13:20: Looks Like Mama's Here!

hollyirenecardoza's picture

Earthstar Peace Calendar: SPIRITUAL LAW OF KARMA with HOLY BOY--Invokes Cycle of Cause and Effect, Opens Doorway to Transcend and Transmute Karma, The Mirror of Self/UNIVERSAL OCEAN OF REALITY, Manifest Realm: Essence, Ursa Major/VEH, Spiritual Way of Consciousness, Plane of God Attunement, Orion 

Dreamspell: Kin 81, RED ELECTRIC DRAGON, (Serpent-Guided), Nurtures Birth, Overtone 16, Seli

Tzolkin: BEN, Reed/Cane/Staff, East, Spiritual Essence and Guiding Light of Family and Home, Wields Great Authority and Respect, Tone 7

Tonalmatl: KUETZPALLI, Lizard, Our Maternal Womb, Mother Earth, Fertility, Nurturing, Regeneration/KECHOLLI, Arrival of The Birds with Beautiful Feathers, Time of MIXKOATL, the Hunter/AKATL, Reed

Sa-Weet! Looks Like Mama's Here!!!!!

Image: Earth Mother in Red by Jyoti Sahi
