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Be Like Water: The Need for Adaptive Fluidity

by Zen Gardner

As the proliferation of staged events and the accompanying fear campaigns and predictable clampdowns ensue, it’s always good to take stock of any situation unfolding and assess how best to handle what’s transpiring. With the playing field changing at such a rapid rate, locally as well as globally, it’s wise to see how to perhaps adjust our sights as well as personal attitudes and outlook, all the while staying completely clear of any reaction with even the faintest smell of fear.

Any wise strategist knows you don’t fight today’s battles by yesterday’s instructions. Surely in big ideas there will be overarching plans that too will need to be adjusted accordingly, but the day by day, minute by minute decisions require thinking on your feet and being prepared, vigilant and most of all agile and adaptive are the ever present challenge.

Not just now, but in the potentially confusing days to come.


The nature of water makes the most amazing metaphor for spiritual preparedness and how to adjust and adapt to our environment. Water cannot be compressed or repressed. It changes states, and yes, can be temporarily contained, but even then has incredible kinetic energy despite its confinement and seeming resting state.

It’s energy withheld from potential activation in another form, awaiting movement. But even then it can evaporate into another state and transfer itself on a whim.

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Crossroads, Off-Ramps and the Time of Transition

by Zen Gardner

It’s human nature to look for resting places. Naturally there’s a time to rest in many aspects of life, but when it comes to the pursuit of truth and increased awareness and conscious activation there really is no stopping place.

Awakening has its own form of peace and rest by its very nature as we’re tapping into other wondrous realms of empowerment and inspiration. Nevertheless, like swimming, our challenges to learn and grow are ever present and cannot be ignored without serious consequences.

While there’s a mistaken idea that once awakened, always awakened, and everything is clear sailing from then on, the truth is that awakening is a continual process, one which we’re only just embarking upon.

Choosing a relevant path-1

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This Is Our Realm

by Zen Gardner

This is an important point to remember. This is our current and very real realm of existence on this planet. Our home.  Contrary to what we’re being told, that we’re a curse on this planet, we’re supposed to be here. Many feel helpless, especially in times of confusion and spiritual distress, but they needn’t be. This is rightfully our world to peacefully dwell in, no matter what physical, spiritual or dimensional energies assail us.

This is something to take great comfort in, but it does require awareness and vigilance.

Number one, we need to be as fully awake and aware as possible. This is where true knowledge and education come in. People have usually helplessly relied on religions and belief systems for protection and the forms of so-called redemption they offer up. The giveaway as to the futility of that, unless there is a real faith involved that surpasses the dogma and hierarchy, is the disempowerment it carries for the individual. People cling in desperation to rituals from hail Marys and confessionals to repeated prayers into the unknown for their safety and security in the whirling energetics to which each of us are subjected.

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The Rightful Role of the Truth Warrior

by Zen Gardner

It’s amazing how people have been backed into a corner by this barrage of social programming and outright intimidation. People actually feel apologetic about speaking the truth when it counters the politically correct entrained mass mindset of the world today.

Telling someone the truth is the most loving thing anyone can do. Of course it needs to be done wisely so as not to give a ready excuse for holding on to their illusion. That’s a clever mechanism that needs to be avoided. But there is also a time the truth hurts but still needs to be said. If it hurts, so be it. To withhold the truth from someone who is clearly in need of it is the most unloving and self serving thing any of us can do.

Let the chips fall where they may. Telling the truth is a fundamental form of love.

Taking Authority is Contrarian in a Spineless, Programmed World

I often think about this, the need for all of us who have awakened to take authority in our awareness and live in it fully and boldly. It’s totally contrary to everything we’ve been conditioned with. The collective mind is built on dependence and allegiance to imposed authority. This is nothing less than fear and submission programming.

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Getting a Grip on Letting Go

by Zen Gardner

This might sound contradictory or counter intuitive but it’s not. Many are being faced with serious personal challenges and decisions right now on top of this backdrop of the ongoing global crackdown and diminishing realm of harmony and supply. The building maelstrom around us only picks up speed as we attempt to go about our lives and it is by no means an easy time in which to operate.

I’ve often addressed the issue of personally shifting in a seriously shifting “whirled” on many levels and how at least two very distinct dynamics are at play during this awakening amidst an increasingly contorted and spiritually toxified environment. Changing in a changing world is not a time to simply lay back and take it.  Our participation is clearly implicated and needs to be very awake, aware and conscious.

