15 Toxic Beliefs You Need to Let Go

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There are so many limiting and toxic beliefs we hold on to, beliefs that keep us from living the happy, joyful and meaningful life we all deserve to live. And by giving up on them, by  letting go of all the extra baggage that is weighting us down, we allow ourselves to be happy. And we give life permission to shower us with the many wonderful and precious gifts it has to offer.  So without further ado, I say, give up and be happy. Let’s begin :)

1. I am not enough

Give up this limiting and toxic belief of you not being enough – “good enough”, “smart enough”, “rich enough:, “beautiful enough”, etc.. Remind yourself as often as possible that who you are is more than enough.

Place your hands over your heart, take a few cleansing breaths and repeat these words to yourself: “Who I am is enough. Who I am is more than enough. Not because of how my life looks externally, but because of who I truly am internally.”
