
He Lives In A Tree, Doesn’t Wear Shoes, And Brushes His Teeth With A Pinecone - True Activist

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A great example of someone who doesn't limit themselves based upon society's standards!

(True Activist) According to polls, the majority of Americans and many other societies are in favor of change. An estimated 20 percent believe the States are on the right track, but when it comes to health care, environmental reform, and economic division, the masses believe change is imperative. But how far are many willing to go in order to live a more sustainable, connected, and happier life?

With the conveniences of today (packaged food, media frenzy, rapid transportation), it is difficult for many to know a life different from that which has been shown to degenerate, numb, and dull the senses. Not often do kids summon creativity to work random objects into play things, for now their noses are pressed against tablets, IPads, and television screens. But things are changing, and the few, but inspirational, examples which shed light on another way of life may cause perceived ‘ideals’ to change.

For Mick Dodge, his dynamic transformation from living what modern society deems ‘appropriate’ came 25 years ago. He decided to ditch his shoes, grow his beard, and leave his family and all rest in modern civilization to live alone in the Pacific Northwest’s Hoh rain forest. But he is not a complete isolationist; he joined a community of mountain dwellers and agreed (with some persistent effort from producers) to be the subject of National Geographic’s series “The Legend of Mick Dodge”.

Sacred Humor: Cultivating a Good Sense of Humor - Fractal Enlightenment

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waldo-finds-himself“Humor must not professedly teach and it must not professedly preach, but it must do both if it would live forever.” – Mark Twain

A good sense of humor transubstantiates the world. It dethrones the emperor in the mind while revealing he’s not even wearing any clothes. By maintaining a healthy sense of humor we avoid the stultifying situation of being in total control of ourselves, and the equally fruitless situation of losing control altogether.

Let us not be serious. Let us simply be sincere. Like Swami Beyondananda said, “It’s time to take humor seriously and seriousness humorously.” A certain infusion of laughter, even in its least popular form, is a prodigious help towards bearing the hardships of life. Self-seriousness gets us nowhere but closer to a denial of reality. Humor, on the other hand, gets us everywhere closer to a self-actualization of reality.

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Live Today - Positive Thoughts

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Focus on writing your own life story, your way.

Remember that every moment counts.  Every second matters.  Honestly, whatever is given is a gift.

So don’t be so satisfied with the success stories of others and how things have gone for them that you forget to write your own.  Unfold your own tale and bring it to life.  You have everything you need to become what you are capable of becoming.  Incredible change happens when you decide to take control.  This means consuming less and creating more.  It means refusing to let others do your thinking, talking, and deciding for you.  It means learning to respect and use your own ideas and instincts to write your passage.

If you want your life story to soar to new heights, you’ve got to clear a path, reduce the time-sinks and burdens weighing you down, and pick up the things that give you wings.  Keep your best wishes and your biggest goals close to your heart and dedicate time to them every day.  If you truly care about what you do and you work diligently at it, there’s almost nothing you can’t accomplish.

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A Tiny Miracle - Cosmicmessages

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A selection from the article, "A Tiny Miracle":

That [snow]flake that I watched, that touched me so deeply, was there for less than a minute and it changed my perspective. That’s all it took to shift me.

It didn’t need years and years. It didn’t need a big, grand entrance. It didn’t need money or flashing lights. It just was there for me to witness and learn from.

Maybe the answers to our questions aren’t supposed to be in letters, psychic readings or in big, obvious tones. Our prayers can be answered by looking at a tiny occurrence from a new perspective.

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One World, Two Views - Knowing Whispers

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The path of true healing is the process of remembering our true identity in consciousness -- not the one mind and ego want you to believe, but the one that is naturally dormant and resting in our feelings.
The mind and ego have created all the pain and agony of our lives by giving us the freedom to live as many false identities as we wish.
Death is a product of the mind and imagination -- it makes us think a great chasm, or abyss, exists at the moment we leave the body, but this is not true. We are simply identifying with our hidden feelings that stretch into eternity.

Our life is a thin thread between identification with the mind and the awareness of being conscious beings.  WE exist in two worlds, but if we only identify with the mind and ego, we are more conscious of the outer one.

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That Awkard Moment… - Cosmicmessages

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We, as a society, have a strange relationship with silence between two individuals. We try and avoid it using, “um’s” and “ah’s”. We try and interrupt it, using coughs and clearing our throats and we try to eliminate it altogether by playing music or having a TV on all the time.

How did we get to this? Why are we so afraid of silence? Why do yoga studios decidedly leave out the meditation portion of the class? The focus is always on the yang, the movement, the sound, the conversation and never on the yin. Yin is listening, contemplative, subtle.

In journalism school we were taught to use silence as a means to get our interviewee to talk more about a subject. We were taught that people naturally are uncomfortable with long pauses and often fill it with unnecessary chatter.

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Daily Message ~ Monday April 7, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics

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When you find yourself in a time that is energetically challenging, we cannot emphasize enough the importance of water. Water is absolutely essential to assist you in shifting with the energies, in the most comfortable way possible. Make sure you hydrate yourself adequately by drinking lots of water. Submersing yourself in water, particularly salt water, is incredibly cleansing and helpful. If you have become dehydrated, you are no longer in resonance with the flow, Dear Ones. The use of water, both inside and out, is such an incredibly simple way to ease the symptoms you feel as your planet, and you, continue to shift and evolve. Think of it as a wonderful elixir that will help you thrive during these changing times. ~Archangel Gabriel

Messages - The Creator Writings

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Messages from The Universe do not always come as great blasts of insight, a fireworks show of understanding or an Earth-shattering movement toward realization. More often than not, the most profound thoughts come to you as a whisper in your ear, the sight of a butterfly weaving its way through a sunlit afternoon or the honey smelling breeze of a spring morning.
If you release the need for everything to be big enough to shake your world to its foundation, you will find that The Universe is constantly, and consistently, speaking to you. Trust that you will remember the language. ~ Creator

Deception - Knowing Whispers

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Anything that is manifested through the mind and imagination is open to deception, which is a counterfeit reality. On the surface, it seems real, but something just does not feel right about it.

Millions are trapped in the imagery of the imagination.  They are led to believe it is the truth in consciousness.  This imagery is an escape from an ego that finds itself bored and trapped in its limited state of consciousness.

The mind, ego and imagination conjure up illusions for escaping the doldrums of day-to-day existence. In time, these illusions are what become beliefs that are accepted within the culture and adopted as reality. They encompass all sorts of religious, philosophical and even psychological observations.

Truth is direct knowledge of the self in awareness, and the fulfillment of existence within us. Imagery within truth is the embodiment of existence and known as the knower.

The truth is our life not revealed. The mind is our hope of what may be true.

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C.J. and Robert


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