There are things to hold on to while at the same time adhering to the principle of letting go. This can only be approached from a conscious perspective but approach it we must.

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The Charm of Impossibilities: Why Music is Magic

by Kit Walker
Contributor, ZenGardner.com

Through the Looking Glass

Why is music so magic? Why is it that almost everyone likes music in one form or another? Is there something intrinsic to music itself that goes beyond any style, genre, or quality level that makes it so intriguing to us? Somehow it transports us to another place. It is as if it takes us through the looking glass.

The Magical Mirror of Music

The world we live in is backwards. War is peace, wrong is right, life is death. More than ever, it seems, the hideous is glorified, and the beautiful is trampled in the mud. It is as if we are living as a reflection in a mirror, where everything is backwards. Perhaps this is more true than we might imagine.

Nowadays, most everything we’d like to see happen seems more and more impossible. Like peace, prosperity, health, love, harmony, thriving, sharing, caring.

Perhaps music, of all things, can be most effective in helping us correct the situation. Perhaps there is a charm in the impossibility of everything, a magic solution.

Zero Point is the Mirror

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Waking Up is Hard to Do


By Cognitive Dissonance

Do you remember when you first woke up, that point when it all became frighteningly clear to you? I certainly don’t, and if rigorous honesty is employed I doubt you do as well.

I make this statement with a high degree of certainty based not just upon my own personal experience, but from countless conversations over the years. Stated simply, ‘waking up’ is not an on/off switched event, but rather a process of slowly clearing away the fog of self deception and comforting illusion. Just as we do not instantly wake from our overnight slumber fully aware and properly functioning, so too do we fail to shake off decades of deep social conditioning and propaganda in an instant.

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So You’ve Woken Up…Now What?

by Zen Gardner

Many people ask about this or something similar so here’s some thoughts on the subject. I don’t mean to tell anyone what to do, as that’s completely contrary to consciousness and conscious development, but I will share my understandings at this point and my passion for Truth and you can do what you like with it.

“What do you say to people who have woken up but can’t leave the system because of family and friends?”
This and those like it pose a very broad question since we’re all different and need to be led of our own convictions. However, the answer is fundamentally similar in every case.

Do what consciousness tells you.

There’s really no time for fiddling around once you’ve found what you know to be the Truth, which is always something clearly outside the realm of what you’ve been indoctrinated with. It’s always life altering. And if it isn’t, you didn’t hear correctly or it fell on deaf ears.

I don’t want to be counted amongst the deaf or unresponsive. Do you?

Especially when you found out that that’s exactly what perpetrates the big lie you found out about–a compliant, non-awake populace.

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The Biggest Conspiracy Of All

by Max Igan

When people look at the world today, it can sometimes just be downright depressing. There’s just no other word for it. And isn’t it interesting how rapidly the world has changed and become this way over the last few years? It really has happened quite quickly. One minute we were free and most were looking forward to a bright future, then, somehow we found ourselves in the world of today where our governments are completely out of control, our police have been militarized, Europe is falling apart, and everyone has for the most part, been duped by mainstream propaganda into spending most of their time looking over their shoulder wondering if the guy next to them on the bus is a ‘terrorist’. Of course in among these questioning masses are those awakened and newly awakening individuals who know perfectly well who the real terrorists are, namely government, and who can see through the facade of the currently predominant fear campaign. Yet even most awakened people still remain perplexed and frustrated in their efforts to finding any remedy to this situation.

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Shifting Language and the Information Shuffle

by Zen Gardner

So much can be told by language shifts. Both what’s being used more frequently in general as well as substantial new additions, and deletions, to the lexicon. This goes two ways. The controllers keep shifting their language and euphemisms to blanket their intentions, while the awakening community grabs hold of and proliferates empowering and revealing words and concepts that grow in usage at an astounding and truly inspiring rate.

This is a powerful manifestation of the awakening.

Just look how easily and readily words like Zionism, the matrix, the Illuminati, social engineering, transhumanism, freemasonry, psychopathy, cognitive dissonance, geoengineering, false flags and big brother surveillance are being used now. These were considered side line or taboo issues discussed by whack jobs not long ago. Now? They’re mainstays of conversation that bleed more and more into the mainstream dialogue.

That speaks volumes as to the effect the onslaught of true information is having. And something to be very encouraged and inspired about.



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