“Ready steady slow”: time slows down when we prepare to move

Rain's picture

Discover Magazine - Ed Yong, 9/4/12

A baseball speeds from the hands of a pitcher, a slave to Newton’s laws. But in the brain of the batter who is watching it, something odd happens. Time seems to dawdle. The ball moves in slow motion, and becomes clearer. Players of baseball, tennis and other ball sports have described this dilation of time. But why does it happen? Does the brain merely remember time passing more slowly after the fact? Or do experienced players develop Matrix-style abilities, where time genuinely seems to move more slowly?

According to five experiments from Nobuhiro Hagura at University College London, it’s the latter. When we prepare to make a movement – say, the swing of a bat – our ability to process visual information speeds up. The result: the world seems to move slower.

More: Discover Magazine



that is how tai chi masters

Legalize Freedom's picture

that is how tai chi masters can do amazing miracles that defy our conception of physicsas 


well as why that one baseball player threw a no hitter while on LSD, i don't remember his name because sports are obscure to me.