11-9-12 Bill Ballard 11-11-12 Dreaming New Earth & 11-22-12 11th & Final 11-11 Gate Activation

Lia's picture

11-11-12 & then 11-22-12 & the 11th 11:11 Gate Activation are now upon us. I am so grateful for all who have particiapted raising the frequencies of Mother Earth and the collective of humanity for all this time so we could experience duality. The 11th Gate Activation which Solara has called to be on 11-22-12 brings us back from DUALITY into the ONENESS we Truly ARE! On 11-11 we dream our wildest dreams for that return into ONENESS! 11-22-12 ceremonies invokes the return to ONENESS! Its been a LONG ROAD peeps! Thanks to all who have participated! LOVE! http://www.nvisible.com/ http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/cobraeleventh-gate-1111-act... https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.288789591838.143160.560631838&t...