Wes Annac

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What Does It Mean to Have a Mission?

Being on a mission means that we have a purpose
for being on this planet. Credit: cccbic.blogspot.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

You hear a lot of talk in our little community about being on a mission, but what exactly does that mean? Do the people who think they’re on a mission live or act differently than those who don’t?

Being on a mission means that we have a purpose for being on this planet, however we each define it, and we build our lives around that purpose in hopes of reaching others who also have something significant to give.

For me, having a mission means that I have work to do, and next to spending time with family, this work is the most important thing to me. Those who are on a mission are usually preoccupied with their work, and they’d rather discuss something that has to do with their mission than the cultural distractions we’ve come to accept as normal.

They hunger for authenticity, and the usual discussions about politics, television and other distractions don’t interest them. They’d rather discuss how we can move the planet forward, so they passionately commit to generating this kind of discussion and they invite others to contribute.

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Higher Consciousness: The Masses Can No Longer Be Fooled

Habits and addictions stem mainly from a loss of connection with one’s higher consciousness, and rekindling one’s authentic spirituality can pave the way for recovery and an enhanced sense of spirituality that gives life a greater purpose and meaning.

If you’re reading this, then you likely consider yourself a spiritual seeker and one of the main reasons people seek spirituality is because they’re searching for the wholeness, fulfillment and satisfaction they can’t seem to find in the external world.

They begin to realize that wholeness and satisfaction will always come from within, and the more you seek spirit, the more your higher consciousness can fill your life with color, vibrancy and the will to contribute to the spiritual revolution that’s being rekindled.

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Synchronicity: A Message from Your Inner Universe

Credit: davidwolfe.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Since today is November 11th (11/11), let’s discuss synchronicity.

I started to notice synchronicities with numbers everywhere shortly after I learned about them, and I think one of their purposes is to confirm that what we’re thinking or doing the moment we receive them is in alignment with our path. If we have a thought regarding our work, our spiritual evolution or anything else important, a set of matching numbers (111, 222, etc.) can appear seemingly out of nowhere to confirm that we’re on the right track.

Of course, synchronicities with numbers aren’t the only kind we can pick up on. Has a strange coincidence ever happened to you out of nowhere that left you wondering if it was driven by an underlying, perhaps universal intelligence?

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How Will You Contribute?

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

However much I’ve written this before, it bears repeating. Everyone is invited to take part in this revolution, and in my opinion, everyone needs to participate if we want to do anything real with it.

Whether you realize it or not, the world needs you to contribute in the ways that only you can. The world needs your unique brand of light, and now’s a better time than ever to show people what you can do.

You can (and should) be a part of this movement, because you have something significant to give. You have the awesome power of love (provided you can tap into it), and this is something to not only celebrate, but use to help the world evolve.

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Spiritual Revolution Is Driven by Love

Credit: pinterest.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Spirituality can be summed up by the understanding that beyond our surface perception exist infinite, blissful dimensions of consciousness to which we’ll return upon physical death, and most people not only use spirituality to try to reconnect with those realms while they’re still alive, but to make life fun and adventurous with assurance that consciousness continues after death.

No matter what we do on earth or how good or bad life is for us, we’ll eventually be away from all of it and back in a blissful place where we know we’re loved and accepted.

While we have a lot to do if we really want to change the world, spiritual evolution doesn’t require us to do anything at all.

It requires the simple recognition that our creator and higher consciousness are constantly with us, and we can call on them for strength and guidance when we struggle. It does require some commitment to the path we plan to walk, but the only real commitment lies in constantly surrendering the ego to that higher part of ourselves that can work through us with ease if we let it.

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Don’t Get Mad; Get Revolutionary

Photo source unknown

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

If you get your news from alternative sources that aren’t afraid to report the truth, you can’t help but get angry sometimes.

I read a recent piece from geoengineering activist Dane Wigington, for example, who shared a U.S. Senate document wherein the government’s involvement with chemtrails and other acts of geoengineering are admitted.

