingly corrupt and absurd political contest. What if that energy was instead invested in something worthwhile, something that directly and immediately improved life, community, and the world at large?

The simple act of growing our own food directly challenges the control matrix in many authentic ways, which is why some of the most forward-thinking and strongest-willed people are picking up shovels and defiantly starting gardens. It has become much more of a meaningful political statement than supporting political parties and candidates.

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Top 7 Pieces of Modern Day Geopolitical Propaganda - Waking Times

Makia Freeman, Contributor
Waking Times

Modern day propaganda is all around us. However, people have usually become so numb to it that they can no longer perceive it. Many people choose ignorance, complacency or apathy to deal with it. Often you can observe groups developing societal Stockholm Syndrome, where they praise they captors out of a forlorn hope that by doing so that may somehow change things or alleviate the pain.

The control system uses all of its tentacles to keep people conditioned to a more a sheeplike and unconscious state. It is the politician’s job to lie, the MSM (mainstream media’s) job to program you and Big Pharma’s job to keep you sedated with synthetic petrochemical drugs. It is a constant battle to broaden your awareness, uplift your consciousness and expand your perception in the face of these forces which seek to imprison humanity in a limited perception of Who We Are, who’s running the world, how they’re doing it and how we can change it. Propaganda does not just belong to Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia. Modern day propaganda is everywhere; sometimes subtle, sometimes overt, always pervasive.

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Monsanto and Bayer are Maneuvering to Take Over the Cannabis Industry

Phillip Schneider, Staff Writer
Waking Times

It has been rumored for years that Monsanto plans to take over the cannabis industry with genetic engineering just as they’ve taken over the corn and soy industries. Although they have always denied having any intentions to do so, at this point it is unlikely that anybody really believes them. In contrast, many in the cannabis sphere are prepared to resist any kind of GMO takeover of marijuana by Monsanto or any of their cohorts.

Evidence is mounting, though, which points strongly to the notion that Monsanto does indeed plan to take control of the cannabis plant, and it doesn’t look good for medical users, or anyone planning on getting into the industry.

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Proposed Law Threatens Industrial Hemp and Turns CBD Research Over to Big Pharma - Waking Times

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

In May 2017, two U.S. Senators, Feinstein and Grassley, introduced the Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act S.1276, to the Senate. The act suggests that the government allows research on the medical benefits of cannabidiol (CBD) using Schedule II registration.

The Controlled Substances Act current lists cannabis and its CBD chemical components as Schedule I substances. This is the same categorization as cocaine and heroin.

Moving marijuana and CBD off Schedule I seems like a move in the right direction. The main goal of proposed act is to remove unnecessary barriers to studying CBD’s potential benefits and risks. At least, this is the perspective of Senator Thom Tillis, one of the co-sponsors of the bill.

Yet, there is a much bigger impact that this law would have on the industrial hemp industry. Furthermore, it may give Big Pharma more control over the medical marijuana market.

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Prescription Broccoli in a Pill Seen as the Potential Future of Diabetes Treatment

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times

The life-changing disease Type 2 Diabetes is on the rise worldwide, and especially alarming is the fact that rates are on the rise among children and teenagers, potentially condemning them to a lifetime of dependence on pills, shots, blood-sugar testing, and doctor’s visits.

There are many natural alternatives to popular prescription medicines, in fact, many of today’s pharmaceuticals are derived from plants, and now concentrated broccoli is being seen as a potential treatment for diabetes.

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Huachuma - The Visionary Cactus from the Peruvian Andes

Sergey Baranov, Contributor
Waking Times

Huachuama is the original name given to the various mescaline-containing columnar cacti native to the Andes and used traditionally in Peru for millennia for healing and divination.

The cactus thrives at around 3000 meters ( 10,000 feet ) above the sea level and flowers between October and March with beautiful flowers gifting the lucky observer with a gentle scent. Its flower opens for just one day and closing over the next two days. After this the flower gradually dries out and forms a cocoon with new life-seeking seeds. Then it is the turn of the grown cocoon to dry out while releasing the seeds to the will of the wind. Thus the new life is begun.

The most commonly used botanical names are Echinopsis Pachanoi (spineless) and Echinopsis Peruviana (spiteful) but these names, of course, are only a shadow of the real essence of the plant, which is spiritual, not verbal. To realize this, it takes more than knowing the plant’s name. An experience is like a cloud which floats beyond the horizon of botanical study.

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Monsanto's Glyphosate Linked to the Death of Our Oceans and Coral Reefs - Waking Times

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Monsanto’s glyphosate, aka Roundup, is the most heavily used agricultural chemical in history, with some 3.5 billion plus gallons of the herbicide being used in the Unites States alone since its introduction in 1974. Worldwide use of glyphosate is rising fast, in spite of very legitimate concerns that the chemical is causing widespread health problems including liver disease and even cancer in humans.

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An Anthropologist’s Theory on Shamanism and the Origins of Knowledge Completely Rewrites Our Understanding of DNA - Waking Times

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

The shaman’s world is one of allegory, symbolism, metaphor and transcendence into the realms of energy and spirit. Their understanding of the universe and the abundant sentient beings which inhabit it is wildly foreign to the mind of the material scientist. Our best chance, therefore, at bridging the gap between science and spirit may lie in the anthropological study of those tribal cultures whose operating systems permit them to move freely in the metaphysical realms with the assistance of natural hallucinogenic substances.

The shamanic explanation of the origins of life and of the intelligent nature of the plants and animals which inhabit the rainforest are quite unbelievable to most, but a rational approach to understanding their perspective lends extraordinary insight into some of the greatest mysteries of human consciousness.

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Massive Shark Die-Off on California Coast is Alarming Researchers - Waking Times

Vic Bishop, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Mass marine animal die-offs have become regular news in recent years, especially along the western coast of the America’s where it is quite common to hear of pods of whales or other animals mysteriously perishing in great numbers.

Most recently along the coast of California, primarily around the San Francisco Bay area, an alarming number of sharks are dying, and officials are at a loss as to why. For the past three months, thousands of dead leopard sharks have been washing up on shores in the bay, and their decomposing bodies may be making the problem worse.

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Housing Prisoners in California Now More Expensive than Sending Them to Harvard - Waking Times

Anna HuntStaff Writer
Waking Times

The LA Times recently reported that the cost of housing each inmate in the California prison system will cost $75,560 per year. This is 20 percent higher than the cost of attending Harvard College, based on Harvard estimates for room, board and tuition.

Cost of Housing Prisoners Doubled Since 2005

Interestingly, housing prisoners in California is now twice as expensive as it was in 2005. The cost surged in 2015, increasing nearly $10,000 or 13 percent from the prior year. The biggest cost drivers are prison staff salaries. For example, today, the California corrections department employs about one person per two inmates. In 1994, this ratio was one employee to four inmates.

Governor Jerry Brown allocated an $11.4 billion budget towards the California’s corrections department. The budget goes into effect on July 1, 2017. Although the cost of housing prisoners is higher than ever before, experts project 11,500 fewer inmates within four years. Chris Hoene, executive director of the left-leaning California Budget & Policy Center, stated:


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