13:20 Calendar, (12.15.12): DAY 3 of the the HARMONIC CONVERGENCE OF 2012!

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13:20 Calendar, (12.15.12): DAY 3 of the the HARMONIC CONVERGENCE OF 2012!


SONG: “ԼƠƔЄ Signal 528 Hz (extended mix ) Theta binaural beats” by JezebelDecibel·: http://youtu.be/H3FXUUjpEFQ


“Come On, People! Raise the Vibration!”

♥ 11:11 MAKA WICAHPI WICOHAN (Word of Love, The Way of the EarthStar, Universal & Spiritual Laws of Creator):
DAY: UNITY DAY, with the ANTAKARANA, HEART, Great Mystery, Saturn, Owl Day, Green Heart Star, Essence of Unity, Code for the Day: http://tiny.cc/kvidpw
“That through the ANTAKARANA, this Star Altar of Creator’s Heart, dost now send forth the PRIMAL PULSE to recreate through Grandfather Time, Grandmother Love.”

★ 12:12 UNCI IKTOMI WICAHPI WICOHAN (Word of Alignment, The Way of the StarSpider, Universal & Spiritual Laws of Universal Mother):
CEREMONY: REMEMBRANCE, Universal Ocean of Reality. Manifest Realm: ESSENCE with URSA MAJOR with Walking Bear, MATO MANI, Big Sar Bear, Ursa Major, MATO WICAHPI TANKA, and Grandmother StarSpider, UNCI IKTOMI WICAHPI

☮13:13: CAN WAKAN WICHON (Word of Peace, The Way of the Sacred Tree, Universal and Spiritual Laws of Creation, The Inner Akasha):
SHIR, SPIRITUAL WAY of LIGHTFORCE, 12th Dimension Yang, Regency Council of 12 with Lightning, WAZI, the PHOTON CONFEDERACY, and ESSENCE, PRESENCE, Star DNA Activation = Medulla, Star Path = Sacred Bear Nation

MOON: CANTE WASTE HANHEPI WI, Good Heart Moon, Center, Door of Creator, in the UNIVERSAL LAW OF UNITY with the ANTAKARANA “The Web of Life, Tree of Life, The Mother’s Heart, The Center Pole Love, Antakarana binds Central Sun to Mother Earth’s glowing Heart.” 13th Dimension, Green

STARGATE: THE GOOD HEART “Reach Tops of Tree, 13th Moon and 13th Gate: Set yourself free: Non-judgment, Non-attachment, Clarity--live Ascension’s Web.”
-www.star-knowledge.net & www.starelders.net

3nd DAY OF THE HARMONIC CONVERGENCE OF 2012, Kin 201, RED RHYTHMIC DRAGON, Nurtures Birth, Self-Guided, Red Rhythmic Dragon Moon, (This Entire Moon Cycle is the “Moon Out of Time”), Gamma 3. “Confusion is an illusory, mind-created dilemma meant to be overcome and evolved out of.”

“I organize in order to nuture
Balancing being
I seal the input of birth
With the rhythmic tone of equality
I am guided by my own power doubled”

-www.lawoftime.org, www.13moon.com, www.timewaves.org, www.spacestationplaza.com, www.planetartnetwork.info

IX, Jaguar, Death, North, Tied to the Source of All Earth Energy, Feminine, Capable of Healing, Ruling Spirit of Jungles, Plains, and Mountains, Extreme Intelligence also Paired with Clairvoyance, Tone 11 with XIUHTECUHTLI, God of Fire and Time

DAY UNTIL SUNSET: KIAUITL, Rain, Our Teardrops, It is Peaceful yet Furious at the Same Time, Sensitivity, the Concept of TLAOK - Tlal =earth, Ok = drink = what the Earth Drinks to Give Us Life. Companion with TONATIU, TONALTEOTL, The Sun, the Principle Generating Element on Earth, He who has the Heat and Energy and Gives Us Light and Warmth, Like a Good Father.

DAY AFTER SUNSET: XOCHITL: Flower, Our Completion, Maturity, Artistic & Spiritual Creativity, Ready to Produce Fruit and Seed. Companion with XOCHIKETZALLI: The Precious Flower. This is the Practical and Scientific Knowledge, and All That Is Accomplished by Love, Beauty, and Positive Endurance. Produces Poetic Word, the Flowery Songs, and the Actions of Flourishing Thoughts.

PERIOD: KECHOLLI, Arrival of the Birds with Beautiful Feathers, Time of MIXKOATL,
the Hunter

www.aztekayolokalli.com, Mazatzin Aztekayolokalli http://on.fb.me/A3Rd10, & kozkakuautli@gmail.com

Star Knowledge Conference/Galactic Free Press