The U.S. and other countries are actively involved in weather modification, and the document proves it while stating that the people responsible don’t have to be held accountable (more info here).

Dane also shared a U.S. Navy training video that’s all about “biological warfare” to further back up the claims that this is all real (check out the video here).

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Psychedelic Enlightenment: 3 Profound Psilocybin Mushroom Experiences – Part 3/3

Credit: rebloggy.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Concluded from Part 2

Our final story is called, “Enter the Lifeforce: Ascent to Enlightenment”, and it comes from Erowid user “Light Warden”

“This one in particular is about my first trip on anything truly psychedelic, which happened to be mushrooms. It happened long ago, so I’ll include as much detail as I can remember…”

“T-0:00 – I ate approximately 1.75 grams in the form of a strange mushroom with three caps and a fat, nasty stem, while my friends B and J each ate around 2.5, as it was also their first time. My friend A ate the whole 3.5, as he’d done it many times before. I was nervous but excited; probably because of this more than anything, I felt alerts within minutes, a crazy lightheadedness that was a precursor of things to come.

“After about fifteen minutes, I got up to go to the bathroom down the hall, and by the time I got back, I felt… different. I most definitely had the ‘tryptamine giggles’, as everything seemed hilarious to me. Going into the experience, I did not know what to expect. I think at the time I thought ‘Well, I’m fucked up now… I expected more, but this is still awesome!’ Little did I know the trip hadn’t even begun yet.

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Psychedelic Enlightenment: 3 Profound Psilocybin Mushroom Experiences – Part 2/3

Credit: wifflegif.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Continued from Part 1

Our next story is called, “The I of the Storm”, and it comes from Erowid user “Keith Fonda”. Note that the author also used cannabis during this experience, which could have enhanced it.

“The long-anticipated day had finally arrived! Myself and my dear friend ‘R’ had been planning this experience for what seemed like forever, and seeing him turn up at the train station finally cemented it in both our minds; we were finally going to have the experience we’d wanted for so long.

“The plan was quite simple really. We intended to head from London down to Bewl Water in Kent, pitch our tent and each eat 15 grams of Atlantis Truffles, aiming to return to London the next evening. Bewl Water is a large man-made reservoir in the south-east of England, although the scenery surrounding the water gives no hint of the fact that it is artificial. When we arrived at the campsite at 7pm we knuckled right down to pitching our dull brown tent from the mid eighties.

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Psychedelic Enlightenment: 3 Profound Psilocybin Mushroom Experiences – Part 1/3

Artist unknown

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Society condemns psychedelic drugs, but some people believe they expand our consciousness and connect us with an omnipotent spiritual power that the majority of the world us unaware of. Some spiritual people condemn them, and whether or not they work for you, we have to learn to respect the unique methods people use to come closer with the spirit.

Some users will tell you all about the positive impact psychedelics had on their life and the personal changes entheogens inspired them to make, and the only way to understand the experience is to have it ourselves.

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Unity: The Conscious Community’s Next Step

Credit: ilovethepromise.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

There are various active conscious groups on the internet, and it doesn’t take much to find one to which you can contribute. No matter what unique beliefs you hold, chances are you can find a group that suits your needs and helps you grow into the socially and spiritually aware activist so many people strive to be.

It’s great that there are so many groups out there with different philosophies, and the only downside is that they remain separate from each other. Their division could be caused by the fact that their beliefs and the things they strive for are so different, but I think the main cause is that they really haven’t tried to connect.

Every group is so secure in what it’s doing that it hasn’t taken the time to branch out and connect with other socially/spiritually aware groups who have different beliefs but strive for change in similar ways, and in my opinion, our next step will be to unite the various groups with respect for our differences and commonalities.

We’re all doing great on our own, but could you imagine how strong we’d be if we brought our groups together? We don’t all have to do or believe the same things to work together with the mutual goal of making the world a better place, and this next step doesn’t just apply to spiritual or ‘conscious’ groups.


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